
The security guard picked up the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family: You are responsible for the disability

author:Clearly frontline wagn

The poor security guard, named Qu Yan, was assigned to work at the Fourth Hospital of Jilin University.

The security guard picked up the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family: You are responsible for the disability

On the day of the incident, Qu Yan was patrolling downstairs in the hospital, when suddenly the walkie-talkie came: "Oh no! There is a girl on the 4th floor of the outpatient building who jumped off the building! ”

Qu Yan ran to the downstairs of the outpatient clinic, and the police and firefighters near the hospital had already arrived, calming the girl's emotions while nervously arranging the cushion air cushion.

The security guard picked up the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family: You are responsible for the disability

Before the employee in charge of setting up the cushion cushion had completed the task, the girl who wanted to die jumped down, and there were bursts of exclamations from the crowd of onlookers.

Just as he was about to strike, Qu Yan stared at the girl's whereabouts and stretched out his hands to try to catch her.

The security guard picked up the jumping girl with his bare hands, and the family: You are responsible for the disability

However, there was an error in Qu Yan's naked eye judgment alone, and this error of less than ten centimeters caused the girl to hit Qu Yan hard, and Qu Yan fell unconscious and unconscious on the spot.

After rescue treatment, Qu Yan saved his life, but his body suffered multiple fractures, especially the spine was seriously injured, and he could only be paralyzed in bed and unable to take care of himself. Whether he will be able to recover through surgery in the future is still unknown.

After Qu Yan woke up, the first thing he did was to ask if the girl was still alive, and after receiving an affirmative answer, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, what happened next was completely unexpected by Qu Yan.

It stands to reason that Qu Yan was injured at work, which should be a work-related injury, but the security company has always ignored it and even fired Qu Yan for absenteeism!

What made Qu Yan even more chilling was that the girl was also injured at that time, so she was treated in the ward next door to Qu Yan, but the girl's family never visited Qu Yan and did not have a word of thanks.

Soon after Qu Yan woke up, the girl's family panicked and went through the procedures for the girl's discharge, and then quietly left, disappearing without a trace.

Qu Yan's parents felt very uncomfortable when they saw their 28-year-old son become like this. can only use the savings to treat Qu Yan first.

However, their family was not wealthy, and they all relied on farming and working to make a living. After a few days, he owed a huge amount of medical expenses, and the hospital had no choice but to stop providing medical treatment to Qu Yan.

Seeing their son's pain and wailing, the parents could only take the only money they had to buy the cheapest painkillers for Qu Yan to take, hoping to alleviate his pain a little.

At the same time, the media also came to interview Qu Yan and help him contact the security company and the girl's family. However, as soon as Qu Yan's name was mentioned, the security company immediately hung up the phone and was not willing to respond at all.

The reporter's answer was even more shocking to the reporter. They said their daughter's injuries were also serious and could lead to disability. If the girl is indeed disabled, Qu Yan will be responsible for the rest of her life!

Hearing these words, Qu Yanxin completely cooled down, and the sharp pain in his body could not stop him from shedding tears. He said in a low mood:

I didn't have to ask the other party for compensation, I tried my best to save my life, but the girl's family didn't even visit once, let alone thank you.

Even take revenge and take responsibility! He couldn't accept that.

Qu Yan's parents said sadly that they wanted to go to the government to apply for righteous and courageous treatment for their son, hoping to get some subsidies.

At this point in the interview, we do not know whether Qu Yan has received an apology and compensation from the security company and the girl's family, but we hope that he can use legal weapons to fight for the fairness and justice he deserves.

We must not forget the security guard who risked his life, who caught the fatal fall with both hands and set an example of courage and selflessness for the people. Security guard Qu Yan deserves the respect and support he deserves, and he should not be abandoned by ruthlessness and indifference. Let's call on the society to give Qu Yan the attention and help he deserves, so that this hero can overcome the difficulties and get back on his feet.