
Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

author:Zhongchuang Business News
Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou, the word Baiyun. Communist. Chongqing Muer Town. Born on March 7, 1940. He graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Sichuan University in 1969 (formerly Chengdu Institute of Technology). From 1969 to 71, he worked at the 7854 Military Reclamation Farm in Qionglai; From 1971 to 1978, he worked in Wusheng County Agricultural Machinery Factory. He worked as a caster, turner, fitter, blacksmith, mechanic, electrician, and technician. From 1978 to 1983, he worked in Nanchong Electric Machinery Factory as equipment section chief, engineer and director of scientific research office. In 1983, he was transferred to the Transportation Bureau of Shunqing District, Nanchong City, and served as the chief engineer and deputy director. Mrs. He Yunying, deputy director of the Audit Bureau of Shunqing District, Nanchong City. The author retired in 2000 and began to paint for leisure. He is now a member of the Nanchong Artists Association, a lifelong calligrapher and painter of the China International Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, and a member of the UNESCO (China) International Calligraphy and Painting Society. He is a lifelong member of the China Senior Calligraphers and Painters Association, a consultant of the China International Artists Association, an academician of the Chinese Culture Research Institute, a member of the National Federation of Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Art Circles, and a member of the China Yanhuang Art Association. He is a senior researcher of calligraphy and painting at the China International Modern Art Research Center, vice president of the Painting and Calligraphy Institute of the China Poetry Federation, and a special researcher of calligraphy and painting. President of the Chinese Famous Painting Academy. Academician of the United Nations Academy of Peace Calligraphy and Painting, United Nations Artist for Peace. His works have been included in the compilation of "Glorious History", "Monument - Art 49-09", "Famous Masterpieces", "Harmonious China", "Heroes of Calligraphy and Painting", "Century Style", "30 Years of Chinese Art", "Chinese Celebrities", "Art Life", "Chinese Glory", "Chinese Talents", "China Report Culture Special Issue", "Chinese Artists to Know in a Life", "Dictionary of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", "Guide to Chinese Contemporary Art Collection", "Contemporary Quintessence Masters", "Approaching Art Masters", "National Soul" Forty Years of Chinese Literature and Art", "Ode to Great China", "Inheritance and Transcendence - Model Figures in the Contemporary Art Circle", "International Chinese Outstanding Artists", "2015 Touching Chinese Art Figures", "Three Hundred Poems for the World", and other books. A selection of his personal works has been compiled into the series of "Special Collections of Chinese Famous Artists" and "Special Issue of China's Most Charming Artists". His works have won many awards from the United Nations Golden Dove Award for Peace Art and cultural units.

Work appreciation

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 1

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 2

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 3

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 4

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 5

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 6

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 7

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 8

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 9

Recommend calligrapher Wang Tianshou to the Asian Cultural Exchange

Wang Tianshou's work 10

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