
The girl couldn't buy a ticket, and the boy drove 500 kilometers to pick her up, only to get a good person card

author:Happy Xiaoxin 0713

The balance between love and self-esteem is the sheep who is often chased by the gray wolf, who is always ignorant and never thinks about the consequences when doing things. In the modern younger generation, the term has taken on a new connotation, it refers to those young people who pay for love regardless of the cost and without expecting anything in return. This kind of selfless giving, for many people, is a kind of beauty of love, but at the same time, it has also become a tool to be used.

The girl couldn't buy a ticket, and the boy drove 500 kilometers to pick her up, only to get a good person card

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, a girl was anxious because she didn't get a ticket. A so-called "good friend" who decided to drive her home 500 kilometers sounds like a romantic story, but there are many imbalances hidden in it. The video was posted, describing the great kindness of this "good friend", but his face was obscured, and his identity became a mystery.

The girl couldn't buy a ticket, and the boy drove 500 kilometers to pick her up, only to get a good person card

The girl may think that this is just a small episode in her life, an interesting experience. But she didn't expect it to cause so much attention and controversy. When people see this video, the first thing they feel is not envy, but the question: why is this boy so generous, but this girl is unwilling to let him show his face? Why is their relationship described in the video as "good friends", when in reality it may not be the case at all? Later, when the "best friends" realized that their actions had been widely criticized, they decided to open up their relationship and face the controversy together. But this did not alleviate the suspicion of them, but only made people more convinced that there was some kind of secret hidden in them.

The girl couldn't buy a ticket, and the boy drove 500 kilometers to pick her up, only to get a good person card

The boy's liking for the girl is almost unreserved, and his every behavior and every word reveals his deep affection for her. And the girl's attitude towards the boy has always maintained a distance, as if she is afraid of getting too close to him. This makes people wonder if the girl is just taking advantage of the guy and doesn't really like him. In this story, we see the selflessness and selfishness of love, and the sincerity and hypocrisy of the other party. We have also seen people's pursuit and expectation of love in modern society, as well as the protection of their dignity and freedom.

The girl couldn't buy a ticket, and the boy drove 500 kilometers to pick her up, only to get a good person card

In the end, when this turmoil gradually subsided, when everyone forgot the existence of this "good friend", we still felt sorry for this relationship. Because, in this complex society, true love is really becoming more and more scarce. And when we pursue love, we should not forget to protect our dignity and freedom, because this is our true wealth.

The girl couldn't buy a ticket, and the boy drove 500 kilometers to pick her up, only to get a good person card