
Wang Zengqi "Renhui"

author:Qi Lu Qingwei is gone

Renhui is the head nun of Guanyin Nunnery. Kannon-an is a small temple. Nunnery is small. When the nunnery was first built, my grandmother donated a sum of money, and this nunnery is a bit like our family's family nunnery. I'm still the named apprentice of this nunnery. When I was a child, I was a "habitual baby", and my mother hoped that I would live a long life, and sent my name in several monk temples, Taoist temples, and nunnery. These abbots, old Taoists, and abbots in temples, temples, and nunnery have become my godfathers. I can't remember her Dharma name as my godfather of Guanyin Nunnery, my grandmother called her Second Master, and I also called her Second Master. The nun called her "Second Master". The nun is a woman, how can she be someone's "godfather"? Why do nuns call each other "master"? I think it's strange. It's as if a woman leaves the house, and her gender changes.

The second master is a chubby middle-aged nun with a slightly yellow complexion, and she is a very loyal person, who only concentrates on chanting Buddha one day, and does not care much about the affairs in the nunnery. In the past few years that she has been in charge, the Buddhist affairs in the nunnery have been scarce, the incense has been cold, the house has leaked rain, and the yard is full of wild grass, which is a scene of decay. The nuns in the nunnery called her "two useless" behind her back.

The second useless also knew that he was useless, so he retreated and let Renhui take charge.

Renhui is a capable person.

The second master did not leave the gate, and Renhui was very diligent in moving around the donor's house. Whose old lady's birthday, she is going to pay homage to her birthday. Whose little master is full moon, she goes to send the longevity lock. Every year, she would bring a little nun, carry a food box, and use a small magnetic jar to fill the four-colored pickles with my grandmother. The same is true for other donors. The pickles of Kannon Nunnery are very delicious, they are pickled after the wind, and they are not bitter and salty, but have a sweet taste. The grandmother took the pickles and said, "Tell you to bother." Then he took ten dollars and put it in the food box. Renhui repeatedly excused herself, and her grandmother said, "Even if it's this year's lamp oil money." "

By the end of the year, Renhui could always exchange pickles for 100 yuan.

She had a bricklayer check for the leak and a carpenter to repair the window. The dusty fan paper on the window mast was all torn off and replaced with a new one. And he opened all the lights in the hermitage, and said, "Why is it so dark?" "All the weeds in the yard were hoeed, and four large vats of lotus flowers were raised. Two magnolia trees are planted in front of the main hall. She said: "When the donor goes to the nunnery and temple, it is quiet, desolate and desolate, and there is not even a place to sit, who is willing to come to burn incense and worship the Buddha?"

My grandmother would visit Kannon-an every once in a while, and her birthday was spent at Kannon-an. Every time, I accompanied her.

My grandmother and the second master were talking in her meditation room, and Renhui was fasting, and I was going around. I like to go to Renhui's room to play, flip through her scriptures, touch the bronze Buddha of Wusizang, pinch her Buddhist beads, take off the ponytail and dust and wave it twice. I loved the smell in her room. It's not sandalwood, it's not flowers, I'm finally sure it's the scent of Renhui's flesh. I asked Renhui, "Were you born with a faint fragrance?" Renhui tapped my forehead with her finger and said, "You're bad! "

On my grandmother's birthday, I always had a vegetarian meal at Kannon Temple. The best vegetarian dish is mushroom dumplings. mushroom (i.e. mushroom) soup; Shepherd's cabbage and fragrant dried powder are used as filling, wrapped into thin-skinned dumplings, and fried to crisp. Pour into the boiling mushroom soup, snort, scoop with a spoon, and the fragrance is incomparably beautiful.

Renhui raised a lot of money and repaired and painted the main hall. It was refreshed and reloaded with gold for the three Buddhas. On the opposite side of the main hall was built a high hall. When the main hall is completed and the Bodhisattva is "consecrated", sponsors are invited to participate in the ceremony. On this day, the weather of Guanyin Nunnery is solemn, the incense smoke is swirling, the flowers and trees are burning, and the Buddha is shining brightly. The donors all came in makeup, and their long skirts dragged to the ground. After praising and worshipping the Buddha, four tables of vegetarian feasts were set up in the hall. Vegetarian chicken, vegetarian duck, vegetarian fish, vegetarian ham... What makes these donors who eat Changzhai the most unforgettable is the mushroom dumplings. After they had eaten, they called Renhui and asked, "How is this done?" Why is it so fresh? Didn't you put shrimp roe? Renhui hurriedly replied: "No, no, how can you put shrimp roe?" It's mushrooms! - Soup of soybean sprouts. "

Kannon's vegetarian food became famous.

So someone came to Renhui to discuss and asked her to set up a few tables of vegetarian seats. Renhui said yes. However, reservations must be made at least two days in advance. Because the bamboo sunflower, magnolia slices, and monkey head must be issued in advance. There are female donors and male laymen. You can also use alcohol, but only light sake such as papaya sake and sake, and shochu is not prepared.

The second master was very unimpressed by Renhui's approach, and said, "What is this called? Kannon-an is a quiet Buddha land, and now it is a vegetarian restaurant! But the nuns supported her. If there are more people who go to fasting, the more incense money they will earn, and everyone will be able to benefit from it. The incense money in the cash cabinet of the "happy help" in front of the Buddha is paid once a month, and Renhui is distributed to everyone in proportion. At least, they can eat something delicious on fasting days, not boiling tofu in plain water every day.

What made the second master especially intolerant was that Renhui learned to set off a flame. The flame vent was originally a monk's business, and there was never a nun who put a flame vent. Renhui thought. What is the meaning of always knocking on the wooden fish and reciting those scriptures one day? Why can't nuns put off flames? Which precept has such a precept? She wants to learn. Zenin Temple often does water and land dojos, and she went to see it a few times, and she can generally remember it. She went to consult Tiehashi, the abbot of Zeninji Temple. This Tieqiao is a merry monk, and when he heard that a nun wanted to learn how to use flames, he was very surprised, so he taught her word by word. She knew all about the scriptures, singing, and ritual notes, so she found a few smart nuns in the nunnery and young nuns in other nunnery who did not keep their duties very well, and learned to set off flames. At first, it was just a practice in the main hall, and tables and stools were set up on the main hall to chant. Ahem, it's like that. Nuns set off flames, this is a new thing. So it attracted some good men and women and prodigal children to visit. Don't say it, the voices of these dozen nuns are really sweet and crisp, much better than the monk's leper cat voice. Renhui is seated, wearing a gold-blue and red robe, wearing an eight-petal lotus Pilu hat, and two apricot yellow streamers on both sides, which is very beautiful! So gradually some people asked Renhui and a group of nuns to go to the flame outlet, and no one talked about it anymore.

Kannon-nunnery is thriving and vibrant.


Taxi reform.

The land reform team confiscated the land and requisitioned the houses of the temple.

Most of the nuns in Guanyin Nunnery have returned to the vulgar, and some have married.

Some nuns persuaded Renhui to return to the vulgar.

"Vulgar? Marry?"

Renhui shook her head.

She left her local area and traveled far and wide, her whereabouts uncertain. Live in West Lake for a few days, Deng Wei for a few days, Emei for a few days, and Jiuhua Mountain for a few days.

There are many rumors about Renhui. said that a clay figure in Huishan, Wuxi, secretly pinched a statue of Renhui and put it in a glass case, one foot high, and it was naked. said that Renhui had a lover and had an illegitimate child...

Some rumors were also heard by Renhui and laughed off.

Renhui later opened a vegetable restaurant in Gushan, Beigushan, Zhenjiang, selling vegetarian dishes, somen noodles, and vegetarian buns, and the business was very good. The famous dish of Caigenxiang is mushroom dumplings.

Caigenxiang stood firm, Renhui handed it over to someone else to manage, and she went to travel all over the world again. Live in West Lake for a few days, Deng Wei for a few days, Emei for a few days, and Jiuhua Mountain for a few days.

Renhui is sixty years away, and looks like forty people.