
The post-90s generation has become a high-risk group of strokes, and how to prevent strokes will tell you.

author:Brother Yang's popular creation
The post-90s generation has become a high-risk group of strokes, and how to prevent strokes will tell you.

The situation of stroke prevention and treatment is severe, and the mainland urgently needs to strengthen early screening and comprehensive intervention

In recent years, the prevalence and treatment burden of stroke (stroke) in mainland China have become increasingly severe. Globally, the lifetime risk of stroke in people over the age of 25 is about 24.9%, while in mainland China the figure is close to 40%. According to the data of the Stroke Prevention and Control Engineering Committee of the National Health Commission, in 2020, the prevalence of stroke among residents over 40 years old in mainland China reached 2.61%, with an incidence rate of 505.23 per 100,000 people and a mortality rate of 343.4 per 100,000 people. It is estimated that in 2020 alone, there were about 17.8 million stroke patients in mainland China over the age of 40. In the face of this reality, there is an urgent need to strengthen relevant work, especially early screening and comprehensive intervention.

The post-90s generation has become a high-risk group of strokes, and how to prevent strokes will tell you.

Stroke, commonly known as "stroke" or "cerebral hemorrhage", is a disease with acute onset and rapid progression, and its mortality and disability rate is quite high. At present, the "post-90s" group has become part of the population with a high incidence of stroke, which means that the identification and intervention work is urgent.

In order to cope with this challenge, Zhang Yongwei, deputy director of the Cerebrovascular Disease Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of the Naval Medical University and secretary general of the Yangtze River Delta Cerebrovascular Disease Specialty Alliance, said that through local trade union organizations in various industries, we will strive to fully cover all people over the age of 30 with early screening of stroke. This initiative means that early screening is integrated into public health management through trade union channels in order to identify potential stroke risk factors early and intervene accordingly.

The post-90s generation has become a high-risk group of strokes, and how to prevent strokes will tell you.

However, early screening alone is not enough, we also need to strengthen stroke prevention and treatment. Individuals should pay attention to maintaining a healthy diet, exercising in moderation, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and smoking in daily life to reduce the risk of stroke. In addition, medical institutions and medical personnel should also provide better diagnosis and treatment methods to provide timely and effective treatment for patients.

The post-90s generation has become a high-risk group of strokes, and how to prevent strokes will tell you.

It is important to note that stroke is not only an individual health problem, but also a significant source of socioeconomic burden. Stroke patients require long-term rehabilitation and care, which is a heavy burden on the patient's family and society. Therefore, in addition to individual responsibility, all sectors of society should also step up publicity and education efforts to raise public awareness and attention to stroke. By popularizing the knowledge of stroke, guiding people to develop a good lifestyle, and seeking medical treatment in time when stroke occurs, the occurrence of stroke can be effectively reduced.

In order to fully address the challenges posed by stroke, we need to take a variety of measures. First, the government should invest more resources to improve early stroke screening programmes to ensure that they reach a wider range of people. Second, strengthen the capacity building of medical institutions to provide better stroke diagnosis and treatment services, including improving stroke emergency response capacity and improving stroke rehabilitation institutions. In addition, it is also very important to strengthen scientific research and promote the innovation and progress of stroke prevention and treatment technology.

The post-90s generation has become a high-risk group of strokes, and how to prevent strokes will tell you.
The post-90s generation has become a high-risk group of strokes, and how to prevent strokes will tell you.

Stroke is a serious public health problem that places a huge burden on individuals, families and society. We need the concerted efforts of the whole society to strengthen the early screening, prevention and treatment of stroke, and raise public awareness and attention to stroke, so as to reduce the adverse impact of stroke on people's health and social development. Only in this way can we effectively respond to the severe challenges of the stroke situation and contribute to the construction of a healthy China.

The post-90s generation has become a high-risk group of strokes, and how to prevent strokes will tell you.