
After the Chinese side issued a series of warnings, six US congressmen arrived in Taiwan at night, and the People's Liberation Army showed its sword and patrolled the combat readiness

author:A beacon without restraints

A recent incident has sparked widespread international attention over an attempt by U.S. lawmakers to visit Taiwan and a strong reaction from the People's Liberation Army's Eastern Theater. There is a deep background and political motivation behind this incident, and it has also sparked a broader discussion about the Taiwan issue. In this article, we'll delve into the various facets of this event, including the key figures involved, the political context, and the complexities of international relations.

After the Chinese side issued a series of warnings, six US congressmen arrived in Taiwan at night, and the People's Liberation Army showed its sword and patrolled the combat readiness

A visit by a U.S. congressman

After the Chinese side issued a series of warnings, six US congressmen arrived in Taiwan at night, and the People's Liberation Army showed its sword and patrolled the combat readiness

The trigger for the incident was the attempt of some US congressmen to visit Taiwan. The purpose of these lawmakers is to highlight U.S. support for Taiwan and try to make up for previous political defeats. Through this move, they tried to send a strong diplomatic message to the Taiwan authorities, but it also provoked a strong reaction from the Chinese side.

After the Chinese side issued a series of warnings, six US congressmen arrived in Taiwan at night, and the People's Liberation Army showed its sword and patrolled the combat readiness

Operations in the Eastern Theater of Operations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

After the Chinese side issued a series of warnings, six US congressmen arrived in Taiwan at night, and the People's Liberation Army showed its sword and patrolled the combat readiness

In response to the US congressman's visit to Taiwan, the Eastern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) took action and organized a series of military exercises. This action is the Chinese Government's strong opposition to the US actions and a manifestation of its resolute attitude toward the Taiwan issue. The Chinese Government firmly advocates the one-China principle and regards Taiwan as part of China's territory.

The purpose of the visit of the US congressman to Taiwan

The purpose of the US congressman's visit to Taiwan is not only to try to redeem the previous political defeat, but also to test China's bottom line. They tried to understand the Chinese government's position on the Taiwan issue and whether China was willing to take military action to defend its territorial integrity. This probing behavior has triggered a strong reaction from the Chinese side and has once again brought the Taiwan issue into the focus of international attention.

The importance of a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue

The author notes that the Taiwan issue needs to be resolved peacefully, and not rely on the support of external forces. The international community should encourage the parties to resolve their disputes through dialogue and diplomacy, rather than taking provocative actions. A peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue is the key to maintaining regional and global stability.

The prudence of the DPP authorities

The DPP authorities should be cautious and not treat war as a game. The Taiwan issue involves complex international politics and geostrategy, and wise policies and leadership are needed to safeguard Taiwan's interests. Any rash action can trigger irreversible consequences.

The concerns of the international community

This incident has aroused widespread concern in the international community. All countries are paying close attention to the development of the Taiwan issue, because it has a bearing on regional and global stability. The international community should play a constructive role in encouraging the parties to resolve disputes through dialogue in order to ensure peace and security.


The Taiwan issue is a complex and sensitive issue that needs to be approached with caution. The international community should work together to resolve disputes through diplomacy and dialogue and maintain regional and global peace and prosperity. Any provocative action can trigger unpredictable consequences, so it needs to be handled with caution to avoid triggering international tensions.