
Wen Neng left poems passed down through the ages, and Wu Ke was on horseback to annihilate Wu Kou! Remember the anti-Wu predecessor Ren Huan

author:Literature IT middle age

Speaking of anti-Wu heroes, many people know Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayu, but there is one person who seems to be worth remembering, he is Ren Huan, who is a civilian official who stained the battlefield with blood, fought the anti-Wu outpost war and repeatedly defeated the Wu Kou!

Before introducing Ren Huan, let's share a few poems that Ren Huan left behind!

Fishing tree cultivation reads four songs

Bright moon flat boat, reed flowers shallow water. The fish have no deep sorrow, just fun. Yun Shan cut through and picked this shoulder. Stay in the new pine to be seen in the sky. A plough of spring rain, a thousand autumn winds. The song of the land, the merit of the yi. Thorn strands overhang beams, sac fluorescent snow. When you think of it, you will be pure from the poor.

One of the unnamed poems

Cao Cao Gong named for six or six years, just as the beacon fire moved the river and the sky. In addition to the lack of long drive, the horse and air exercise short section whip.

The second of the unsung poems

In the past, I took the Ma Yin Mountain Road, and today I drive the troops to the end of the sea. Three feet of Longquan books ten thousand volumes, where the husband is not home.

It is such a literati who is full of poetry and books, but unexpectedly learned martial arts from his teacher since childhood, practiced riding and shooting skills, made friends, could kill the enemy on horseback, and rejected thieves when he got off horse!

Ren Huan participated in the imperial examination and became a jinshi, successively serving as an official in Hebei and Shandong, and was known for his honesty and ability during his tenure. Later, the suzhou prefect Shang Maintain, who was a midshipman in the same year as him, watched the Wukou burn and loot on the southeast coast, and the Ming Dynasty's military equipment, which had been at peace for a long time, was loose, and the local officials were weak, and remembered the RenHuan who could not write and be able to use martial arts.

After Ren Huan was transferred to Suzhou Prefecture tongzhi, with the strong support of Shang Wei, he reorganized his armaments for war, replaced incompetent officers to eliminate the old, weak and disabled soldiers, recruited 1,500 fierce wolf soldiers from Guangxi to form a cavalry mobile unit, and recruited 6,000 brave and fierce people from the local area to form infantry, practiced strict training diligently, and cooperated with officers and men in combat.

The first battle to block the Wukou yu Baoshanyang, the war was fierce, the subordinate Zhang Zhi was killed in battle, Ren Huan led the troops to fight for several days with a knife, and finally defeated the Wukou.

In the second battle, he led the army to rush to save Taicang, encountered the enemy on the way to the two sides of the short contact, Ren Huan did not retreat in battle, with three serious wounds and almost died in the battle, accompanied by cooks desperately to protect Ren Huan to break through the enemy siege. Not long after, the Wokou attacked again, and Ren Huan simply bandaged it and led his wounded troops out to sea to meet the enemy. Fearlessly and courageously killed the enemy in the fierce wind and waves, defeated the Wokou, captured and beheaded more than a hundred levels.

Later, Ren Huan led his troops to block the Wokou at Yinsha, Baoshan, and Nansha, all of which won a complete victory. The following year, the Wukou invaded Suzhou, ren huan opened the city gate to save tens of thousands of people, and sent the deputy general Xie Mingdao out of the city to defeat the Wukou. After this war, Ren Huangong was promoted to the position of right counselor of the Su and Song provinces.

When the Wukou attacked Changshu County, Ren Huan led Wang Que of Changshu County to attack the old lair of the Wukou and burned twenty-seven warships. A few days later, the Wukou attacked and occupied Lujingba, and Ren Huan and the general officer Yu Dayu led an army to defeat the enemy and burn more than thirty warships.

When Wu Kou attacked Wujiang, Ren Huan and Dayu defeated Wu Kou at Yingxu Lake, and Wu Kou fled to Jiaxing. Soon, Ren Huan and Yu Dayu defeated the Wokou at Maji Mountain and set fire to all the Wokou stationed in Jiading.

Later, due to ren huan's mother's illness, he guarded the funeral, and then the mourning period was not completed, and he was again ordered to go to the front line to meet the enemy, but he did not want to be ambushed, and many people died in battle, and Ren Huan was suspended from wearing the crime and making meritorious contributions. After the elimination of this gang of Wokou, Ren Huanshangshu requested to continue to serve the funeral of his mother,000, and the Ming court granted his request. Two years later, Ren Huan died young at the age of 45 due to a recurrence of an old injury.

After the Taicang War, Ren Huan was seriously injured and had bad sores on his back, the son was distressed by his father's letter hoping that he would return to Suzhou to recuperate, he wrote the following reply to his son, between words I saw what a hero is!

"My son is nagging, a thousand words, just want me to go back to the court, He Fengyun is less angry, and the children are more affectionate!" How many people are not at peace? Er Lao Tzu led the army, could not get rid of the bargain, chewed felt wrapped in leather, and this time also. How can you learn that Chu Prisoner wept at his children! Later, things do not know how, fortunately, Chengping, then the father and son enjoy the blessings of peace; unfortunate and unexpected changes, but the subject is loyal, the wife dies, the son dies filial piety, clenches his teeth, and everyone achieves one is just that. Ru Mu can only tell this before, and there is no need to say much. Children Mo Xiao, life has its own fixed number, the taste of evil, often has a use, the sea of suffering may not be a blissful country. Reading filial piety, without worrying about parents, is a long gathering, but also a hall of thought! ”

Wen Neng left poems passed down through the ages, and Wu Ke was on horseback to annihilate Wu Kou! Remember the anti-Wu predecessor Ren Huan

Portrait of Ren Huan

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