
The war escalated, Israel stormed Gaza, and the U.S. military sent troops into the war? At a critical juncture, China intervened in a timely manner

author:The ocean is foreign

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With the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the situation of all parties is complicated, and there are even rumors that the US military is suspected of participating in military operations. This situation needs to be handled carefully, and China's involvement has become crucial.

The war escalated, Israel stormed Gaza, and the U.S. military sent troops into the war? At a critical juncture, China intervened in a timely manner

First of all, regarding the involvement of the US military, although there are reports that about 5,000 US soldiers were involved in Israeli ground operations, the veracity of this information has yet to be confirmed. This view has already been refuted by the US Special Operations Command. However, the involvement of the US side in the current round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict cannot be denied, and this is also an unavoidable fact for Washington. Judging by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's contacts with the White House, as well as the actions of the US military in sending an aircraft carrier battle group, it is clear that the United States supports Israel to a certain extent. This involvement is not only worrying, but also makes the situation more tense.

The war escalated, Israel stormed Gaza, and the U.S. military sent troops into the war? At a critical juncture, China intervened in a timely manner

Second, China's action at this critical moment is quite timely and sends a strong signal of peace. The emergency meeting of the United Nations adopted a resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, calling on both sides to immediately cease the fighting and reduce civilian casualties. However, the implementation of the resolution still faces difficulties, so China's active participation has become key.

The war escalated, Israel stormed Gaza, and the U.S. military sent troops into the war? At a critical juncture, China intervened in a timely manner

The holding of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum also provided a platform for the two sides to resolve the issue peacefully. Although a meeting and a forum are not enough to resolve all conflicts, the forum provides an opportunity for both sides to sit down and communicate with each other and try to reach consensus. Such efforts are an important part of the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The war escalated, Israel stormed Gaza, and the U.S. military sent troops into the war? At a critical juncture, China intervened in a timely manner

In the current situation, China's appeal is particularly important. China urges both sides to immediately cease fire, reduce civilian casualties and avoid a large-scale humanitarian catastrophe. At the same time, the implementation of the relevant resolutions adopted by the United Nations is essential to avoid further escalation of conflicts and the outbreak of larger wars.

China is willing to work with the international community to bring about a ceasefire between the two sides and implement the two-state solution, with a view to resolving the Palestinian question at its roots. At this critical juncture, the call for peace is even more precious, and we look forward to the joint efforts of all parties to make positive contributions to regional peace and stability.

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