
The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?


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The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Text: Jiu Pengju

Edited by Jiu Pengju

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

In the process of the train, some people have fallen asleep, some people are still reminiscing about what they saw during the day, and at this moment, the uniformed conductor suddenly closed the curtains, why?

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?
The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

The multiple meanings of drawing curtains at night

In fact, the flight attendants do the action of pulling the curtains every night, whether the passengers are asleep or not, they always have to pull a layer of blackout on the windows, which seems to be a trivial small act, but it contains several layers of consideration.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

It turns out that outside the train window at night, there are often strong lights coming in from the tunnel, etc., and the frequent changes of these lights are enough to disturb the sleep of passengers, and the curtains block the strong light from the outside world, creating a dark sleeping environment for everyone.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Not only that, but when the train stops, it is easy for people outside to look in through the windows, which is a hidden danger for women and children.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Thieves may also get a glimpse of the contents of the carriage, and passengers are inevitably worried, and closing the curtains means that passengers can sleep peacefully without worrying about privacy and property safety.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

A middle-aged woman carrying cash for the next day's shopping slept in a sleeper without curtains when she was watched by residents near the station and told the thief that if the curtains had been closed, the theft might have been avoided.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

In the past, there were college students who stayed up late to study and chose to travel in sleepers, and the car window was shattered by external forces, and the broken glass hurt her hand, and these things can be avoided by closing the curtains.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

At the same time, when the train passes through the city at night, the lights of the carriages may shine into the surrounding residences, and the curtains are drawn not only to take care of the rest of the passengers, but also to show the care of the residents' sleep.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Some residents have reported that the lights of the carriages disturbed the rest and life of residents when the train passed by late at night, and since then, the railway station has specifically required all passing trains to be strictly blacked out so as not to affect the surrounding environment.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?
The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

How to go to the toilet on the train

In addition to having staff draw curtains, the interior of the Continental train is also being continuously improved to give passengers a better experience, including the train's toilet facilities.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

In the early days of the Green Train, the railway toilets were still in a rudimentary in-line type, discharging feces directly onto the tracks, and the speed of the trains at that time was only 32 kilometers per hour, and the discharge of feces did not cause serious environmental problems.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Later, China's railways carried out the first large-scale speed adjustment, and railway transportation entered an era of rapid development.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

However, the pressure of the air flow generated by the high-speed train breaks up the feces and carries it to both sides of the roadbed, causing serious environmental pollution.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Splashes of manure not only pollute the railway line, but also corrode the rails and rolling stock, increasing the maintenance cost of the railway.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

This not only causes serious environmental problems, but also increases the risk of disease transmission, poses a hidden danger to the health of residents on both sides of the railway line, and serious pollution problems have become a bottleneck in China's railway development.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Faced with the growing pollution problem, China Railway decided to renovate the toilets of passenger trains by introducing vacuum toilets to replace the old in-line toilets.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

The vacuum toilet can collect the feces in the storage bin in the carriage, and after the train arrives at the station, it will be transferred by the pipeline system to the fixed place station for pollution-free treatment.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

This toilet not only solves the problem of direct discharge of manure, but also saves a lot of water.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

You must know that in the past, the in-line toilet needed several times more water each time than the flush toilet, and now the vacuum toilet only needs 0.3-0.5 liters of water each time, which is about one-tenth of the traditional toilet.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Today, all high-speed rail EMU trains in China have fully used vacuum toilets.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

For the Qinghai-Tibet and other plateau railways, the mainland has also developed an optimized defecation system to adapt to the environment, and has made continuous improvements to toilets, making China's high-speed railways a comfortable and hygienic and environmentally friendly mode of travel.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?
The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Don't panic when the train stops temporarily

While the train was moving, the sleeping passengers were suddenly awakened by a sudden braking sound, and when they opened their eyes, they saw that it was still pitch black outside the window, and the train stopped quietly in place, with no lights around and no station in sight.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

It turns out that railway transportation, like highways, is not a special channel for a certain train, and in order to avoid a head-on collision between trains on a single-track railway, it is a common practice to temporarily stop and wait for the rendezvous.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

When the command center finds that there are other trains in front of it occupying the railway, it will issue a stop order to this train.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

After waiting for the train in front to pass, the train will restart and move forward, so stopping and waiting for the intersection is the main reason for stopping halfway.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

In addition, there are many uncertainties in rail transport, and any unexpected situation may cause trains to stop at a short time.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

These include the failure of the switch ahead, which must wait for the maintenance personnel to rush to the scene to investigate, and the failure of the power facilities ahead, and the power system must be waited for the power system to return to normal power supply.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Even in the event of natural disasters such as landslides, mudslides and other blocked routes, it is necessary to stop and wait for the cleanup, and temporary stops caused by these unexpected factors are not uncommon.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

In fact, the replacement of locomotives will also cause temporary stops, and the terrain along the railway line is complex and changeable, and a certain locomotive may not be suitable for the whole journey.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

There is also the front section of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, which can be used with electric locomotives, but the rear section is high in altitude and difficult to power supply, so it is necessary to switch to fuel locomotives, and in order to replace the locomotives, the train must also stop temporarily, which often occurs at the intersection station of the railway.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

At the end of the journey, after the train arrives, it is also common to change the front to the rear of the train to change the direction of travel.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

It is important to know that in the past, because the locomotive could not travel in both directions, it had to be turned around by a herringbone railway or locomotive turntable.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Nowadays, most of the locomotives are reversed by changing the head, and temporary stops are also required, which take place at the terminal station in order to achieve the reverse direction of the train.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

At the same time, when the locomotive crew is temporarily rotated, they must also wait for the new crew to arrive before they can leave, and there are passengers on the train who have sudden health conditions that need to be treated, etc., which may lead to a short stoppage.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?
The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

There is no distinction between men and women in train sleepers

When passengers take the train, most people choose hard seats or soft sleeper cars, but many college students or business travelers choose affordable and affordable hard sleeper cars.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Whether it's a relaxing short trip or a long long journey, whether alone or with family and friends, the sleeper car provides an economical and convenient way for people to travel.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

However, friends who have chosen the hard sleeper car may find that the beds in the hard sleeper car of the train are not divided into men and women, and everyone is mixed together.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

This brings a certain amount of inconvenience and distress to many female passengers, especially for girls who travel alone, and it is inevitable that there will be safety concerns about sharing a room with a strange man, so some people ask why not separate men and women in the hard sleeper car?

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Indeed, from a woman's point of view, if a hard sleeper car can be separated between men and women in the same way as a soft sleeper, then women will feel more at ease during the journey.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

However, train operations also need to take into account economic efficiency, with the fares of hard sleeper cars being relatively cheap and the ratio of male to female passengers per day not fixed.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

If the carriages are forcibly divided by gender, it is inevitable that there will be a waste of resources, which is not in line with the business operation model that maximizes economic benefits.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

At the same time, many parents will travel with their minor children, and some elderly people also need to be accompanied by family members.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Not only that, but the division according to gender will also bring certain difficulties to the sale of tickets, because the ratio of men and women is not fixed every day, and it is impossible to divide the ticket amount according to the number of men and women who buy tickets on the day in real time, which undoubtedly brings unnecessary trouble to ticket sales.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Of course, we can't ignore the legitimate rights and interests of female passengers, and some uncivilized men may harass or molest women in hard sleeper cars, which brings potential safety hazards to women.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

While train companies can increase surveillance and crew patrols, it is also very difficult to prevent such incidents.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

Some female travelers will also take some countermeasures for safety, such as choosing bunk beds, avoiding being harassed by men in the lower bunks, dressing conservatively, reducing attention, traveling in groups, and taking care of each other.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

But these require women to have a strong sense of self-protection, and increase the trouble of travel.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?
The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

The curtains of the train at night are not only closed for passengers to shade and rest, but also behind this layer of fabric, which is the meticulous care of the train staff for passengers and the environment.

As passengers, we should cherish this service and care, and work together to create a stable and civilized travel environment.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

After all, we all want a comfortable and secure journey with minimal disruption to others, and this requires the joint efforts of both passengers and crew.

As passengers, don't panic when encountering this situation, just wait patiently, let us wait for the train to start again with a peaceful and positive attitude.

The secret of the train: why does the conductor force the curtains to be drawn at night and the train stops halfway?

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