
Only by solving the core problem can we achieve double rest

author:Gardener in the county town

In Henan High School 2024, there will be a weekend again,

Is it possible?

Who is most opposed to weekends?

Who is the most supportive of weekends?

What exactly is the core of solving the Henan student roll?

Let's explore these questions?

Only by solving the core problem can we achieve double rest

Who is most opposed to weekends?

Parents of high school students, of course.

A few years ago, the director of the Shandong Department of Education proposed a double holiday,

And put a lot of effort into checking and implementing,

The result?

Parents blocked the door of the Education Bureau and blocked the school gate,

I just canceled the weekend.

Of course, parents of Henan High School are no exception,

We'll see.

Only by solving the core problem can we achieve double rest

The most supportive of weekends are high school teachers and students,

Especially the teachers and students in the county.


Because they are the biggest victims.

I have been teaching at a county high school for 20 years.

Never had a normal weekend,

There are no normal holidays either,

There is no complete winter and summer vacation,

Get up at 5 o'clock in the morning and study early,

It is also the norm to invigilate exams until 10 p.m.

When you are young, you can still persevere,

As you get older,

It's really overwhelming.

Only by solving the core problem can we achieve double rest

What about the children,

From getting up at 5:35 to going to bed at 10 p.m.,

Almost 14 hours a day is spent studying.

I can't go back to the dormitory at noon.

Meal times are limited to about 20 minutes.

I'm watching more and more children get depressed,

With bitter hatred.

I went to the principal and said I was going to take the psychologist exam.

If you can help a child solve a problem, help one,


Only by solving the core problem can we achieve double rest

The 2022 National Blue Book on Depression was released,

More than 90 million people with depression in the country,

50% of them are children in school.

And a doctor of psychology Hailan statistics,

Suicide is the number one cause of death for children.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance,

We, high school teachers and high school students,

They are the two most oppressed groups.

But do we have the right to resist?

In addition to silently bearing, it is both hands in favor of reform.

But is reform possible?

There is so much resistance from parents.

Only by solving the core problem can we achieve double rest

Why is there so much opposition from parents?

What is the core of solving this problem?

the root cause of parental opposition,

I am worried that the weekend will affect my child's entrance to college.

If you can't get into college, you can't find a good job.

If you can't find a good job, you won't be able to earn enough money.


The core of the problem,

Isn't it boring to develop the economy,

More jobs?

We can imagine that

When countless Huawei emerge,

When R&D centers and production plants are spread across the country,

There will be a rush to get into a good university today,

Is it possible to squeeze your head to grab a very limited good job?

Maybe like Germany,

If you go to a technical school, you can get a good job.

Only by solving the core problem can we achieve double rest

And there's another point,

The issue of the distribution of wealth in society.

Even if the economy is very developed,

If the distribution of wealth is unreasonable,

That would only be more volume.

For example, South Korea, a developed capitalist country,

Most of the profits of Samsung and Hyundai,

taken away by the capitalists of the American holdings,

There is a pitiful scrap left,

Let the Koreans rob it.

So it caused Korean high schools to be more volatile than China's.

There are four popular words in Korea: "four into five down".

What does that mean?

It's that high school students only sleep four hours a day,

in order to be admitted to a good university and enter large enterprises such as Samsung and Hyundai.

If you sleep 5 hours a day, you will fall off the list.

Only by solving the core problem can we achieve double rest

So the core of our solution to the volume is,

economic development and rational distribution of wealth,

There are enough jobs,

and give every worker the remuneration he deserves,

as well as legal work rules and regulations.

(Arrive at school at 6 a.m.,

Leave work at less than five o'clock in the afternoon,

Although I go to work early,

But leave work early.

Squatting on the edge of the vegetable patch,

Write a short essay in a few minutes,

It's time to pick up Xiaobao. )

Only by solving the core problem can we achieve double rest

I grow the vegetables