
When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

author:Cheese fashion outfit said

Recently, I have seen a lot of outfits, basically skirts or ankle bares, it is really too cold for people who are afraid of cold, the skirt is good-looking, but it is very unrealistic to wear in autumn and winter, and at this time you need a pair of fleece pants to help improve warmth and comfort.

How to choose a pair of comfortable and warm fleece pants

【Step 1】It is recommended to choose different versions according to the leg shape and personal style

Type 1: Straight-leg fleece denim pants

If you want to stay warm and comfortable, straight-leg jeans are a good choice, it will be more suitable for most people's body than skinny trousers, and people with thick legs and not straight legs will not look too ugly to wear, especially women who want to keep warm can try it.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

The second type: fleece trousers

The fleece trousers are also a more common and versatile item in autumn and winter, and the appearance rate in the non-legged wear is also extremely high, but everyone must first see if their leg shape is suitable when starting, like women with non-straight legs can choose a long coat to cover.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

The third type: granny pants

For those who are afraid of the cold and want to be comfortable and casual, granny pants are the best choice, they will be more comfortable than jeans, the upper body will not feel restrictive at all, and the choice of fleece style is also enough to survive the winter.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

The third type: fleece slacks

The last thing to recommend is casual sweatpants, its comfort is similar to that of granny pants, but the style of the two types of pants is completely different, granny pants focus on gentleness, and casual sweatpants are more age-reducing, just choose according to personal needs.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

In addition to casual sweatpants, versatile and slim chenille pants are also a good choice, with a thick jacket can make your overall comfort better, and the warmth is also full.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

In the choice of pants, the hem with a good drape will be more slim and good-looking, and it will not look too bloated.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

Come and learn the formula of wearing fleece pants together to help you survive autumn and winter

Matching formula 1: Straight-leg pants are layered with a down jacket, which is slim and versatile and comfortable

When the weather is colder in autumn and winter, you can choose to use a down jacket to match, and when you choose a down jacket, you can choose a light and warm goose down jacket, because the pants are a velvet style, in order to avoid easy wrinkles, you can choose more pants with a good sense of drape, which can effectively avoid the embarrassment caused by wrinkles when sitting up.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

Matching formula 2: long down jacket with flared pants, warm and add a bit of fashion

In addition, if you want to keep warm and fashionable, you can try this matching method in the picture, the thickness of the long down jacket wraps the whole body, bringing warmth, and the bell pants add a sense of fashion to the overall matching, but in order to avoid showing your legs too cold in autumn and winter, socks can also choose a fleece and thickened style, and the whole body can be warm.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

In addition, if you want to pursue comfort and warmth, you might as well try the combination of down jacket and granny pants, which is very suitable for office workers or going out shopping, and the upper body will not have a sense of restraint, which is the comfortable and casual sex appeal that women in their forties and fifties prefer.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

Matching formula 3: Fleece sweatpants and down jackets are a comfortable match for age

The combination of fleece sweatpants and down jackets is the most casual and age-reducing, which is deeply loved by many college students, and women in their forties and fifties wear it without any sense of disobedience, not only warm and comfortable, but also relatively foreign, and it looks good when worn.

When I went to the Great Northeast, I found that the streets were full of "velvet pants", but they were all foreign and warm

If you are afraid of the cold and dare not show your legs in autumn and winter, you might as well come and learn these combinations, and there is no problem at all in keeping warm and comfortable in autumn and winter.