
Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

author:Geek Xiao Cai talks about history

In 1941, the Japanese invaders wantonly trampled on the land of China and brutally trampled on all the spirits that confronted them. In these chaotic times, there is a scene in Shanghai that is sad and shocking. The Japanese military police ruthlessly insulted Lu Xun's widow, Xu Guangping. This incident shows the firm determination to resist Japan, and also highlights a profound story, that is, the love story between Xu Guangping and Lu Xun, a giant of Chinese literature.

Lu Xun's family of three: emotional entanglement

Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was a great writer in the history of Chinese literature, and his works have been hailed as treasures of Chinese literature. But his life was not smooth, and his family life was complicated and tortuous. As early as 1927, Lu Xun already had a wife named Zhu An. When Xu Guangping learned about this fact, it brought her great pain and guilt.

Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

Xu Guangping, formerly known as Xu Buqing, is a literature lover and a loyal fan of Lu Xun. She was one of Lu Xun's followers and once excitedly shouted the slogan "Long live Lu Xun" in Shanghai to express her reverence for him. Xu Guangping met Lu Xun, and the acquaintance of the two seems to be a coincidence of fate. Xu Guangping entered Lu Xun's life, bringing love and complex emotions.

Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

J: The interweaving of shadow and reality

Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

Lu Xun's wife, Zhu An, as his partner, is also deeply imprinted in his life. Zhu An has always been with Lu Xun, although their marriage is not happy. The marriage between Lu Xun and Zhu An was full of contradictions and quarrels. Lu Xun's dissatisfaction and bitterness in marriage made him seek a new emotional outlet.

Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

The sublimation of emotion: Lu Xun and Xu Guangping

Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

Although Xu Guangping knew that Lu Xun was married, her feelings were still deeply absorbed in Lu Xun's attraction. The development of their relationship between the two was initially through correspondence. In these letters, Lu Xun expressed his love for Xu Guangping and his desire for her. These love letters are full of strong emotions and outline the deep feelings between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping.

Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

Soon after, Lu Xun and Xu Guangping decided to live together. This decision caused a sensation in society, as Chinese society at the time had strict norms for marriage and family. But the love between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping is undoubted. Together, they faced the pressure and criticism of the outside world and stuck to each other.

Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

The Birth of a Child: A Testimony of Love

Five years after Lu Xun's death, his widow was arrested by the Japanese army and imprisoned for 76 days, suffering torture and humiliation!

The relationship between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping gradually warmed up, and this relationship was also sublimated in the form of a family. The crystallization of their love is a son named Zhou Haiying. The birth of this child not only witnessed the love between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping, but also made their relationship more solid.

Lu Xun's Death: Mourning and Grief

However, fate is not always rosy. In 1936, Lu Xun was diagnosed with tuberculosis, a news that made countless people feel heavy. Tormented by illness, Lu Xun died on October 19, 1936, at the age of 56. His death is not only a great loss to the Chinese literary community, but also triggers mourning at home and abroad. Lu Xun's literary achievements and his outstanding contributions in the field of literature have made him a generation of literary giants.

Xu Guangping's anti-Japanese road: tenacity and struggle

Lu Xun's death was a heavy blow, but Xu Guangping did not give up because of it. On the contrary, she actively participated in the anti-Japanese struggle and protected Lu Xun's literary works. In the War of Resistance Against Japan, her tenacity and fighting spirit were admirable. She was not only committed to preserving Lu Xun's literary legacy, but also participated in anti-Japanese activities to a certain extent.

However, Xu Guangping also paid the price. In the political environment of the time, she was imprisoned and interrogated several times. Her anti-Japanese road was full of ups and downs and dangers, but she did not flinch and firmly defended her beliefs and ideals.

The last years: lonely and cold

Over time, Lu Xun's literary legacy has been widely disseminated and recognized. However, Xu Guangping's life did not become happier because of this. In her later years, she lived a relatively poor and lonely life. In that era, Xu Guangping did not receive the respect and care he deserved, which is regrettable.

Summary: The Power of Love and Literary Legacy

The love story of Lu Xun and Xu Guangping is a testimony to the power of love. The flame of their love ignited not only their own lives, but also the whole of China. Lu Xun's literary legacy has survived and inspired countless people. Xu Guangping's tenacity and fighting spirit are part of the history of China's anti-Japanese struggle, as well as part of China's modern history. Lu Xun's literary works and Xu Guangping's persistence have left a valuable legacy and become treasures of Chinese culture.