
"Under the Inhuman" Qi Body Flow: Far beyond the end of the magic of the gods, all abilities can be dismantled

author:Justice V Pineapple

"Under One Man" is a high-profile comic work, not only because of its wonderful plot, rich characters, but also because of the introduction of a mysterious superpower concept - Qi Body Origin. In this world, it is believed that the Qi Body Source Flow is a primordial energy state with characteristics such as inheritance methods, cultivation names, and influence on black puppets. And the main character Zhang Huaiyi is believed to have the origin of the Qi body, and his grandson Zhang Chulan is also regarded as a descendant, which is embodied in the body. This article will delve into the characteristics of the source flow of the Qi body, the similarities and differences with the gods and spirits, as well as the plot that causes confusion between the source flow of the Qi body and the identity of the gods and spirits, emphasizing that Zhang Chulan is the source of the Qi body.

"Under the Inhuman" Qi Body Flow: Far beyond the end of the magic of the gods, all abilities can be dismantled

A central concept in Under One Man, the Qi Body Stream is described as a primordial energy state capable of granting the wielder powerful superpowers. This energy is passed on to future generations through a method of inheritance, which is usually only available within the family. The representation of this concept in the comics is full of mystery and adds a lot to the story.

"Under the Inhuman" Qi Body Flow: Far beyond the end of the magic of the gods, all abilities can be dismantled

Unlike the Qi Body, the Spirits are also the wielders of superpowers, but with a completely different source of power. A deity spirit is an alien energy that is usually summoned in the form of symbols or prayers. Unlike the Qi Body Stream, the power of the gods and spirits is obtained through external channels, not the inner primordial energy.

"Under the Inhuman" Qi Body Flow: Far beyond the end of the magic of the gods, all abilities can be dismantled

Although both Qi Body Origin and Divine Spirit are manifestations of superpowers, they are fundamentally different in nature. The Qi body flow is considered to be a more primitive and transcendent energy, closely linked to the identity of the individual, and a power that is passed down in a family. The gods, on the other hand, are more of an alien force that can be summoned in different ways, but do not have a lineage associated with an individual's identity.

"Under the Inhuman" Qi Body Flow: Far beyond the end of the magic of the gods, all abilities can be dismantled

In the manga, the identity of the Qi body and the gods can sometimes cause confusion. Especially in the main characters Zhang Huaiyi and his grandson Zhang Chulan. Zhang Huaiyi is believed to have the Qi body origin, but after the appearance of his grandson Zhang Chulan, people began to question his true identity. Zhang Chulan showed superpowers that matched the Qi body stream, which further deepened the confusion. However, the development of the story eventually clarified this point, making it clear that Zhang Chulan's identity is the descendant of the Qi body.

"Under the Inhuman" Qi Body Flow: Far beyond the end of the magic of the gods, all abilities can be dismantled

This plot emphasizes the importance and particularity of the origin of the Qi body, while also allowing the reader to better understand the concept. Representing the primordial energy and intimately connected to the identity of the individual, it is a transcendent existence that adds more mystical and fantastical elements to the world of comics.

"Under the Inhuman" Qi Body Flow: Far beyond the end of the magic of the gods, all abilities can be dismantled

Ultimately, I encourage readers to actively participate in the interaction and share their thoughts on the origin of the Qi body and "Under One Man". More than just a comic, this work provokes deep reflections on superpowers and supernatural powers, showing us a world full of mystery and exploration.