
The choice of majors in contemporary universities is out of touch with the needs of society, who will pay for students' hard work?

author:Smoky landscapes

In recent years, with the continuous development of social economy and the rapid update of science and technology, university education is constantly adjusting its pace. However, some majors are out of touch with society, leaving many students unable to find a foothold in the workplace after spending four years on campus. So, who will pay for the price of these youth?

**The dilemma of choosing a major in college**

The choice of majors in contemporary universities is out of touch with the needs of society, who will pay for students' hard work?

On our college campuses, students are faced with a wide variety of professional options. Sometimes, however, these choices do not necessarily correspond to the actual needs of society. Some popular majors may be saturated after a period of time, while some emerging fields are not included in the curriculum in a timely manner.

**Four Years of Student Spending on Campus**

Many students devote themselves to their passions, studying hard and accumulating knowledge. However, when they graduate, they find that their major is not highly competitive in the workplace, and they may even face employment problems.

**Society's demand for practical talents**

The choice of majors in contemporary universities is out of touch with the needs of society, who will pay for students' hard work?

With the continuous progress of science and technology, the society has an increasing demand for some practical talents. For example, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, biotechnology and other fields are all urgently needed talents in the current society. However, some traditional majors still dominate the university curriculum.

**Call for the combination of professional settings and social needs**

The choice of majors in contemporary universities is out of touch with the needs of society, who will pay for students' hard work?

In order to enable students to better integrate into the workplace after their university years, we call on universities to pay more attention to the actual needs of society, adjust their majors in a timely manner, and guide students to choose fields that are in line with the trend of the times.

**Paying for the youth of students is our common responsibility**

Whether it is the school, parents or society, we should all pay for the youth of our students. To this end, we need to strengthen communication and cooperation in all aspects, so that the years spent on campus will not be a blank slate, but can lay a solid foundation for their future.


University education is an important stage in the growth of every student and the cornerstone of the future development of the country. Therefore, we should work together to make university education more relevant to the needs of society, so that the years spent on campus by students are not in vain, paving the way for their future. This is also our shared responsibility and mission.