
Shimomura Elementary School 2023-2024 October Teaching and Research Activity Information

author:One sniff net

In October, the cool breeze gently walked through the campus, brushing away the summer heat and bringing autumn greetings... If education is seen as a long-distance boat, then teaching and research activities are a beacon that points out the way ahead. Teaching and research are the wings of teaching and an indispensable part of teaching.

Teacher growth is the driving force for school development, and classroom practice is the main front for teacher growth. In order to further improve the professional quality and teaching ability of teachers in our school, and consolidate the basic teaching of teachers' control of classroom teaching, relying on the arrangement of the town primary school, on October 23, 2023, our school carried out a classroom teaching activity for teachers to help each other and grow together.

Shimomura Elementary School 2023-2024 October Teaching and Research Activity Information

This activity is carried out in the form of group teachers teaching and teachers of the school listening to and evaluating the lessons. During the activity, each teacher's classroom has its own characteristics, and they can flexibly control the classroom, and the interaction between teachers and students is natural. Skillful control of time, relaxation and moderation; The teaching style is natural, and the appearance is generous; The language is standardized, clear, concise, affinity, and infectious; The board book is neat, beautiful, concise and clear.

Shimomura Elementary School 2023-2024 October Teaching and Research Activity Information

After the end of the lecture, the principal Zhan Wen organized each group of teachers to evaluate and discuss the lesson, and the teachers expressed their opinions and spoke freely about the class observation situation, and made a comprehensive comment on the teaching process, content, objectives, teaching methods, learning methods, knowledge mastery, ability training, etc., and sincerely put forward their own opinions and suggestions while affirming the advantages.

Shimomura Elementary School 2023-2024 October Teaching and Research Activity Information

The development of this activity made the teachers of the whole school feel the teaching style of different teachers, and gave full play to the role of learning, communication and improvement; To achieve the purpose of strengthening mutual learning, mutual reference, mutual exchange, learning from each other's strengths, and common improvement among teachers; It has changed the situation of teachers learning alone and without friends. In the future work, we will continue to learn to improve the quality of classroom teaching, promote the development of teachers as the goal, in order to improve the comprehensive ability of teachers, improve the quality of the school and make unremitting efforts, I believe that the professional growth of school teachers and the level of education and teaching will be in the joint efforts of all teachers to a new level.

One person can go fast, and a group of people can go farther. Through this activity, each teacher has their own harvest, and every learning and exchange is worth cherishing, because it embodies the collision of ideas and the collaboration between teachers and students. In the activities, we introspect and make progress, just to make our classes more exciting and effective, and only for our children to make more progress and growth!

Pick up a bonus, meet the beauty, thank the teachers who have worked hard, and thank the students who are attentive and active. I believe that people with educational feelings will always adhere to the firm belief of "you help me, I help him, and everyone helps everyone", insist on cultivating people with virtue, cultivate patriotic feelings, strengthen moral cultivation, and make our due contribution to educating people to realize the dream of the great rejuvenation of the motherland.

Lufeng City, Bicheng Town, Xiacun Primary School, Hua Weixian

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