
Outburst! "Anti-Semitic riots" broke out in Dagestan! Locals chanting: Child killers are not welcome

author:Xin talks

With the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a disturbing incident erupted in the region. Local people gathered at Makhachkala airport and chanted "Child killers are not welcome in Dagestan", leading to an anti-Semitic riot.

Dagestan is an autonomous republic of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus, on the border with Chechnya. The area bears some religious similarities with Palestine and is home to a large number of Muslim residents. Due to religious factors, the locals expressed deep sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which to some extent reflects religious and national sentiments on a global scale.

Outburst! "Anti-Semitic riots" broke out in Dagestan! Locals chanting: Child killers are not welcome

However, the development of events has been affected by false news. According to reports, an unconfirmed spread of information said that there were Jews on a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Makhachkala. The news sparked discontent and anger on the ground, sparking demonstrations and protests, with people chanting "Child killers are not welcome in Dagestan."

Faced with this situation, the US State Department's special envoy for the fight against antisemites put pressure on Russia to stop this act.

However, the truth of the incident emerges shortly after, revealing an international behind-the-scenes conspiracy. It turned out that the news about Jews on the flight came from a social media account called "Utro Dagestan" (meaning "morning in Dagestan)", which was found to be linked to the Ukrainian secret services. The leader of the Republic of Dagestan, Vladimir Vasilyev, also openly expressed the hope that the population would not believe this rumor.

Outburst! "Anti-Semitic riots" broke out in Dagestan! Locals chanting: Child killers are not welcome

This revelation suggests that behind this incident may be an international political conspiracy aimed at creating chaos and contradictions in order to further escalate regional tensions. The international community's response to events has also become more complex, demanding more information and investigation to establish the truth.

The international community has expressed deep concern over the "anti-Semitic riots" in Dagestan. The incident raised concerns about religious and ethnic relations, as well as concerns about anti-Semitism and hate speech. A number of countries and international organizations have called on the Russian government to take measures to ensure that such vicious incidents do not recur on its territory.

The Russian government responded positively to this incident. After the incident broke out, powerful agents of the local government quickly arrived at Makhachkala airport and took measures to quell the incident. At the same time, the Russian government has said it will launch an investigation to determine where the disinformation came from and how it was spread, and whether there was any international political motive behind it.

Outburst! "Anti-Semitic riots" broke out in Dagestan! Locals chanting: Child killers are not welcome

This incident highlights the power of information and the impact it can cause. The spread of misinformation and rumors can inspire malicious emotions and lead to social instability. It also underscores the sensitivity of the international community to religious and ethnic relations and the need to avoid spreading conflicts from one region to another.

Behind this incident, we also see the impact of international political motives and how someone might use sensitive emotions and issues to achieve their own political goals. This incident reminds us to be vigilant, to be cautious with information, and to seek the truth in order to avoid unnecessary tension and conflict.