
Yue Yunpeng took his sister and mother on a yacht vacation, the family is simple and unpretentious, and they are so happy to come to the bitter end!

author:Entertainment is always at home

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Yue Yunpeng, the cross talk actor, with years of unremitting efforts, has now stood on the peak of national stars, has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times, and his net worth is also growing rapidly, not only in the entertainment industry, but also in the first-class position in Deyun Club. However, he is not the kind of star who only cares about his career, and he knows that family is just as important as affection. Recently, he took his mother and sisters on a vacation to the sea to enjoy rare family time.

On this enviable holiday day, Yue Yunpeng wore a black T-shirt with a printed style, black slacks, and a pair of sunglasses to shade the sun. His wife Zheng Min sat next to him, although her appearance was not outstanding, she exuded a restrained temperament, and she was closely dependent on Yue Yunpeng, showing a typical picture of harmony between husband and wife. Yue Yunpeng's mother and two sisters sat behind them, happy smiles on their faces.

Yue Yunpeng took his sister and mother on a yacht vacation, the family is simple and unpretentious, and they are so happy to come to the bitter end!

This family looks very simple and ordinary, without any star shelves. Especially when my sister and mother were on vacation with Yue Yunpeng, the emotions of happiness continued to be revealed. In addition, Yue Yunpeng's daughters are strikingly similar to him, with round faces and bright little eyes. The little girl likes to wear princess dresses, and on this vacation, she wore a white gauze skirt, which looked quirky and cute.

Then, Yue Yunpeng turned into a photographer and took pictures of his mother. The mother sat in a corner of the yacht, because it was the first time to experience such luxury, she was a little uncomfortable, and she kept sorting the neckline with her hands, and she was full of joy for her son's success. Recalling back then, Yue Yunpeng's family background makes people feel a lot of emotion. He was born into a poor rural family and has two older sisters. As he grew older, Yue Yunpeng decided to move out on his own, unwilling to huddle under the same roof with his sisters anymore, and even used to live in a cowshed.

Yue Yunpeng took his sister and mother on a yacht vacation, the family is simple and unpretentious, and they are so happy to come to the bitter end!

In the cowshed, he endured the unbearable stench, but soon moved out, because he could not pay the 68 yuan a month tuition, he had to drop out of school to work as a bodyguard, serving dishes, etc., during which he was even insulted by guests. Later, he entered Deyun Club by chance, but at first he was not treated as Guo Degang's personal disciple, and was ostracized by his brothers many times. Until Deyun Club fell into a crisis and many people left, Guo Degang took a fancy to Yue Yunpeng's advantages and respect and sincerity for himself, and began to support him.

These early hardships made Yue Yunpeng deeply understand the difficulty of life, and after getting Guo Degang's guidance, he worked harder, and now he is famous, which can be regarded as a bittersweet end. Therefore, Yue Yunpeng was often grateful to those who had suppressed him, as well as those who had left Deyun Society. Without them, his path to success might still have come, but it would have been more rugged and later.

Yue Yunpeng took his sister and mother on a yacht vacation, the family is simple and unpretentious, and they are so happy to come to the bitter end!

However, Yue Yunpeng is not only about opportunities and chances, his hard work and tenacity are equally important. Even if a person has the best opportunity, if he is not willing to work hard for it, it will be difficult to succeed. The reason why Yue Yunpeng was able to succeed was precisely because of his unremitting hard work.

Although after becoming famous, Yue Yunpeng also had a regret, that is, he could not see his father for the last time in person. When his father was critically ill, Yue Yunpeng couldn't rush home in time due to work, and when he was about to perform on stage, he received the bad news that his father had passed away. At that time, he had to hide his sadness and turn it into a smile on stage, so his father has always been a regret in his heart.

Yue Yunpeng took his sister and mother on a yacht vacation, the family is simple and unpretentious, and they are so happy to come to the bitter end!

Today, Yue Yunpeng's success allows him to provide a privileged life for his wife, children, mother and sisters. This is also a kind of happiness, I wish Yue Yunpeng's family can always be happy and happy, and the future will be happy

The industry is thriving, creating more wonderful works. Yue Yunpeng's family is the solid backing behind his career, and his love and gratitude to his family is the source of his unremitting struggle.

This sea vacation seems to be a perfect trip planned by Yue Yunpeng for his family. His mother, wife, sisters, and daughters were there for him, sharing the good times with him and giving them a taste of the sweetness behind their success. Yue Yunpeng's wife, Zheng Min, may not be a frequent visitor to the star circle, but she has been silently supporting her husband and going through ups and downs with him. In his success phase, she was his closest companion and the silent hero behind his success.

Yue Yunpeng took his sister and mother on a yacht vacation, the family is simple and unpretentious, and they are so happy to come to the bitter end!

Although Yue Yunpeng has endured all kinds of hardships in the cowshed, his mother has always been one of the driving forces for him to keep going. Her smile is the best reward for her son's unremitting efforts. Yue Yunpeng always remembered his mother's love and support, which made him firmly believe that the strength of his family is irreplaceable.

Spending time with his family also gives Yue Yunpeng the opportunity to create wonderful memories for them. He became a photographer who captured every detail of his mother's yacht and captured her precious moments. This is not only a gratitude to his mother, but also a kind of cherishing of his family's happiness.

Yue Yunpeng's daughter is a star in his family. Her cuteness and innocence made him feel infinitely gratified. He used the camera to record his daughter's angelic smile under the white gauze skirt, and fixed this innocence in time.

Family is the destination of Yue Yunpeng's career and the source of his struggle. Behind the success is countless days and nights of perseverance and dedication, his father's regret and his mother's expectation, his wife's silent companionship and his daughter's innocent smile. No matter how great the honor, he always maintained a humble and grateful heart, remembering those who supported him and grateful those who left.

This vacation trip is not only a family gathering, but also a celebration of Yue Yunpeng's tenacity and perseverance. He used his actions to tell the world that no matter whether they are poor or poor, as long as they have a strong will and unremitting efforts, success will definitely come. His story inspires more people to understand that happiness is not only about money and fame, but also about the companionship and love of family.

On this happy day, Yue Yunpeng's family enjoyed the sunshine, sea breeze and each other's company, and spent an unforgettable time. In the future, he will continue to create excitement on the stage, while guarding his family, being grateful for the past, cherishing the present, and looking forward to the future. This is not only the story of a family, but also the history of the struggle of a successful person, and a sincere hymn to family affection, gratitude and happiness.


Yue Yunpeng's success story provides us with many valuable inspirations, whether it is for those who pursue career success or live a happy life. Here are some things to think about:

Diligence and perseverance: Yue Yunpeng's success does not come from luck, but from his diligence and persistence over the years. He once started from a poor rural family, dropped out of school to work, and experienced all kinds of difficulties, but he never gave up. This tells us that no matter how big the setbacks are, as long as you keep working hard, you have a chance to achieve your dreams.

Grasp the opportunity: Yue Yunpeng's opportunity came from entering Deyun Club, but he was not recognized by everyone at the beginning. However, he did not back down because of difficulties, but earned people's respect through his efforts and sincerity. This tells us that seizing an opportunity is only one step, and how to stand out from the opportunity depends on one's own efforts and attitude.

Gratitude and cherishment: Yue Yunpeng is always grateful to those who have suppressed him and those who have left Deyun Club. This gratitude makes him not forget his original intention and cherish his opportunities. We can also learn from this that we should be grateful to those who have helped us or hindered us, whether we have succeeded or not, because they are important teachers in life.

Definition of happiness: Yue Yunpeng's success did not make him forget his family, and he spent precious time with his family. This reminds us that success is not only about material prosperity, but also about family happiness and the companionship of family affection. People shouldn't focus only on their careers and neglect the connection with their families.

Always striving for better: Even though Yue Yunpeng has achieved a lot of success, he still strives for better performances. This shows that success is not an end, but an ongoing process. We can all learn from this, don't be satisfied with the status quo, and always strive for progress and innovation.


Yue Yunpeng's story is an inspiring success story that tells us that no matter what your background, as long as you have dreams and perseverance, you can achieve your goals. His tenacity, hard work, and gratitude are all qualities we can learn from. At the same time, his family happiness also reminds us that success is not only a halo in career, but also includes family affection and happy companionship.

In real life, we can also use these principles to guide our own growth and life. Whether in the workplace or at home, perseverance, gratitude to others, cherishing family affection, and pursuing progress are all important ways to success and happiness.

Ultimately, Yue Yunpeng's story teaches us that success is not easy to come by, it requires perseverance, hard work and wisdom. But as long as we have a dream and are willing to work hard for it, we have the opportunity to create our own glory. Sharing the joy of success with our family makes us understand that the definition of happiness is not only about external material things, but also about inner satisfaction and the warmth of family affection. Therefore, no matter where we go, we should be grateful, work hard, pursue a better self, and create more success and happiness.

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