
How Dogs and Cows Match Marriage The genus of cattle and dogs are compatible or not


How is a dog and cow compatible marriage?

From the point of view of physiognomy, dogs and cows are not very suitable pairs. Dogs are more suitable for people of the Dog, Pig, Rabbit, Dragon, Horse, and Rooster phases, while people with the Ox, Snake, Sheep, Monkey, and Tiger are not so suitable.

However, the happiness of a marriage does not depend only on the degree of matching of the zodiac signs, there are many other factors. Thus, even the unsuitable person can have a happy marriage, and the right person does not necessarily avoid the breakdown of the marriage.

Below we will explore how dogs and cows are compatible in marriage from a number of aspects.

How Dogs and Cows Match Marriage The genus of cattle and dogs are compatible or not

1. Analysis of personality traits

1. The character of the dog

People with the dog sign are usually very loyal, upright, brave, agile, competent, honest, and have a strong sense of responsibility and cooperation. They place a high value on affection, friendship, love, and trust. In life and work, they often show the qualities of diligence, seriousness, meticulousness, self-discipline and rigor. But it is also easy to be stubborn, will not give up easily, and may sometimes be too righteous and persistent.

2. The character of the cow

People in the ox phase are down-to-earth, steady, honest, realistic, loyal, very stable, and pay great attention to family and affection. They are diligent, hard-working, persevering, and patient, and often show the qualities of self-restraint, indifference to fame and fortune, carefulness, and prudence. But sometimes it can be too stubborn, self-protective, emotional, and sometimes a little slow.

Both have their own characteristics, and the common denominator is that their personalities are relatively fixed and relatively stable. If two people can understand, support, and tolerate each other's strengths and weaknesses, it is believed that their marriage will be very happy.

2. Friendship analysis

If two people are friends, then they will be very good friends. Both dogs and cows value affection, friendship and trust, and there will be good understanding and communication between them. If they get along well in a friendship relationship, it means that they will also have a certain advantage in their compatibility in marriage.

How Dogs and Cows Match Marriage The genus of cattle and dogs are compatible or not

3. Problems in marriage

1. Poor communication

Although the two zodiac signs have similarities in many personality traits, there will also be some differences. These differences can cause some difficulty in communication between two people. Sometimes, both dogs and cows have stubborn personalities, which can lead to problems in their communication, with one party sticking to their point of view and not being willing to compromise. If two people do not have a good conversation, do not communicate and do not understand, it may have a negative impact on the marriage.

2. Not getting along

In married life, getting along is very important. If two people often get along with each other or don't get along well, then this can lead to the breakdown of the marriage. Dogs and cows have some differences in personality, and if two people can't get along and understand each other smoothly, then there may also be problems in the marriage of two people.

How Dogs and Cows Match Marriage The genus of cattle and dogs are compatible or not

IV. Conclusions

In general, the combination of dog and cow is not very suitable from the physiognomy. However, in marriage, the zodiac itself is not the only criterion, and many other factors are more important. For example, trust, understanding, support, tolerance, and so on between couples. If two people understand, trust and support each other, even if they are not a good match, they can have a happy marriage. Therefore, we believe that the zodiac signs of the dog and the ox are not the most important, and that the key in marriage is mutual understanding and trust between the husband and wife.