
Awkward? Why do Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha ignore each other? The big head responded, Sasha was too aggrieved

author:Ran Ran chats about sports

Oh, the rumors of the relationship between Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin, the post-00s little devil of national table tennis, have been hyped recently. Although Sun Yingsha's former mentor Chen Xi said in the live broadcast that "there are no couples in the national table tennis mixed doubles", those CP fans just don't believe in evil, and they just feel that the two are already together, but they haven't made it public.

Awkward? Why do Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha ignore each other? The big head responded, Sasha was too aggrieved

Recently, the national table tennis team went to Frankfurt, Germany to participate in the Planet Tour Challenge, and when queuing up at the airport for formalities, Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha's every move became the focus of everyone's attention. Why? In the past, at the airport, as mixed doubles partners, Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin would always have some exchanges, especially when carrying luggage, Wang Chuqin was always willing to help Sun Yingsha. But this time, Sun Yingsha was pushing two large suitcases alone, and Wang Chuqin was obviously near her, but she acted like no one. During the whole process, he didn't even help Sun Yingsha, and in the end, Sun Yingsha's head coach Qiu Yike couldn't help him.

Awkward? Why do Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha ignore each other? The big head responded, Sasha was too aggrieved

Previously, a picture that caused heated discussions among netizens appeared under the national table tennis bus. The moment when the two young players got out of the car and didn't even communicate, this scene made fans very confused. They can't help but wonder what the hell is going on between these two teammates. Perhaps, there was friction between them, and even began to contradict each other? Even if they're not a couple, it's natural for them to take care of each other as teammates, but why are they suddenly ignoring each other?

Awkward? Why do Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha ignore each other? The big head responded, Sasha was too aggrieved

What is the reason for the gradual decline in communication between Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin? This is a confusing question that has caused a lot of discussion and speculation. However, I believe that Wang Chuqin's response is perhaps the truest explanation. Recalling the original cause, Wang Chuqin lost control of his emotions because he was accused of being filmed on behalf of him, and vented a lot of anger. This kind of emotional outburst is not his usual style, but who can remain silent in the face of unfair accusations? At that time, he may have felt that he had been greatly wronged and hurt, and he could not control his emotions.

Awkward? Why do Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha ignore each other? The big head responded, Sasha was too aggrieved

Just when everyone was waiting for how he would respond, he unexpectedly published a long article pleading with fans not to chase and take pictures, and to give them some breathing space. This act of self-protection is surprising, but it also shows his true heart and concern for Sun Yingsha and his own situation. However, it is regrettable that Wang Chuqin's appeal did not have the desired effect, but instead caused some fans to blame Sun Yingsha. Such a reaction made Sun Yingsha feel extremely aggrieved. As a good, talented athlete, she deserves more attention and respect instead of being blamed and misunderstood. This bothered and puzzled her about the whole thing.

Awkward? Why do Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha ignore each other? The big head responded, Sasha was too aggrieved

In order to avoid any controversy and try to avoid causing trouble to Sun Yingsha, Wang Chuqin chose to reduce contact with her in the next few appearances. This may be a sign of concern and taking care of the other person. In this way, he may hope to give Sun a quiet environment where she can focus on her game and development, and no longer be distracted by the outside world. Although the communication between them is gradually decreasing, this does not mean that the friendship and tacit understanding between them have weakened. They are still each other's closest teammates and important people who support and help each other grow. The tacit understanding and cooperation between each other has become the driving force for their common progress, and this will never change because of speculation and disputes from the outside world.

Awkward? Why do Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha ignore each other? The big head responded, Sasha was too aggrieved

Just like the last time she was waiting for boarding, Sun Yingsha pushed two suitcases, and when Wang Chuqin approached, she instantly pushed away one suitcase. Maybe Sun Yingsha thought that Wang Chuqin would help as before, but Wang Chuqin chose to leave. Sun Yingsha could only push the suitcase by herself.

Awkward? Why do Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha ignore each other? The big head responded, Sasha was too aggrieved

Therefore, Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha's indifferent interaction at the airport is actually to avoid unnecessary controversy. Especially when Wang Chuqin is in the limelight now, this way of dealing with it may be the best. We are confident that their teammate friendship will not be affected, as Sun Yingsha must have understood that this is a protection for her. Finally, I want to say that for those CP fans who are still in YY, it's almost time to wake up!

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