
gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

author:Elegant words
gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

I am 50 years old this year, and I thought that having a second child would bring a glimmer of hope to my old age, but I didn't expect it to lead to a family dispute.

My husband and I are ordinary rural people, living an ordinary and simple life. We have a son named Zhang Gang, who is now a young man in his twenties.

Because of my age, I don't have too many expectations, I just hope that this daughter can bring some joy and concern to our old age.

However, the decision of my eldest son, Zhang Gang, made me very sad and sad. He told us that he had decided to leave home and go to the city for opportunities to grow.

"But son, you are now old, and you will face a lot of difficulties and pressures when you enter the city. Besides, the family needs your care and support.

Hearing his resolute attitude, I could only sigh helplessly. Although I was reluctant in my heart, I still chose to support his decision.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

A few days later, Zhang Gang packed his bags and left home. My husband and I stood at the door of our house, looking at his back in the distance, full of reluctance and worry.

"Wife, just now, we have to take care of the family alone." I turned to my husband and said.

"yes, I'm old and not in good health. This family needs Gangzi's support and care. There was a hint of helplessness in her husband's voice.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

As the days passed, the house became quieter. My husband and I live as two people.

But at the same time, I'm thinking about how I can keep in touch with my eldest son and let him know that we're always there for him.

A few months later, I sent a message to Zhang Gang on my phone.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

After a while, I received a reply from him.

Seeing his reply, my worries eased a little. Although we are not together, our hearts are always connected.

Although life at home is difficult, I have always stuck to my role and been a good mother.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

Finally one day, I received a letter. When I opened it, it was written by Zhang Gang himself.

After reading the letter, I was so excited that I burst into tears. For many days and nights, I have been looking forward to his return, putting aside all difficulties and returning to us.

The next day, Zhang Gang returned home with his bags on his back. Our family was finally reunited again, and happiness filled the house.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

When Zhang Gang returned home, our family sat happily around and talked about his work and life. He told us that he had found a large business in the city and was now a mid-level executive while also working his own business.

However, the days gradually faded into dullness in our joys. After spending a few days at home, Zhang Gang started to get busy and had little time to spend with us.

I began to become a little apprehensive about the rift in our family relationship because of this estrangement.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

That night, I was preparing dinner in the kitchen, and Zhang Gang came home late. I heard him and her husband arguing loudly in the living room.

Their arguments grew louder and louder, and I saw my husband's angry face and Zhang Gang's tightly knit brow.

"Dad, you don't know me! You always interfere in my life and don't give me enough space and freedom! Zhang Gang said angrily.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

"I'm your father, and of course I'll care about you! You're so busy all day now that you don't even care about your home. You are a man and should be responsible for the family.

Their words hurt me so much, I don't want our family to be a place of quarrel. I tried to appease them and find a solution.

"Gangzi, Dad cares about you and doesn't want you to be unhappy outside. But we also hope that you will spend some time with us, which is also your home.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

Zhang Gang was silent for a while, his eyes gradually softening.

"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry, I've been plagued by the pressure of work and neglected the importance of family. I will change and make time for you, we are a family, supporting each other and facing difficulties together.

My husband and I looked at each other and our hearts were full of relief. We know that although there will be conflicts and disputes in the family, it also needs us to protect and manage together.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

From that day on, Zhang Gang really changed, he tried his best to find time to have dinner with us and chat with us to share his work and life.

Time passed quickly, and our family regained its harmony and warmth. But there are always new challenges in life waiting to be faced.

Zhang Gang, who returned to his hometown, brought us a surprise, he introduced a young girl named Li Mei to meet us.

They get along very well and gradually develop into a romantic relationship.

"Li Mei, is this child just a child?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes, this is our child." There was a hint of confusion and helplessness in Li Mei's voice.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

I understand that this unexpected news came as a huge shock to our family. The younger brother has just returned home, but he has to face the identity of a soon-to-be father.

We sat together as a family and had an in-depth exchange and reflection on this sudden event. Although our hearts are full of entanglements and contradictions, we all believe that in the face of difficulties, we must unite and solve problems together.

"We are a family, and no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must support each other and face them together. Gangzi is my son, and we have to support him no matter what choice he makes.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

I nodded in agreement. We decided to take this child in and give him a complete family. Although the arrival of this child was somewhat sudden, we decided to take responsibility for him and give him a warm and loving environment.

A few months later, Li Mei gave birth to a healthy boy without incident. Our whole family was deeply touched by this cute little life, and at the same time, we were full of expectations for the future.

However, the arrival of this child also caused some controversy. My eldest daughter-in-law, Zhang Gang's wife, began to feel a little dissatisfied and anxious.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

My husband and I looked at her distressedly and understood her inner turmoil and stress. We tried to communicate with her and encourage her to persevere, no matter what happens, we are a family and must take responsibility together.

However, things get more complicated. The eldest daughter-in-law began to become cold and detached, and gradually alienated our whole family.

Faced with this situation, my husband and I fell into helplessness and confusion. We didn't know how to deal with this family dispute and how to re-establish an intimate relationship with our eldest daughter-in-law.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

A few days have passed, and Zhang Gang's return has brought a warm current to his family. We sat around as a family, sharing each other's life experiences, and laughter and joy filled the room.

However, this period of family tranquility did not last long. One night, I happened to hear an argument between Zhang Gang and his daughter Xiaojia.

However, as time went on, such quarrels became more frequent and more intense. I watched silently in the corner, my heart mixed with grief and fear.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

"Zhang Gang, you can't always let Xiaojia go, now is the time when she needs your care and education!" I decided to come forward to convince Zhang Gang.

"Mom, I'm already so busy, and I have to worry about these housework, it's really a little overwhelming!" Zhang Gang's voice carried a hint of tiredness and helplessness.

"But she is your daughter, and you are responsible for her!" I said persistently.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

The quarrel did not produce substantial results, Zhang Gang was still busy with his career, and Xiao Jia gradually became more and more rebellious and lonely.

One night, Xiao Jia quarreled with Zhang Gang again.

"You don't care about me at all! You only care about your own business! Xiao Jia cried bitterly.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

"I've done my best! Don't accuse me at will! Zhang Gang's voice was full of depression and helplessness.

I heard the cries grow heavier and quickly walked up to them, trying to calm the emotions on both sides.

"You are all my closest people, and we can't let the quarrel separate us anymore. We're going to sit down and talk and solve the problem.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

They finally stopped arguing, sat down together, and communicated in silence. Zhang Gang admits his negligence in the family, and Xiao Jia understands the negative impact of her overly emotional behavior on the family.

Soon after, Xiao Jia's grades improved significantly, and her rebellious mentality gradually faded. Our family slowly regained the warmth and harmony of the family.

Zhang Gang, who returned home, brought us good news. He met a girl named Li Li in the city, and the two got along well and decided to get married.

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home

However, as time went on, we gradually realized that getting along with Li Li became a little uncomfortable. She has an inexplicable contempt for our rural origins, and always reveals her disdain for rural life in her words.

This makes us feel very embarrassed and sad.

Once, we made an appointment to go out to dinner together. In the restaurant, Li Li looked at the menu and said directly to the waiter: "Bring us something delicious, don't want country food."

gave birth to a second child at the age of 50, I thought it was the hope of my old age, but I didn't expect my eldest son to no longer go home