
How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

author:Summer of jasmine

Psychometric testing technology has always been a topic of great interest in the field of research and application. From emotion theory to directed response theory and then to cognitive arousal theory, the theoretical basis of psychological testing technology has undergone many transformations, and finally achieved a qualitative leap, which provides solid scientific support for the application of psychological testing technology. In particular, the application of the cognitive comprehensive test method in criminal justice investigation has significantly proved its advantages over other methods in terms of question compilation methods, as well as its combination of personnel review characteristics and the shortcomings of existing methods, so that it can compile psychological test questions that are more in line with the laws of human mental activity.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

In order to better understand the application of cognitive comprehensive testing methods in psychological testing techniques, let's delve into this topic and understand the relevant theoretical basis, question compilation methods, training of psychological testers, and related testing instruments. We will also explore the use of neurometrics in personnel review, as well as the differences between different testing methods, to better understand the widespread application and continuous development of psychometric testing techniques.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Evolution of the theoretical foundations

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

The evolution of psychometric testing began with the exploration and application of different theoretical foundations. Emotion theory, directed response theory, and cognitive arousal theory have all had a profound impact on the development of psychological testing techniques. These theories provide different frameworks for thinking to understand and explain the mental activity of a person.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Theory of Emotions

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

: The theory of emotions emphasizes the importance of emotions in the mental activity of people. It is believed that a person's emotional state influences their physiological responses, including galvanic skin responses. Thus, emotion theory inspired the focus on emotional experience in psychometric testing techniques. In a person review, emotion theory helps testers understand the emotional state of the test subject in order to better identify potential deception.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Directed Reaction Theory

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

: The directed response theory emphasizes an individual's response to a particular stimulus and how these stimuli elicit a psychological and physiological response. This theory helps the tester to develop test questions that mobilize the testee's perception and recall of the case or facts. Through well-designed questions, testers can elicit specific physiological responses that reveal how well the subject knows the case.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Cognitive arousal theory

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

: Cognitive arousal theory emphasizes the impact of human memory and cognitive processes on perception and emotion. It argues that test questions can make it easier for the test taker to remember information relevant to the case by awakening the subject's cognitive processes. The application of this theory to human censorship is very obvious, as the tester needs to awaken the subject's recall of the event in order to reveal potential clues.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

The importance of the method of composing the topic

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Question writing methods play a key role in psychometric testing techniques. Different methods of composing questions will lead to different test results. In criminal justice investigation, the method of compiling questions based on the cognitive comprehensive test method has unique advantages compared with other methods.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Ten principles of cognitive comprehensive test method compilation

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Objectivity and cognition

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

: The title should be based on the known case, and the person involved has a clear understanding of the entire case process. Questions should be prepared on the basis of objective facts and elicit a strong reaction from the person being tested.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Timeliness and transitionality

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

: The questions are presented in chronological order and in the order of the participant's memory. The questions should be designed so that the participants can spontaneously recall the case, and the transitions between questions should be natural and fluid.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Emotional experiential and allergic prevention

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

: The language of the question should be set to awaken the emotional experience of the test subject while avoiding causing an allergic reaction. The problem should be concise and clear to avoid over-processing by the person being tested.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Uniqueness and ease of understanding

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

: The questions should be concise and clear to avoid overthinking by the person being tested. The comprehension of the question also influences the participant's response.

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

Plot questions and transition questions

How to improve the questions related to psychometric testing techniques in personnel review?

: Set transition questions in each set of plot questions to help participants transition naturally from one question to the next.

These principles play a crucial role in the development of test questions. They ensure that the test questions elicit cognitive and emotional responses from the person being tested, thus improving the accuracy of the test.

Training of psychometric testers

The application of psychometric testing techniques not only depends on the theoretical basis and method of compiling questions, but also requires professionally trained testers. However, the training of testers has not yet established a perfect system in China.

In countries such as the United States and Japan, there are clear regulations for the training of psychometric testers. Testers must have a bachelor's degree, undergo long-term psychometric testing courses, and work with experienced testers to gain practical experience in real cases. The training systems in these countries ensure the professionalism and competence of the testers.

However, at present, only a few institutions in China provide postgraduate training in psychological testing technology, and relatively few institutions cultivate talents. Testers are often "halfway home" and lack adequate professional training, which leads to biased and unreliable test results. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the training and training of psychological testers.

Challenges of testing instruments

Psychometric testing technology relies on testing instruments, including computers, testing software, tester hosts, and sensors. Different testing instruments have different effects on the implementation of psychometric tests. There are three types of test instruments commonly used in the Chinese market, which are suitable for different test methods. However, the differences in these instruments and test methods can lead to a situation where "man" and "machine" are not coordinated.

At present, there is no unified standard for the specifications, requirements and methods of use of test instruments. Different departments and institutions may purchase different models or nationally produced instruments due to funding and other reasons, which leads to different procedures and requirements for the use of instruments. This situation creates inconsistencies in the results of psychological tests.

Application of neurological indicators

With the development of cognitive neuroscience, psychological testing technology has begun to focus on the application of neuroindicators. Neurometric indicators such as event-related potential (ERP) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provide more accurate test data to better understand the cognitive processes and deceptive behavior of the person being tested.

The P300 and CNV components of ERP have become common indicators in psychometric testing techniques. These metrics play a key role in the detection of perception and deception. fMRI, on the other hand, provides more precise images of brain activation, helping to understand the connection between cognitive neuroscience and psychotesting techniques.

The advent of neuroindicators has made psychometric testing techniques more accurate and reliable in personnel reviews and investigations. Different indicators detect different aspects of mental activity, thus improving the effectiveness of the test.

Application of different test methods

The cognitive synthesis test is a psychological testing method, and its application in personnel review is very obvious. Compared with other test methods, it has unique advantages, such as the setting of plot questions and transition questions in the method of compilation, as well as the principles of emotional experience and prevention of allergies.

There are some differences between different test methods, such as CQT, GKT, CT, etc., which show different characteristics in both laboratory studies and actual case studies. Therefore, it is important to choose the appropriate test method according to different cases and test subjects.


The application of psychometric testing techniques in criminal justice investigations and personnel reviews is a complex and critical task. It requires not only a scientific theoretical foundation and a method of compiling questions, but also professionally trained testers and high-quality testing instruments. In addition, the application of neurometric indicators makes psychometric testing techniques more accurate and reliable.

In future research and application, we should continue to improve the psychological testing technology to improve the accuracy and reliability of the test. Only in this way can psychological testing technology better provide scientific support for criminal justice investigation and personnel review, and ensure judicial fairness.

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