
Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

author:My sister continued to think

Hey, news fans, let's talk about nuclear submarines. Yes, those nuclear submarines that are hidden in the depths of the ocean floor and seem to be able to destroy the planet. Some people say that they are the most deterrent weapons in the world today, and they are even more terrifying than atomic bombs, aircraft carriers, and intercontinental missiles.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

Today, we're going to take you on a journey through this little-known area, using the example of the top five nuclear submarines.

Fifth place: Russian nuclear submarine of the "Ash Tree" class

The first to appear is Russia's "Ashtree" class nuclear submarine. The biggest advantage of this guy is its superior underwater combat effectiveness. The maximum speed is up to 31 knots, and the noise is only 95 decibels, which is lower than the background noise of the ocean. It can almost be called a "stealth fighter under the sea".

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

In addition, the "Ash Tree" class can also carry a variety of hypersonic anti-ship missiles, torpedoes and other weapons, and even the P-800 missile is listed as "the fastest missile in the world". It poses a huge threat to the US Seawolf-class nuclear submarines and is no less important than any strategic nuclear submarine. Russia is well aware that in order to win in naval warfare in the new era, it must have hypersonic weapons that rival those of the US military.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

Fourth place: Russian Soviet-made Delta IV nuclear submarine

Below are Russia's Soviet-made Delta IV nuclear submarines. This guy has been developed since the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century and is still in use today, like a tireless veteran. It has a double-shell design with a trapezoidal section of 529 mm underwater, which looks cool. The maximum depth can reach 450 meters, but it's not just about the good looks.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

The main weapon system of the Delta IV is 16 R-29RM Swan liquid-fuel submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Each missile can carry enough to cover a large city with 8 nuclear warheads with a yield of 150 thousand kilotons, that is, this guy is easily capable of destroying a small and medium-sized country. So, if it's an enemy, definitely don't anger the veteran.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

3rd place: Russian 955A "God of the Boreas"

Now it's time to talk about Russia's Boreas-class nuclear submarines, which are Russia's most deterrent nuclear submarines at the moment. In this guy, there are quite a few highlights of the technical level. It has a hull length of 170 meters, a maximum speed of 29 knots, and a maximum diving depth of 450 meters. This cargo is really amazing for a strategic nuclear submarine.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

The biggest highlight is the R-30 Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile on board. Each Boreas-class submarine can carry 16 Bulava missiles, and it only takes 2 minutes to complete the launch. This means that enemy territory can be covered in tens of minutes. It is precisely because of such a powerful attack ability that the God of the North Wind is known as "the most feared existence in the United States".

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

Second place: American strategic nuclear submarines of the "Columbia" class

The Columbia-class nuclear submarine of the United States is a newcomer, but it is already in the spotlight. It will have a displacement of more than 20,000 tons, making it the largest nuclear submarine in the history of the United States. In addition, this guy's stealth performance is also quite good, and he is nicknamed "black hole-level" stealth. Most importantly, the new reactor has a modular design, which adds to the level of combat readiness of the "Columbia" class.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

In terms of weapons, the newcomer is equipped with a multi-purpose vertical launch canister that can fire improved Trident ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and hypersonic weapons. It is also equipped with large-caliber sea-seeking sonar and low-frequency active sonar, making it anti-submarine functional. So, although he is a newcomer, he should not be underestimated.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

First place: American-made "Ohio" class strategic nuclear submarine

Hawkers, the last big guy appeared, that's right, it was the American "Ohio"-class strategic nuclear submarine. The veteran was born during the Cold War to implement strategic deterrence against the Soviet Union. It has a large displacement, a quiet all-electric propulsion system, and a maximum speed of 20 knots.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

But the most formidable thing is that it is capable of carrying 24 Trident-D5 submarine-launched ICBMs, each of which can carry enough eight nuclear warheads with a yield of 150 kilotons to cover a large city. It seems that this product is a powerful veteran, and it gives people a deep shock.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

However, this list is not just a ranking, it is also a metaphor. No matter how powerful nuclear submarines are, they have their weaknesses. Once discovered, it will be subjected to endless torpedo bombardment. In today's world, the advantage of nuclear submarines is no longer just data, but is reflected in concealment. And a breakthrough by China could be a game-changer for nuclear submarines.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

A new paper mentions that Chinese researchers use changes in electric and magnetic fields to track the signals produced by submarines as they advance underwater. If this technology is applied to national defense, whether it is the Russian Boreasan or the American Ohio-class nuclear submarines, we will be able to track their presence, which will greatly increase the level of national security.

Five powerful nuclear submarines are at the top of the list, which can destroy the world in 30 minutes, and Chinese submarines are regrettable

Therefore, regardless of the ranking of nuclear submarines, technological progress and innovation are the key to victory. In this competitive world, only by constantly improving can you succeed in the depths of the ocean floor. Staying vigilant and not fearing a strong enemy is the way of nuclear submarines in today's world.

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