
Which universities does Huawei like to recruit graduates? Attached to the universities and majors with the largest enrollment in Huawei

author:Cheerful pencil Da

As a well-known enterprise in China, Huawei's employees also have excellent salaries and benefits, so many college graduates want to work at Huawei every year. What majors does Huawei recruit? What are Huawei's most popular majors? The following editor will answer for you.

Which universities does Huawei like to recruit graduates? Attached to the universities and majors with the largest enrollment in Huawei

1. Huawei's favorite major

1. Electronic information

Electronic information majors are to learn the transmission and application of electronics, circuits, integrated circuits, chips, and signals. This major has been involved in medical health, transportation and other fields. At the same time, electronic information is also related to various electronic products such as smart phones, tablets, and computers used in our daily life, and the use of electronic information products is gradually increasing.

The specific majors involved in electronic information include: electronic science and engineering, communication engineering, electronic information engineering, artificial intelligence, etc.

2. Computers

Computer majors focus on the research of theory and software design, and Huawei needs a lot of computer talents to support the company's business, so computer majors are also one of the main majors recruited by Huawei. If college students are studying computer majors, in addition to learning the professional knowledge in the school, they also need to spend more extracurricular time to explore the knowledge content of the major.

The specific majors involved in computer science include: computer science and technology, software engineering, information security, etc.

Which universities does Huawei like to recruit graduates? Attached to the universities and majors with the largest enrollment in Huawei

3. Mathematics

Huawei's business involves a lot of mathematical models and algorithms, so graduates majoring in mathematics also have a great advantage in Huawei's recruitment.

The specific majors involved in mathematics include: mathematics and applied mathematics, etc., and candidates who want to apply for this kind of majors can pay attention to Shandong University.

4. Automation

Automation majors are known as engineering "panacea", automation is that people use machines to complete the work that people need to complete, automation can also deal with problems that people can't solve, this kind of major is very applicable in various fields and industries.

Candidates who want to apply for this type of major can pay attention to Central South University and Northwestern Polytechnical University, both of which are two schools where Huawei recruits automation students.

The following is a list of positions and majors recruited by Huawei:

Which universities does Huawei like to recruit graduates? Attached to the universities and majors with the largest enrollment in Huawei
Which universities does Huawei like to recruit graduates? Attached to the universities and majors with the largest enrollment in Huawei

2. Which universities does Huawei like to recruit graduates?

According to the list of universities recruited by Huawei in 2023, among the 55 universities recruited by Huawei, there are 35 985 universities and 14 pure 211 universities. It can be seen that Huawei enterprises prefer 985 211 university graduates, and 985 211 universities account for 49 of the 55 universities recruited!

Huawei hopes to recruit Tsinghua University, Peking University, Chinese Renmin University, Xiamen University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Fudan University, Sichuan University, Zhejiang University, Sun Yat-sen University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Northwestern Polytechnical University.