
Xu Jiayin is the Emperor of Evergrande, who is too addicted to officials, money and sex, and wants the golden cicada to get out of the shell and play to death

author:Zhu Bajie chatted about gossip

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Xu Jiayin is the Emperor of Evergrande, who is too addicted to officials, money and sex, and wants the golden cicada to get out of the shell and play to death

Title: Xu Jiayin Behind the Collapse of Evergrande: A Game of Official Addiction, Money Addiction and Sex Addiction

Xu Jiayin is the Emperor of Evergrande, who is too addicted to officials, money and sex, and wants the golden cicada to get out of the shell and play to death

Content: On the stage of China's real estate industry, Xu Jiayin has always been known for his iron-fisted management and strong strength. He led Evergrande Group to become the largest real estate developer in China, and with its strong capital strength and unique business vision, it successfully built Evergrande into an empire. However, the news of Evergrande's collapse brought a huge shock to people.

Xu Jiayin is the Emperor of Evergrande, who is too addicted to officials, money and sex, and wants the golden cicada to get out of the shell and play to death

Xu Jiayin's greed and desire for power undoubtedly became the fuse for Evergrande's collapse. He was immersed in the sweetness of power, from Evergrande's business publicity to frequent political activities, Xu Jiayin began to gradually become too addicted to officialdom. He treats his position as a toy, wielding it at will, and will do whatever it takes to gain fame and fortune. However, this official addiction eventually further exacerbated Evergrande's risk exposure, leading to the collapse of the market.

Xu Jiayin is the Emperor of Evergrande, who is too addicted to officials, money and sex, and wants the golden cicada to get out of the shell and play to death

In addition to official addiction, Xu Jiayin is also addicted to the temptation of money. He continued to expand Evergrande's industrial territory, acquiring one company after another, expanding his personal wealth, but also increasing Evergrande's debt and pressure. In the capital market, Xu Jiayin is known for his sword-defying financial means, often using financial leverage to obtain more profits. However, these means are only temporary prosperity and false affluence, which cannot withstand the test of time after all, and Evergrande is on the verge of collapse.

Xu Jiayin is the Emperor of Evergrande, who is too addicted to officials, money and sex, and wants the golden cicada to get out of the shell and play to death

And color addiction is a secret side of Xu Jiayin, and it is also one of the important reasons for the collapse of Evergrande. According to rumors, Xu Jiayin liked a luxurious lifestyle, wandered among the clouds, and pursued his lust by any means necessary. His indiscretion and unrestrained behavior have brought huge reputational damage and danger to Evergrande. He used the company as his personal playground and abused his power to let everyone see the vanity and greed in his heart.

Xu Jiayin is the Emperor of Evergrande, who is too addicted to officials, money and sex, and wants the golden cicada to get out of the shell and play to death

Whether it is official addiction, money addiction or sex addiction, these negative traits eventually became the cause of Evergrande's collapse, and also revealed Xu Jiayin's personal weaknesses and fraud. After Evergrande Group fell into trouble, he had to face his various mistakes and shirk responsibility.

However, this is not an end, but a beginning. The collapse of Evergrande will lead to in-depth discussions and reflections on corporate governance issues, risks to the capital market, and the future of the country's real estate market. Xu Jiayin will also be pushed to the forefront and questioned and criticized by public opinion. What exactly happens at the end of this story remains to be seen.

Ending: Xu Jiayin behind the collapse of Evergrande, the game of official addiction, money addiction and sex addiction has aroused widespread discussion and attention in the society. The collapse of his empire reminds people of the responsibilities and responsibilities of entrepreneurs, and also reflects the institutional problems of China's real estate industry. This event will surely serve as a driving force for future reforms to achieve healthier and more sustainable development.

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<The above story is purely fictional, everyone should read it as a story, happy Thank you for your understanding It is not easy to create

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