
1,800 kilometers long white clouds appear on Mars! Like the smoke of cooking rice, experts have finally found the answer.

author:Calm Planet 9Y

Mysterious white clouds on Mars

1,800 kilometers long white clouds appear on Mars! Like the smoke of cooking rice, experts have finally found the answer.

Mars, the mysterious planet, has always been full of fascinating mysteries. In addition to its red surface and traces of the presence of water in the past, scientists have recently discovered a mysterious phenomenon, the appearance of white clouds on Mars. This article will delve into this mysterious cloud phenomenon to explore its causes and impact on the Martian landscape.

1,800 kilometers long white clouds appear on Mars! Like the smoke of cooking rice, experts have finally found the answer.

The discovery and characteristics of mysterious clouds

1,800 kilometers long white clouds appear on Mars! Like the smoke of cooking rice, experts have finally found the answer.

In 2018, a peculiar sight caught the attention of scientists over the Martian shield volcano Alcia. A white mist slowly rises and forms a spectacular landscape. Instead of being like the usual clouds on Earth, the cloud has a peculiar white color that has aroused the curiosity of scientists.

1,800 kilometers long white clouds appear on Mars! Like the smoke of cooking rice, experts have finally found the answer.

The clouds do not stay in one place, but spread rapidly, covering a vast area. This feature makes it all the more compelling, because in an environment like Mars, the mechanism of cloud formation and propagation remains a mystery.

1,800 kilometers long white clouds appear on Mars! Like the smoke of cooking rice, experts have finally found the answer.

However, in contrast to the rapid spread of clouds, they are also able to disappear quickly. This regularity has puzzled scientists, who urgently need to find an answer.

1,800 kilometers long white clouds appear on Mars! Like the smoke of cooking rice, experts have finally found the answer.

The genesis and formation mechanism of Martian clouds

To solve this puzzle, scientists have launched a series of studies. They found that the clouds on Mars did not come from water vapor from the ground, but were formed by the uplift of moist air currents. As this moist air stream rises in the terrain on Mars, the water vapor begins to condense into clouds due to changes in air temperature.

This process bears some similarities to the formation of clouds and fog on Earth, but the thin and carbon-rich atmosphere of Mars complicates the formation mechanism of clouds. However, it is the peculiarities of this climatic and atmospheric environment that create this unique cloud phenomenon on Mars.

Comparison of Mars vs Earth

Compared to the clouds on Earth, the clouds of Mars are of a remarkably large size. These clouds can cover an area of hundreds of square kilometers, presenting a spectacular sight. This makes the clouds on Mars one of the hotspots of scientific research.

However, it is important to note that the atmosphere of Mars is thin and the water content in the clouds is very low, which makes the clouds of Mars distinct from those on Earth. Still, this discovery provides us with an opportunity to gain insight into the Martian atmosphere and climate.

The results of the study were published

The results of the research of the team of scientists were first published in the journal Geophysical Research, and this finding has attracted widespread attention and discussion. Through detailed data analysis and simulation, the research team revealed the formation mechanism of Martian clouds and fog, as well as their movement in the Martian atmosphere.

This study is not only of great significance for Mars science, but also provides some enlightenment for the study of clouds and fog on Earth. We can learn a lot from the climate and atmospheric environment of Mars, which helps us better understand climate change and atmospheric science on Earth.


The presence of such regular topographic clouds on Mars is surprising and reveals more secrets of this mysterious planet. Through unremitting efforts, scientists have gradually solved the mystery of the origin and formation mechanism of Martian clouds, which provides strong support for us to have a deeper understanding of the atmosphere and climate of Mars. This discovery also makes us feel once again that the endless mysteries of the universe are waiting to be revealed.