
Huang Yiqing broke the black material of Ma Su again, and the financial owner behind him was exposed, and he deserved to be the "female artillery king" in the circle

author:Haitao Technology Technical Information Service

Ma Su was exposed to black material again, which caused widespread attention and controversy. Huang Yiqing broke the news again, revealing the financier behind Ma Su, and called her the "female artillery king" in the circle.

Huang Yiqing broke the black material of Ma Su again, and the financial owner behind him was exposed, and he deserved to be the "female artillery king" in the circle

Ma Su is famous for helping the bigwigs in the circle "pimp", and is nicknamed "Lao Bustard" by netizens. She has had ambiguous relationships with many bigwigs, and even became the pioneer of "crew couples". She made a public offer of 300,000 yuan a night for a vacation with a number of wealthy steamers. In the face of controversy, she is always full of lies and is unwilling to repent until she is slapped in the face.

Huang Yiqing broke the black material of Ma Su again, and the financial owner behind him was exposed, and he deserved to be the "female artillery king" in the circle

Ma Su, who was once known as the "Three Movie Queens", now finds that he has no drama to film. Her career has plummeted from the peak, which makes people have to think, is Ma Su self-inflicted or used by others?

Huang Yiqing broke the black material of Ma Su again, and the financial owner behind him was exposed, and he deserved to be the "female artillery king" in the circle

Masu's life journey has not been smooth. Born in an ordinary working family, she entered the Dance Department of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts through perseverance and hard work. However, after graduating, she lost her job and her life was in trouble. She has tried to enter the Beijing Film Academy many times, but has repeatedly hit a wall. Eventually, she enrolled in the academy by studying at her own expense. However, her career did not go as smoothly as she expected.

Huang Yiqing broke the black material of Ma Su again, and the financial owner behind him was exposed, and he deserved to be the "female artillery king" in the circle

Ma Su's love life is equally bumpy. She has dated boyfriends such as Fan Jintao and Kong Linghui, but they all ended in breakups. Her love life has attracted much attention from public opinion, and her behavior has also caused a lot of controversy. However, whether it is a career or a relationship, Ma Su seems to be in a situation of being used.

Huang Yiqing broke the black material of Ma Su again, and the financial owner behind him was exposed, and he deserved to be the "female artillery king" in the circle

Huang Yiqing's revelations once again made people question Ma Su's true face. Her professional and personal life is full of untold stories. Her choices and actions have plunged her into a vortex of controversy. However, we cannot deny her achievements and efforts. Masu's story is a cautionary tale to stay sober and not be blinded by profit in our pursuit of success.

Huang Yiqing broke the black material of Ma Su again, and the financial owner behind him was exposed, and he deserved to be the "female artillery king" in the circle

Ma Su's experience tells us that success is not the only criterion, we must stick to our bottom line and principles. No matter what the outside world says, we should prove our worth with our actions. Ma Su's story also makes us understand that fame and fortune are not the whole of life, and that true success lies in sticking to one's dreams and pursuing inner peace and joy.

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