
"Wuha" has a lot of joy in the Northeast, but the appearance of the walking group has caused controversy

author:Love to eat dragon fruit 33

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Introduction: The fiery combination of the variety show "Wuha" and the Northeast region was supposed to set off a vigorous trend. But because of the rampaging group activities in the show, it caused public anger, which is regrettable. This discordant element disrupts the otherwise relaxed and happy atmosphere. Next, we'll explore the performance of the mob and why it has sparked such a strong discontent.

03 Perhaps this is not the first time that the mob has attracted public outrage. Not long ago, there was a news in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, a man hurriedly returned home to visit because the elderly at home were critically ill, but was stopped on the road by a group of elderly people. Despite his repeated pleas to give way to the Troopers, the members insisted that he wait for them to pass before they could pass. This incident exposed the hard-line attitude of the members of the riot group, who were used in inappropriate occasions when there were many people and great power.

"Wuha" has a lot of joy in the Northeast, but the appearance of the walking group has caused controversy

02 The sudden change in the style of painting occurred in Anshan in the third episode, when the members of Wuha were woken up by the Sunshine Gymnastics Walking Team at five o'clock in the morning and set off with loudspeakers in a lively manner. At first glance, it may seem harmless, and people may think that the format is good for the body and fun to interact with. However, through the comments of netizens, I learned that this kind of rampaging group is more disturbing than the previous square dance aunt group. First of all, the so-called walking group activities are set in the early hours of the morning, and they are very disturbing when passing through residential areas. Second, the scale of the group has become larger, and the scope of activities has expanded to park roads and public roads, which has had a serious impact on traffic, and the elderly and children have to give way. This nasty way of gathering is clearly a serious disruption to the normal life of the local population. Netizens are worried that the publicity in the show will promote this bad atmosphere and bring more trouble to people.

"Wuha" has a lot of joy in the Northeast, but the appearance of the walking group has caused controversy

01 Originally, the topic of the third season of "Wuha" was set in the Northeast, hoping to achieve higher ratings with the help of the characteristics and comedic effects of this region. The broadcast of the first two episodes seems to confirm this expectation, and the journey from Heilongjiang to Shenyang is full of laughter and emotion. Wang Mian's mother's warm hospitality and delicious Northeast meals made the audience feel as close as family. The guests and fishermen made holes in the ice overnight, and witnessed the appearance of 50,000 catties of fish in the morning, showing the gift of nature. This plot conveys the warmth and hospitality of the people of Northeast China, as well as the nurturing grace of the sea. In the bathhouse in Shenyang, the water transmission link is hilarious, and the bathhouse culture shows the enthusiasm and cheerfulness of the Northeast people.

"Wuha" has a lot of joy in the Northeast, but the appearance of the walking group has caused controversy

Through such rearrangement and reorganization, we can see more clearly the problems caused by the activities of the riot group in the program "Wuha", as well as the dissatisfaction of the audience and netizens. At the same time, it also shows the rich customs and cultural characteristics of the Tohoku region, and in order to maintain the good image of this region, it is necessary to be cautious about the bad behavior promoted in entertainment programs. The controversy caused by the behavior of the riot group should also lead us to think deeply about social and public order.


This article mentions that the third season of the variety show "Wuha" had a problem with the rampaging group during the filming in the Northeast, and the behavior of the rampaging group caused public outrage. This situation reminds us of some important truths and implications:

"Wuha" has a lot of joy in the Northeast, but the appearance of the walking group has caused controversy

First and foremost, it is important to respect the lives and rights of others. The actions of the rioters disrupted the normal life of local residents, and even affected traffic and community tranquility. This suggests that the interests of others and the quality of life must be considered when pursuing personal interests and entertainment.

Second, cultural localization is key. When introducing foreign cultures and activities, they need to be adapted and improved according to local conditions. The localization of the movement in China does not seem to have been well adapted to the needs of the local society, so there are problems. We should be more cautious when introducing an exotic culture to ensure that it is in harmony with the local culture and values.

In addition, the guiding role of society and the media is very important. Variety shows can influence the values and behaviors of viewers to some extent, so producers need to carefully consider the content of the show to ensure that it does not contribute to bad habits or cause social problems.

"Wuha" has a lot of joy in the Northeast, but the appearance of the walking group has caused controversy

Finally, society needs to be actively involved and monitored. In this case, the reaction of netizens played a positive role in bringing the issue to light and attracting attention. The supervision and voice of public opinion is the key to promoting the solution of problems.


The third season of the variety show "Wuha" had the problem of the rampaging group during the filming in the Northeast, and the behavior of the rampaging group caused public outrage. This incident provides some important implications.

First and foremost, it is essential to respect the lives and rights of others. In pursuing personal interests and entertainment, we must consider the interests of others and the quality of life. It is unacceptable that the actions of the rioters disrupt the normal life of the local population.

Second, cultural localization is crucial. When introducing foreign cultures and activities, they must be adapted and improved according to local conditions. The localization of the movement in China does not seem to have been well adapted to the needs of the local society, so there are problems. We should be more cautious when introducing an exotic culture to ensure that it is in harmony with the local culture and values.

In addition, the guiding role of society and the media is very important. Variety shows can influence the values and behaviors of viewers to some extent, so producers need to carefully consider the content of the show to ensure that it does not contribute to bad habits or cause social problems.

Finally, society needs to be actively involved and monitored. In this case, the reaction of netizens played a positive role in bringing the issue to light and attracting attention. The supervision and voice of public opinion is the key to promoting the solution of problems. We should encourage the public to participate and express their concerns in order to promote the proper resolution of social problems.

The above content information is from the Internet, relevant data, and theoretical research on the Internet information, which does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility for any of the above or related issues.