
Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

author:Aets Mind Hack

Located between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Australia is the only country in the world that occupies a continent. In the 18th century, the English navigator Cook arrived by ship and declared the land to be owned by the British Empire. 澳大利亚面积位居世界第六,人口却仅有2630万,相当于大陆的上海市‬的数量。

1. A country infested with rabbits

There were no rabbits on Australian soil. In 1770, an English farmer came to settle here, and he also brought a dozen rabbits to breed.

After a drunken accident, more than a dozen rabbits ran out due to carelessness not locking the door of the rabbit pen. With no natural predators, they multiplied rapidly over the decades, and by 1950 the number of rabbits had reached 700 million.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

2. The government gives female soldiers "breast augmentation" funds

Australia's active force is about 70,000 people, including nearly 5,000 women.

In order to better attract young people to join the army, the Australian government gave free breast augmentation funds to female soldiers, claiming to "make them more confident and improve the image of the country".

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

3. To visit others, you need to make an appointment in advance

Australia is all about equality, and even if you are the queen, you should not dictate others in a commanding tone.

As one of the most polite countries in the world, they are informal and friendly, and ladies first is already a matter of etiquette carved into the marrow.

People here pay a lot of attention to integrity, and when you go to a friend's house, you have to say hello in advance, give the host enough time to prepare, and you have to arrive on time.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

4. Mandarin is the second most spoken language in Australia

According to the 2018 Australian Census, the most widely spoken languages besides English are Mandarin Chinese, Italian, Greek, Arabic and Cantonese.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

5. ATMs in Pacific island countries

Many of Oceania's island nations became independent from the British Commonwealth after the end of World War II, and they need most of the aid from Australia and New Zealand each year due to their lack of resources and small land.

Australia contributes 1% of GDP to aid every year, benefiting Samoa, PNG, Marshall and other countries.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

6. Wireless Wi-Fi was invented by Australians

Australia is extremely advanced in science and technology, with a total of 16 Nobel Prize winners so far, and many researchers have made great contributions to the world.

Contact lenses, penicillin, airplane black boxes, pacemakers, ultrasound imagers, wireless Wi-Fi, etc., were all invented by Australians.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

7. Weekly salary system

Labor costs in Australia are high, with a minimum hourly wage of 20 Australian dollars, which is equivalent to 100 yuan.

Thursday is a payday by law, and all entertainment venues must be lit up on that night. By Monday, business had become noticeably sluggish.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

8. The population is basically mixed-race

In 1788, the British Admiral Arthur . Philip escorted the convicts to Australia, and two years later free immigrants from the UK chose to settle around Sydney.

In the following centuries, these British-Americans continued to intermarry with natives and people from other countries, and now only 5% of the people in the country are of pure British ancestry.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

9. It is illegal for the driver to unlock the vehicle

In order to reduce the occurrence of theft crimes, the Australian government has developed a policy that it is illegal for car owners to leave the vehicle for more than three meters without locking the car, which will be fined 70 Australian dollars.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

10. Introduce a large number of shells from the mainland

Australia is the world's largest exporter of cattle and sheep, and with the rapid development of animal husbandry, how to dispose of cattle and sheep manure has become a top priority.

In 1991, the Australian government imported a large number of shells from the mainland and successfully solved these problems.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

11. The national emblem of Australia

Australia's coat of arms features a kangaroo on the left and an emu on the right. These two animals generally only move forward, not backward easily, so they are particularly easy to catch and are often found on Australian barbecue grills.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

12. Cattle farms larger than the country

Australia is the country with the largest natural pastures in the world, with almost 60% of the country's land being farms and pastures. Some of the cattle farms in Western Australia are larger than the entire country of Israel.

Trivia You Didn't Know – Australia Chapter

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