
Attention moms! How to deal with the high incidence of influenza A? These tips are absolutely practical!

author:Ouyu Angel

When it comes to the change of seasons, all kinds of small problems continue, and the flu virus also comes to join in the fun, which makes parents with babies at home really anxious, once recruited, in addition to the child's discomfort, parents are also suffering, and they have to queue up in the hospital to go to the hospital.

Attention moms! How to deal with the high incidence of influenza A? These tips are absolutely practical!

High incidence of nail flu

According to the China Influenza Surveillance Weekly Report for the 41st week of 2023 released by the National Influenza Center of China, the positive rate of influenza virus testing in some southern provinces continues to rise, with the A(H3N2) subtype being the main type and B (Victoria) co-epidemic; Outbreaks of 42 influenza-like cases have been reported nationwide.

What is a flu

"Influenza A" is the abbreviation of influenza A, which is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza A virus infection. Influenza viruses are divided into four types: A, B, C, and D, among which influenza A virus and influenza B virus are seasonally circulating in the population, and influenza A viruses are also viruses that are prone to mutation, and the epidemic types are mainly H1N1 and H3N2.

Attention moms! How to deal with the high incidence of influenza A? These tips are absolutely practical!

Transmission route of influenza A

It is mainly transmitted through airborne droplets, but can also be transmitted through direct or indirect contact with mucous membranes such as the mouth, nose, and eyes. Infection can also be caused by contact with items contaminated with the virus. It can also be transmitted in the form of aerosols in densely populated and confined or poorly ventilated rooms.

Attention moms! How to deal with the high incidence of influenza A? These tips are absolutely practical!

What is the difference between influenza A and the common cold?

Hyperthermia is the main manifestation and one of the early symptoms. The body temperature can reach 39~40 °C, which can be accompanied by chills, chills, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms in children. The correct way to confirm the diagnosis is to collect respiratory specimens for viral nucleic acid detection and virus isolation testing at the time of hospital visits.

Attention moms! How to deal with the high incidence of influenza A? These tips are absolutely practical!

How to do a good job of prevention


Get your flu shot as soon as possible:

Influenza vaccination can play a good role in preventing and protecting against influenza, and getting vaccinated before the peak influenza season can reduce the chance of getting influenza or reduce flu symptoms.


Enhance indoor ventilation:

You can open more windows for ventilation to ensure fresh indoor air circulation. In addition, there is the option of using an air purifier to filter bacteria and viruses from the indoor air and reduce the risk of infection.


Practice good hygiene:

Mothers should educate their babies to develop a good habit of washing their hands frequently, especially when they touch public places, after going out, before eating, etc. Also, cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and use tissues to reduce the chance of spreading the virus through droplets.


Reasonable Nutrition:

A good diet is the key to boosting immunity. Mothers should provide their babies with foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and other nutrients, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, etc., to enhance the baby's immunity and resist the invasion of the virus. In addition, it is important to avoid giving your child too much fried food and foods high in sugar, so as not to reduce immunity and increase the risk of infection.


Appropriate lactoferrin supplementation:

Numerous studies have shown that lactoferrin can induce the secretion of the antiviral factor interferon (IFN) α/β to inhibit viral replication in cells. Since lactoferrin is a safe and reliable food ingredient, it is often used in the treatment of common viral infections, such as the common cold, flu, viral gastroenteritis, herpes, etc.

——From[1]Hu Yazhuo, Liu Chenglong, Wang Yushu, et al. Lactoferrin and infant health[J].食,2022(33):139-142.DOI:10.16043/j.cnki.cfs.2022.33.031.

Nurdon lactoferrin

Each 100g contains:

Immunoglobulin (IgG) - 6000 mg

Elderberry powder - 3000mg

Yeast β-Dextran - 1000 mg

Lactoferrin - 500mg

N-acetylneuraminic acid - 100mg

Taurine - 40 mg

Vitamin C - 75mg


One pack a day, insist on eating, the effect is great~~

It can be brewed with warm water, or added to milk powder or rice cereal, and it will be an energetic day after eating.

Attention moms! How to deal with the high incidence of influenza A? These tips are absolutely practical!

Ouyu Angel Acerola Cherry Vitamin C

Vitamin C is derived from acerola cherry powder, each bag contains 60mg of vitamin C, the powder is delicate, sweet and sour taste, daily supplement, healthy and energetic

Attention moms! How to deal with the high incidence of influenza A? These tips are absolutely practical!