
Pain in the front, side, back of the buttocks, what could be the problem?

author:Department of Orthopedics and Joints, Wang Deli

Hip pain may be understood by patients as hip pain, also known as hip pain, which sometimes radiates to the knees as well as the lower legs. Difficulties in daily activities, such as putting on shoes, getting up from a seat, walking, and other activities can be affected. Hip pain can occur in the front, side, and back of the hip, and the causes are also different.

Pain in the front of the hip

Pain that occurs in the anterior hip and groin area is usually suspected of the following two disorders:

Osteoarthritis of the hip

Hip wear and tear and degeneration, most likely hip osteoarthritis, is more common in older people and usually causes deep pain in the front of the hip and groin area. The pain may spread to the front of the thighs and knees, occasionally below the knee. At first, the symptoms are subtle, the pain occurs after excessive exercise, which is relieved after rest, and the pain is generally worse in the morning. Locking or jamming may occur during hip movements, and some patients may hear friction sounds.

Pain in the front, side, back of the buttocks, what could be the problem?

Hip labral tear

The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint, the femoral head (ball) is inserted into the acetabulum (socket), there is a sealing ring between the ball and the socket, called the labrum, which is used to ensure the stability and lubrication of the joint, when the labrum or cartilage ring around the acetabulum is torn, it is called labral tear, the symptoms may vary, but the most common is anterior hip and groin pain. Some patients may also have hip pain. Pain may be felt initially during or after exercise. It may also be painful when sitting over time.

Pain in the front, side, back of the buttocks, what could be the problem?

Hip impingement syndrome

When the femoral head (ball) is deformed, the outer shape of the ball is not rounded and is oval. Or the acetabular (fossa) is abnormal, covering the femoral head too much, the ball and fossa do not match well, abnormal impact and friction will occur during movement, and the patient will feel pain or stiffness in the groin or front of the thigh, and the pain may spread from the front and side of the hip down to the thigh and knee. The pain is exacerbated when sitting, driving, squatting, performing hip movements and spinning.

Pain in the front, side, back of the buttocks, what could be the problem?

Iliopsoas bursitis

The iliopsobar sac (a small, thin, fluid-filled sac located in the front of the hip) becomes inflamed. 㛑 Causes hip pain. When the knee is bent towards the chest, pain is usually felt in the groin. This condition can also lead to hip snapping syndrome, which is a popping, clicking, or snapping sound when the hip is moved. A clicking sound may be heard when the hips are moved from a bent to an extended position, such as when standing up from a chair.

Pain on the side of the hip

There are two problems that can cause pain on the side of the hip that radiates down to the thigh.

Flick your hips

On the side of the buttocks, a bony bulge called the greater trochanter can be felt, and the muscles or tendons slide through it, and if the muscle strength is unbalanced, when doing hip flexion and extension exercises, such as when going up and down stairs, the tight contracture muscles will rub against the greater trochanter or ligament, and the patient can hear a clicking sound. This condition can cause pain that worsens with pressure on the side of the hip. The pain may also radiate along the side of the thigh.

Greater trochanteric bursitis

Around the greater trochanter, there are sacs that contain fluid, called bursa, which act as a cushion between bones, tendons, and muscles. If the bursa is inflamed, pain may also occur on the outside of the hip (buttocks).

Pain in the front, side, back of the buttocks, what could be the problem?
  • Lateral buttocks tenderness.
  • The pain may run along the outside of the thigh and down to the knee.
  • Walking, jogging, going up stairs, repetitive movements of the hip joint for a long time, the pain increases.
  • The pain worsens after sitting for long periods of time.
  • Pain is felt when the body rotates, hip adduction, or hip excursion.

Pain in the back of the buttocks

If there is pain in the back of the buttocks and the pain can radiate to the front, back or side of the leg. This type of pain can be caused by irritation of certain lumbar or sacral nerve roots and can also be referred to as sciatica. and musculoskeletal disorders, such as sacroiliac joint dysfunction or piriformis syndrome, may also cause sciatica-like pain.

Medical science, for reference only.