
Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation held a cochlear implant relief distribution ceremony

author:Shenmu News

On October 27, Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation held a cochlear implant relief distribution ceremony. Shenmu Disabled Persons' Federation, Shenmu Citizen Charity Foundation, aid recipients and parents attended the ceremony.

Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation held a cochlear implant relief distribution ceremony
Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation held a cochlear implant relief distribution ceremony

At the ceremony, in accordance with the implementation measures of the Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation for the disabled, the meeting studied the relevant matters of cochlear implant assistance for the six rescue objects, and unanimously approved the total amount of 755,400 yuan for the six people. The parents presented pennants to the foundation as a token of appreciation. Xue Wenli, a parent, said: "We are very grateful to the foundation for its help and care, not only for our material assistance, but also for the correct guidance of our outlook on life and values. At the same time, we will continue to pass on the help and touching we have received today to help those in need. We will do our best to actively participate in public welfare undertakings within our own ability and repay the warmth of the society."

Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation held a cochlear implant relief distribution ceremony

In order to protect the rehabilitation rights of children with disabilities and help children with severe hearing impairment rebuild their hearing, Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation launched a cochlear implant rehabilitation assistance activity in 2012, and distributed 80% of the total cochlear implant costs, installation costs and hospitalization expenses to children who meet the conditions for assistance. Since the launch of the cochlear implant assistance project, a total of 58 eligible hearing-impaired children have been rescued, including 37 cochlear implants and 21 cochlear implant replacement machines, with a total investment of 6.5111 million yuan.

Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation held a cochlear implant relief distribution ceremony
Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation held a cochlear implant relief distribution ceremony
Shenmu Minsheng Charity Foundation held a cochlear implant relief distribution ceremony

Reporter: Liu Wei Editor: Gao Yanfang