
It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

author:Just like history

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It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

This country, once part of China, is now suffering, and its citizens think they are related to China.

Kyrgyzstan, a country that once had a deep affection for China, has now become an independent and sovereign state that has remained in turmoil, with its citizens insisting that they are descendants of the Han Dynasty and related to Chinese.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

Kyrgyzstan has long since become an independent state, so why do the people of this country still claim to be descendants of the Han Dynasty? Why is Kyrgyzstan in turmoil?

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It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

What was once a Chinese territory

Kyrgyzstan is a typical Central Asian country, similar to several "stans" such as nearby Kazakhstan, and has historically had close ties with China.

From the geographical location of Kyrgyzstan, it is adjacent to Xinjiang on the mainland and has deep roots with China, in fact, since the Han Dynasty, Kyrgyzstan has countless contacts with China, which is one of the reasons why they claim to be descendants of the Han Dynasty.

Judging from the historical records of the Han Dynasty, Kyrgyzstan was the western region of the Han Dynasty, and it was not incorporated into the territory of the mainland at the beginning.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

The life of the nomads was difficult and unstable, and the wealth and abundant products of the Han Dynasty made them envious, so when the Chinese merchants passed through these areas, these "Jiankun" people would come out to rob, causing the mainland merchants to suffer heavy losses and even lose their lives here.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was in power, he deliberately expanded the country to the surrounding areas in order to increase China's influence in the surrounding areas and make other countries fearful. For these nomads who are famous for robbery, Emperor Wu of Han knew that only absolute force suppression could make them submit, otherwise this group of people would be an eternal hidden danger on the mainland frontier, and once the country showed a little weakness, they would definitely go straight in.

It just so happened that at that time, China under the rule of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was thriving, and the national strength far exceeded that of the scattered nomads, in order to solve these hidden dangers, he sent Li Guangli to the west, and the "Jiankun people" had been included in the territory of the Han Dynasty, and once again established the capital protectorate, and Kyrgyzstan was also included in the territory of the Han Dynasty.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

However, with the weakening of the Han Dynasty, the nomads became restless again, and taking advantage of the turbulent period of the country's dynastic change, the Jiankun people split and broke away from China's control. After the Han Dynasty, China experienced a long period of turmoil and division, which also gave the Jiankun people the opportunity and opportunity to develop themselves.

However, the nomads did not have much experience in building a state, and the result was that China was divided and turbulent for hundreds of years, and wars broke out between the nomads, and no one was spared in that era.

It was not until the Sui and Tang dynasties that China slowly showed a situation of great unification, especially after Li Shimin succeeded to the throne, Li Shimin could not bear to harass the nomads who often harassed the mainland border, and he also had the intention to expand China's territory and take all the Western Regions into his pocket, so he ordered strict management of the Western Regions, and sent troops to attack the countries of the Western Regions.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

In the period of Li Shimin, there was a powerful country in the Western Regions named Gaochang, the specific location was probably in the area of today's Turpan, Li Shimin in order to recover these territories, ordered people to attack Gaochang with all his strength, and soon the Gaochang regime was overthrown. After the collapse of the Western Regions powers, other state regimes were all "trivial", and in a short period of time, the Tang army recovered many countries and took back the territory of the Western Regions that China lost in the Han Dynasty, and Kyrgyzstan was among them.

After taking back the territory of the Western Regions, China began to do business with the Western Regions again, transporting our famous tea, silk, porcelain and other goods to the Western Regions to sell at high prices, and then buying cheap furs and other goods in the Western Regions at low prices.

Li Bai's life experience is very interesting, his birthplace is recorded in the Western Regions, and the academic community generally believes that it is Kyrgyzstan, because Li Bai's father was doing business there, Li Bai was also born in Kyrgyzstan, and later returned to his hometown in Sichuan with his father. Kyrgyzstan is also very happy about Li Bai's birthplace, and we can even see Li Bai's statue in the territory.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

After being incorporated into the territory of China, Kyrgyzstan received the influence of Chinese culture, and the communication and exchange with the Central Plains also helped Kyrgyzstan develop, but as a border area of China, once the country is in turmoil, the border is easily affected. In the late Tang Dynasty, Kyrgyzstan again seceded from China.

During the Yuan Dynasty, it became a mainland territory again, but the weakening of the dynasty also meant a change in the fate of Kyrgyzstan, and it was later annexed to Chinese territory during the Kangxi period.

Kangxi conquered this land, included Kyrgyzstan in the territory of Xinjiang, and set up relevant administrative agencies here to strictly manage it, and it was this return experience that made Kyrgyzstan more attached to China.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

Leave the territory

This country, once part of China, is now suffering so much that its citizens consider themselves to be the same ancestors as China.

Regarding the last time Kyrgyzstan left China, that was in the late Qing Dynasty, when the Western world continued to develop its prospects, and the mainland of the Qing Dynasty was out of touch with the world due to the policy of closing the country and other policies, which also caused us to lag behind the world for hundreds of years.

The Qing government was already cowardly, and seeing that we were not the opponent of Tsarist Russia, it could only use the method of land cession and reparation to calm the "anger" of the other party, and Kyrgyzstan was forcibly taken by Tsarist Russia during that period.

Although Tsarist Russia has carried out all-round reforms in Kyrgyzstan after taking over, whether it is the bureaucratic system or cultural traditions, Kyrgyzstan has retained some characteristics of Chinese culture despite the influence of Russian culture, forming a unique cultural core of Kyrgyzstan.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

However, the strong rule of Tsarist Russia did not last long, and the decline of Tsarist Russia also meant the rise of a new regime, that is, the Soviet Union. As soon as the October Revolution in Russia rang out, there was no Tsarist Russia in the world, and a new red regime was emerging, and that was the Soviet Union.

Since Kyrgyzstan was the land of Tsarist Russia before, Kyrgyzstan naturally became a part of the Soviet Union after the establishment of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan was a part of the Union of Soviet Republics, but the United Nations under the notice of the Soviet Union was not very powerful, and they all needed to accept the unified order of the Soviet Central Committee, and Kyrgyzstan at that time could only follow the Soviet Union.

Fortunately, the Soviet Union has developed into one of the world's leading powers, and Kyrgyzstan, as a member of the Soviet Union, also enjoys the benefits brought by the strong Soviet Union.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

After World War II, the world pattern changed, and the Soviet Union and the United States became the two most powerful countries in the world, but there was no conclusion as to who was the world boss, and no one was convinced by the two countries, and of course the fundamental reason for the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union was that they did not belong to the same ideology.

In order to prove the "superiority" of their own system, the United States and other countries led a number of Western countries to suppress socialist countries, and treated the Soviet Union, including China, and the Soviet Union had the ability to contend with them when it was the strongest, and neither side was submissive to the other, and the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union began.

In the following time, the leadership of the Soviet Union underwent great changes, from hard-core figures such as Lenin and Stalin to Khrushchev and others, these leaders cannot be said to have done a bad job, but their grasp of the direction of the entire country and the changes in the world situation were indeed not precise enough, causing the Soviet Union to go further and further on the road.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

Regarding the disintegration of the Soviet Union, many people believe that it is the result of the "peaceful evolution" of Western countries, but the reason for this is that there is a problem in the exploration of the path of socialist development, and even Chairman Mao pointed out that the Soviet Union has deviated from the direction of socialism.

In 1991, shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan also declared an independent country, in fact, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they still miss the former Soviet Union very much, and the former Soviet Union member states still maintain friendly relations, and also joined the "CIS" of nearby countries, hoping to lead the country to develop well after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

It is obvious that Kyrgyzstan overestimates its ability to develop independently as a country, throughout history, Kyrgyzstan is either included in China, or belongs to Tsarist Russia or the Soviet Union, the rest of the time is almost a war, they have very little experience in development, once relied on the order of the Soviet Central Committee, the method of resource integration has allowed Kyrgyzstan to have a short period of development.

After leaving, the Kyrgyz government found it really too difficult to develop independently.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.


After Kyrgyzstan broke away from the Soviet Union, why did it not increase but retreat?

The agricultural environment in Kyrgyzstan is not good, and their most representative industries are mineral resources and animal husbandry, but the food necessary for the people's life is relatively scarce, and this scarcity does not seem to be obvious during the Soviet era. The Soviet Union had a very important piece of land called Ukraine, which was fertile and suitable for growing grain, and was known as the "breadbasket of Europe".

For the USSR, Kyrgyzstan was more important for the country with livestock and mineral resources, and as for the lack of food, it was enough to mobilize grain directly from Ukraine. At that time, the Soviet Union built a lot of related infrastructure in order to develop Kyrgyzstan's mineral and animal husbandry industries, and Kyrgyzstan thought that since the Soviet Union could transfer grain from other regions for them, they could focus on what they were good at, so they despised domestic grain cultivation even more.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

As a result, Kyrgyzstan's domestic grain production is declining year by year, and the local people have to rely on food distribution from other places to live. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine and other countries with relatively abundant food have become independent stated, and it is impossible to give Kyrgyzstan grain support.

But the people can not skip eating, for the time being can not think of a way to the Kyrgyz government has to sell mineral resources at a low price, etc., for the domestic people in exchange for the survival of food, in addition to food Kyrgyzstan must also face a lot of practical problems, the former Soviet Union in order to develop Kyrgyzstan, in its country built a lot of infrastructure, once the construction and maintenance of these infrastructure are the responsibility of the Soviet Union, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the maintenance of infrastructure fell on the head of the Kyrgyzstan government, as a country that can not have enough to eat, Where do they have the money to do this?

As a result, Kyrgyzstan not only sells a lot of its mineral resources at low prices, but also fails to develop its own infrastructure, because domestic food is scarce and easy for other countries to grasp the lifeline of development, resulting in a mess of the entire country's situation.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

The lack of development in the country means that there are not enough jobs, a large number of young people do not have a stable job and income, the people's lives are miserable, and the people who cannot survive are prone to make radical moves, coupled with the intention of Western forces to intervene and disrupt countries near China, a "color revolution" broke out in Kyrgyzstan, and the people denounced the "unqualified" leaders.

It's a pity that the leader of Kyrgyzstan has no talent, the first leader fled in a hurry when the country was in turmoil, leaving behind a "mess", and the successor president is a pro-European and American faction, but Kyrgyzstan is not important to Europe and the United States, no matter how he shows favor to Europe and the United States, Europe and the United States are not ready to pay attention to him, and the Kyrgyz country is still in turmoil.

Kyrgyzstan's politics is best described as "you sing and we appear", which has replaced seven presidents and 20 prime ministers in 15 years, and the country has been riddled with power struggles and popular discontent.

It was once Chinese territory, but now it is in internal turmoil, and the people insist that they are from the Han Dynasty.

Reality can not satisfy the people of Kyrgyzstan, then they look for spiritual comfort, by looking through the history books, they take Li Ling as their ancestor, from the Han Dynasty unified them, then they are the descendants of the Han Dynasty, and they were once part of the prosperous Han Dynasty.

Of course, they are looking for the same sense of national identity as the Chinese, both for the once powerful Han Dynasty and for today's prosperous China, Kyrgyzstan borders Xinjiang, but Xinjiang continues to prosper under the leadership of the country, and the people of Xinjiang are living a good life, but they are still struggling with the difficulties of life every day.

The Kyrgyz people believe that they are also descendants of China and that they have been part of the splendid Chinese culture, which is perhaps their greatest spiritual satisfaction.

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