
The shocking Qian Xuesen family: 1,100 celebrities, 104 academicians of science!

author:Calm Planet 9Y

There are many famous families in Chinese history, and one of them shines in the long river of history and is known as the "first of the two Zhejiangs", that is, the Qian family. The history and status of the Qian family is remarkable, and they have achieved great fame not only in ancient times, but also in the modern scientific community.

The shocking Qian Xuesen family: 1,100 celebrities, 104 academicians of science!

The history and status of the Qian family

The shocking Qian Xuesen family: 1,100 celebrities, 104 academicians of science!

The Qian family is a thousand-year-old family in Chinese history and has a lofty status. Their illustrious history can be traced back to 852 AD, when the ancestor Qian Miao founded the family. Since then, the Qian family has produced many outstanding talents in the past dynasties, and they have performed well in the fields of politics, culture, and science and technology. The Qian family is known as the "first of the two Zhejiangs", and this status shows their importance in the Zhejiang region.

The shocking Qian Xuesen family: 1,100 celebrities, 104 academicians of science!

The Qian family's scientific and technological inheritance

The shocking Qian Xuesen family: 1,100 celebrities, 104 academicians of science!

The Qian family is not only a political family, but also a scientific and technological family. They are known as the most powerful scientific family in China and have strong scientific and technological genes. This tradition continues to this day. The Qian Family Research Institute is an institution for them to inherit science and technology, and has made outstanding contributions to the development of science in China.

The shocking Qian Xuesen family: 1,100 celebrities, 104 academicians of science!

The brilliant achievements of the Qian family

The shocking Qian Xuesen family: 1,100 celebrities, 104 academicians of science!

The brilliant achievements of the Qian family are breathtaking. In ancient times, they had 5 kings, 5 champions, 350 jinshi, 133 princes and generals, and 1,100 celebrities. These achievements are not only politically impressive, but also outstanding in the cultural field.

Honor to the modern scientific community

The glorious tradition of the Qian family continues to this day. In the modern scientific community, they have 104 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 18 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. These outstanding scientists have made outstanding contributions to China's scientific cause, and their names often shine on the international scientific stage.

An outstanding figure of the Qian family

The Qian family has many outstanding members who have excelled in various fields. These include Qian Sanqiang, Qian Xuesen, Qian Weichang, Qian Zhongshu, Qian Qichen, Qian Zhengying and so on. These talents have achieved excellence in their respective fields, and they have added to the reputation of the Qian family.

The family motto of the Qian family

The Qian family's motto was formulated by Qian Miao, emphasizing a series of important principles. These principles include studying hard, establishing good character, being ambitious, controlling desires, and being frugal in keeping one's family. These values have been passed down from generation to generation, helping the Qian family maintain its glorious family tradition.

Inheritance of family DNA

The Qian family's family motto has been passed down from generation to generation, and this inheritance has helped the family to maintain its glory. Whether ancient or modern, the Qian family has been able to stand out in various fields and achieve outstanding achievements. This tradition also inspires the younger generation to continue to move forward and work tirelessly for the prosperity of their families and their country.


The Qian family is an outstanding family in Chinese history, and they have made outstanding achievements in the fields of politics, culture, and science and technology. Their family mottos and family traditions have been passed down from generation to generation, helping them to maintain their glory. In the modern scientific community, the scientists of the Qian family have also received great honors. Their achievements are a precious treasure of Chinese culture and science and technology, and they are also the pride of the country.