
Veteran Wang Yanzhou dictated: (25) Shot down a U.S. F-86 fighter


On 9 November, the 3rd Air Division again engaged the enemy in an air battle. On the morning of that day, eight enemy planes were discovered south of Pyongyang, and our 9th Regiment, led by Deputy Regiment Commander Lin Hu, took off MiG-15 fighters to intercept them.

When our planes arrived at the war zone, they found that the enemy plane group had returned home, and only about 40 kilometers ahead, there was an enemy plane moving. Wang Hai, captain of the 1st Brigade of the 9th Regiment, led Jiao Jingwen, Zhou Fengxing, and Liu Delin to track and attack, but the shells ran out, and the wingmen rushed quickly, but the enemy planes still did not hit.

Then, the British-made FMK-8 plane finally smoked and caught fire under the continuous artillery fire of our air force, destroying the plane and killing people.

After the battle, the division and regiment congratulated, but Wang Hai was summing up the lessons and lessons, and everyone said: "When I saw the enemy plane, my eyes were red, and I opened fire at a distance of 1,700 meters, but the shells were all gone." ”

Another said: "The captain only shouted 'you attack', and it was over, without specific command." Another person said: "The three of us will not return to the war after the shells are gone, this is not right, we should continue to feint and cover each other." ”

After winning the battle, it should be celebrated, but a large group of people quickly opened a criticism meeting, and this is why the Chinese Air Force can defeat the enemy.

On 18 November, more than 180 enemy planes again invaded the airspace over the Datong River and the Yongrou area, and when Wang Hai led six more fighters to fly over the Qingchuan River, more than 60 F-84 fighter-bombers were dropping bombs on the Qingchuan River Bridge at a low altitude in the left front.

Wang Hai gave an order: "Attack with me!" "The formation group quickly dived down from an altitude of 6,000 meters and launched an attack on enemy aircraft. Seeing that our planes were not coming well, the enemy planes hurriedly dropped their bombs and seized advantage of the space and hurriedly responded to the battle.

The enemy planes adopted the tactic of circles, covering each other and going around in circles with our planes, looking for opportunities to bite their tails and attack. For a time, the enemy and me were fighting together, you came and went, passing by, and the two sides just couldn't find a favorable position.

Wang Hai shouted: "Climb high and occupy a place", and the six MiG-15s jumped into the air together. The horizontal maneuverability of the F-84 aircraft is better than that of the MiG-15, but its vertical performance is inferior to that of our aircraft.

After I took advantage of the vacant position, I rushed down again, grabbed the fighter plane, and aimed at the enemy plane at a distance of about 500 meters. Wang Hai shot down two enemy planes one after another, and his wingman Sun Shenglu also opened fire at 300 meters, sending an F-84 plane into a volley.

Pilot Jiao Jingwen also showed his skills, shooting down two enemy planes within 600 meters, and in a few minutes of air combat, a total of five enemy planes were shot down, and Wang Hai's brigade won a complete victory with an outstanding record of 5:0.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Wang Hai's brigade participated in more than 80 air battles and shot down and damaged 29 enemy planes, of which Wang Hai himself shot down and damaged 9 planes.

Veteran Wang Yanzhou dictated: (25) Shot down a U.S. F-86 fighter

To resist US aggression and aid Korea, old photos of Wang Hai's brigade The picture comes from the Internet

For this reason, the headquarters of the Volunteer Army awarded the Wang Hai Brigade a collective first-class meritorious service. Wang Hai was a cadet of the second flight class of the Northeast Old Aviation School, we worked together, he was also my student, a combat hero, and later promoted to the commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force.

On November 23, 1951, Liu Yudi, captain of the 1st Brigade of the 7th Regiment of the 3rd Air Division, led 20 warhawks and 20 US planes to fight in the air on the Qingchuan River railway transportation line. Liu Yudi is a northeastern man, big, bold, and loud, and people in the 3rd division are used to calling him Da Liu.

Da Liu received an order from Meng Jin, deputy commander of the 7th Regiment of the Captain's Aircraft: "Throw in the auxiliary fuel tank, the first and second brigades will attack, and the third brigade will climb to 8,000 meters to cover." ”

As a result, Da Liu led the wingmen of the 2nd Squadron to chase after the "Oil Picker" (the nickname of the F-84) who fled to the sea, and in the air battle, set an unprecedented record of shooting down four enemy planes at one time.

Then, in an air battle on December 8, Liu Yudi's plane was hit, and he had to parachute and land in a ravine on the banks of the Qingchuan River, where he was taken to the hospital for treatment.

On the Korean battlefield, Liu Yudi shot down a total of eight enemy planes and was awarded the Order of the National Flag of the Second Class of the DPRK. The 7th Regiment made great contributions to the 3rd Air Division, but the deputy commander Meng Jin died honorably for the country in the air battle on January 11, 1952.

The 3rd Air Division participated in the war for 86 days, flew a total of 2,391 sorties, engaged in 23 large and small battles, shot down 55 enemy planes, and damaged 8. On February 1, 1952, Mao Zedong personally wrote "Congratulations to the Third Division of the Air Force" to show his encouragement. Liu Yudi was later promoted to commander of the Air Force of the Beijing Military Region and became the backbone of the Air Force.

Veteran Wang Yanzhou dictated: (25) Shot down a U.S. F-86 fighter

Liu Yudi's old photos of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea The picture comes from the Internet

From May 31, 1951, when the US Far East Air Force carried out the "strangulation war" to December 26, 1951, which lasted half a year for the "blockade of railway lines of communication by the air". The strangulation battle was not successful. ”

Smashing the "strangulation war" was also one of the main combat missions of the air force at that time; thanks to the heroic and tenacious struggle of the young pilots, the "strangulation war" became the "strangulation line" of the US military, which tightened its own neck and strengthened the courage of the mainland air force.

In October 1951, the headquarters of the Volunteer Army decided to use the Volunteer Air Force to bomb the 8th and 10th Divisions and go to the first-line airfields, cooperate with the ground forces, carry out coordinated land and air operations, and recover Yamato Island, Yamato Island and the nearby linden islands and Tan Island.

The 2nd Air Force Fighter Aviation Division was transferred to Fengcheng Airport, where 16 La-11 planes formed a joint formation with Du-2 planes to carry out the entire escort mission, and the 3rd Air Division used 24 MiG-15 planes (two regiments) to serve as air cover on the battlefield.

Our 2nd Air Division has finally come to the combat mission to North Korea.

Wu Kai, commander of the 8th Bomber Air Division, is the deputy chief of the flight section of the training department of the old Northeast Aviation School, and I went to the school to serve as a flight instructor, and he is my immediate boss, escorting his 8th Air Division, and also my loyalty to him.

It is of great significance for the Volunteers to support the ground forces in capturing the islands of Yamato and Owwa. These small islands, located on the west coast of North Korea at the mouth of the Yalu River, are the main outposts and radar positions of the US military.

On the island, there are more than 1,200 intelligence personnel of the ROK's "White Horse" unit and the US military and the South Korean army, navy, and air force, and they are equipped with high-power radars, anti-aircraft stations, and eavesdropping machines to listen to the intelligence of the Chinese and DPRK militaries day and night.

Accordingly, the General Headquarters of the Chinese People's Volunteers decided that the 2nd, 3rd, 8th, and 10th Air Divisions would cooperate with the 50th Army of our Army to carry out coordinated ground and air operations to recover Yamato, Owa Island and other nearby islands.

The main task of the Air Force is to ensure that the island-attacking forces are not subject to air raids in the assembly area; conducting aerial photographic reconnaissance of the enemy; destruction of intelligence command facilities on the island; Bombing enemy ships in the sea near Yamato and Yamato Islands and cooperating with ground forces to seize the islands was also the first time since the founding of the People's Air Force that it cooperated with the army to carry out bombing missions.

On 2 November, the 3rd Air Division and the 4th Air Force Division respectively dispatched planes to carry out aerial photographic reconnaissance of the above-mentioned islands, ascertaining the situation of enemy troops and fortifications on the islands, and providing reliable information for our attack on the islands.

On the night of November 5, the 50th Army of our Volunteer Army conquered Linden Island. At 14:35 on November 6, in accordance with the order of the Air Liaison Division Headquarters, nine Tu-2 bombers of the 22nd Regiment of the 8th Air Division, led by Captain Han Mingyang, carried explosive and anti-personnel bombs and incendiary bombs to bomb Yamato Island.

The La-11 fighters of the 2nd Regiment of the 4th Air Division of our Air Force joined it and went to cover.

In the days leading up to the sortie, it snowed in the Dandong area for several days, and the climate was so cold that it almost turned into ice. Fengcheng is covered with snow. However, all the air and ground personnel participating in the war were in high spirits and looked forward day and night for the day when the attack would come.

Coincidentally, on the day of liftoff, the wind was beautiful, the clouds were more than 1,000 meters high, the visibility was excellent, and the northeast wind blew at a speed of two meters per second.

After lunch on 6 November, the pilots arrived at the airport and saw a long row of 16 La-11 planes on the parking line, ready to go.

At this time, I remembered the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Han's "Liangzhou Song": "Grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink pipa, urge immediately." Drunk and lying on the battlefield, Jun Mo smiled, and a few people came back to fight in ancient times! This generous and bold verse made my heart overflow with infinite emotion.

Veteran Wang Yanzhou dictated: (25) Shot down a U.S. F-86 fighter

Wang Yanzhou's old photos in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea The picture comes from the Internet

When I stepped into the cabin of my Warhawk "13", I took out a "Party Membership Application" from my jacket pocket and handed it to the ground staff to transfer to the Party Committee of the Fourth Regiment on my behalf.

This is the application for joining the party that I wrote a year ago, but I did not dare to submit it because the time was not enough. Today, I believe that by submitting an application before the expedition, on the one hand, it is an expression of determination to be a communist fighter; On the other hand, in the event of a sacrifice in this expedition, please posthumously recognize me as a member of the Communist Party according to my wishes, and I will be satisfied.

Before leaving, I wrote a letter to Qi Shuyun in Beijing, reporting on my current situation and asking her to wait for my meritorious service.

Nine Du-2 bombers of the 22nd Regiment of the 8th Air Division took off from Yuhongtun Airport and formed a wedge formation at an altitude of 2,000 meters and a speed of 360 kilometers per hour, advancing towards the target.

Sixteen La-11 fighters of the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Air Division took off from Fengcheng Airport and joined the Du-2 bomber at a predetermined location at 15:16.

At 15:38, 24 MiG-15 fighters of the 7th Regiment of the 3rd Air Division, which served as high-altitude cover, arrived on time over Xuanchuan and Minami Island in the predetermined airspace and covered at an altitude of 7,000 meters.

When the bomber group arrived over Yamato Island, Captain Han Mingyang first discovered the target and decisively gave the bombing order, and the pilot director Liu Yuangong conveyed the order to aim at the ground bombing target at a fixed distance.

At this time, a cloud of smoke appeared in the sky, enemy anti-aircraft guns began to fire, and all 81 heavy bombs of nine bombers were poured into the enemy position, and a sea of fire soon ignited on the island. Zhang Hua, the commander of the escort fighter plane, excitedly shouted: "What a bombing!" Congratulations, Hero One! ”

I heard the good news from the headphones, and I was so happy that I let go of the steering stick and clapped my hands. At 16:19, the fleets returned safely, and we did not lose a single one.

After the incident, it was learned from relevant intelligence that the bomb hit rate of 89 percent, completely destroyed the target, killed and wounded more than 60 people below the rank of major general and chief of naval intelligence of the ROK army, blew up more than 40 houses, more than 20 tons of grain, 150,000 rounds of ammunition of various kinds, and two wooden boats.

After we returned, the Associated Press reported: "This attack will not have come from China." "The enemy believes that this is an operation of the Soviet army, and they do not believe that the young Chinese Communist Air Force will have such superb and skilled air combat skills.

On the afternoon of November 30, the 148th Division of the 50th Army of the Volunteer Army attacked Yamato and Yamato Island, and the air force once again coordinated operations.

The Air Union Division decided to bomb the enemy's command structure at the Yamato Island lighthouse with nine Du-2 bombers of the 8th Air Division, under the air cover of 16 La-11 fighters of the 2nd Air Division and 24 MiG-15 fighters of the 3rd Air Division.

The bomber was led by Gao Yueming, the leader of the first brigade of the 24th Regiment of the 8th Air Division. However, not long after they took off, they were attacked by more than 30 F-86 fighters of the US military, and the left wingman No. 09 of the 3rd Squadron of the bomber formation was hit by the enemy and caught fire. Liang Zhijian's No. 10 plane was also hit, and he ordered his fellow planes to parachute and crash into an F-86 alone with a bay full of bombs.

The cannon rumbled, and the fire flickered. Seeing that the bomber group we were escorting was bitten by the enemy, Deputy Group Leader Wang Tianbao had just repelled a sneak attack of an enemy plane, when suddenly seven more enemy planes viciously surrounded him.

Wang Tianbao is a pilot student of the third phase of the Northeast Old Aviation School, and I have taught him to fly, and his skills are excellent. With bravery and resourcefulness, he drilled and broke through the enemy group, shooting down and damaging four enemy planes one after another.

I was about to support Wang Tianbao, when I suddenly saw the No. 3 and No. 4 wingmen lagging behind, so I called on them to hurry up and follow. At the same time, many black dots were found in the upper part of the back, like a large swarm of flies buzzing closer and closer, and the naked eye could see that they were F-86 "oil pickers".

I hurriedly called wingmen No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, loaded the shells, opened the cannon and camera doors, and as soon as I finished speaking, a large swarm of enemy planes swooped down on our group like black crows, and the artillery fire whizzed under our wings.

The squadron I led, No. 2 Xu Zhendong, No. 3 Zhou Zonghan, and No. 4 He Yuexin, faced the enemy planes, tossed up and down, rushed left and right, and attracted the F-86 with its own artillery fire on the one hand, and on the other hand, it went on a rampage, forming a barrier with its wings, and making every effort to protect the Du-2 aircraft group.

The La-11 is a Soviet-made propeller destroyer with a speed limit of 700 kilometers per hour. The F-86, known as the "Sabre-style", has a speed of 1,100 kilometers per hour, and the La-11 cannot be compared with the F-86 in terms of speed, ceiling, and firepower, not to mention that the enemy aircraft is 34, and my La-11 is only 16.

The No. 3 and No. 4 planes of our squadron were unfortunately hit and caught fire in the air battle, and the two comrades-in-arms of Zhou Zonghan and He Yuexin, as well as communists, died honorably.

Zhou Zonghan and He Yuexin are newly trained pilots, and they sacrificed their lives for the country in their prime, and their hearts and minds hate the F-86 beyond measure.

In thrilling fights, only active capture of prey. I was given two chances to shoot at the target: the first, following the enemy planes attacking my bomber group, at a close distance, I gritted my teeth and glared, grabbed the trigger of the cannon with my right index finger, fired a string of shells, and the F-86 was shot and fled in confusion.

At this time, another opportunity came, an F-86 followed our bomber group, in the rise of the right turn, it deserved its bad luck, is breaking into my aiming cross frame halo, the opportunity can not be missed, I a burst of shells, hit the enemy fuselage, suddenly the fire soared into the sky, thick smoke everywhere, the enemy plane dragged the smoke into the sea, the explosion set off a huge wave, the snitch saw the dragon lord go.

Wingman No. 2 Xu Zhendong followed left and right, but wingmen No. 3 and No. 4 were gone. I shot down one enemy plane and wounded another, and finally avenged the dead comrades.

The American pilot was afraid of hitting the opponent, and as soon as I dropped the nose of the plane, I clenched an F-86, this guy was very ghostly, and hurriedly pulled the rod to climb high, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the propeller plane fought with the jet plane, creating a miracle in the history of world air combat.

In the heat of battle, you must be flexible and maneuver to dodge enemy aircraft, but you must lose no time in catching your prey. At the last moment, I have to dizzy my eyes and keep an eye on the prey, my eyes are really not enough, I can't wait to have three eyes.

At this time, our bomber group insisted on flying over Yamato Island, and Gao Yueming, Xing Gaoke, and other comrades-in-arms marched forward bravely and poured all the bombs into the enemy's nest. The officers and men of the 50th Volunteer Army took advantage of the situation to quickly land and annihilated the remnants of the enemy on the island in one fell swoop.

The leader of our fleet reported to the control tower: "The game is over, 2:0 ahead. Wu Kai replied: "Return immediately!" ”

At 15:21, the wedge team of five planes of our group turned left and returned home, the bombers landed at Langtou Airport, and the fighter planes landed at Fengcheng Airport.

The people waiting at the airport, full of tears, greeted the air warriors who returned from the line of death.

However, in this air battle, because the bomber group took off four minutes early, the fighters escorting the escort could not find the bombers in the predetermined time and space, and in these four minutes, they caused huge losses and exploited a loophole for the enemy.

In addition, on the day of takeoff, the loudspeakers of the 8th Air Force Division broadcast the letter of request for war and the letter of guarantee, and the momentum was huge, and it was inevitable that secrets would be leaked, which was also one of the factors causing losses.

The 8th Air Division was shot down by four Du-2 planes, and all of the crew on board, except for one navigator Chen Haiquan who was injured in a parachute jump, died honorably. They are: Bi Wubin, Li Xianghua, Zhou Xianyu, He Guoji, Zhang Fuyan, Tangtai Guojun, Chen Yide, Wang Daozhe, Liang Zhijian, He Chong, Cao Xinguang, Wang Denglong, Song Fengsheng, Guan Wenzuo, and Zhang Chuanxin.

The pilots of the La-11 fighter planes of the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Air Division, Zhou Zonghan and He Yuexin, also bravely sacrificed their lives.

In this air battle, the Chinese Air Force shot down a total of 7 F-86 planes and damaged 10; We lost 6 aircraft and damaged 4. After the incident, it was reported that the surprise attack on our troops was caused by a conspiracy within the joint command of the Chinese and DPRK air forces who leaked the plan for the sortie. The spy was later found guilty and sentenced to death.

Yamato Island and Yamato Island have been liberated, and the lessons learned from the bombing of Yamato Island will forever be recorded in history as a typical example in the history of China's air warfare!

At the memorial service for the martyrs, a pair of elegiac couplets conveyed infinite sorrow:

The eagle on Yamato Island fell, and Dong Cunrui appeared in the Air Force!

The martyrs of martyrdom are immortalized.