
The first fire of straw burning in autumn! Why is straw burning repeatedly banned?

author:Xiaoqi Longmen Film and Television Club

The golden wheat fields in autumn are a symbol of a good harvest, however, with the arrival of the harvest season, the problem of straw disposal is once again in front of people. Despite repeated government orders to ban straw burning, the first fire this autumn was sparked by straw burning. So, why does the phenomenon of straw burning continue to be banned?

1. The conflict between traditional farming habits and modern environmental protection concepts

Straw burning is a traditional farming practice that has been practiced for thousands of years. For farmers, burning straw is a convenient way to dispose of leftover crops, which can quickly solve the problem of straw removal and provide organic fertilizer for the land. However, this approach conflicts with modern environmental concepts.

The first fire of straw burning in autumn! Why is straw burning repeatedly banned?

Modern scientific studies have shown that straw burning produces large amounts of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances, which not only pollute the air, but also have a negative impact on the surrounding environment and human health. As a result, the government began to ban straw burning, but this policy was resisted by many farmers.

Second, the dilemma of straw disposal

In addition to traditional farming practices, straw burning is also associated with the dilemma of straw disposal. Although the government has provided a variety of straw treatment solutions, such as straw returning to the field and biomass production, these programs face many difficulties in practice.

First of all, straw returning requires a lot of machinery and equipment to operate, which undoubtedly increases the economic burden for some small farmers. In addition, the process of decomposition of straw in the soil takes time, and if not handled properly, it may affect the growth of the next crop.

Secondly, the production of biomass energy requires a large amount of technical and financial investment. Despite the high energy value of biomass, it is expensive to produce and use, making it not a realistic option for the average farmer.

The first fire of straw burning in autumn! Why is straw burning repeatedly banned?

3. Insufficient supervision and punishment

Although the government has repeatedly banned the burning of straw, in practice, the supervision and punishment are insufficient. In many places, fines or other forms of education have been imposed on straw burning, but these measures have not really done to curb burning.

On the one hand, due to the limited regulatory power, it is often difficult to achieve all-round and all-weather supervision in some areas, so that some farmers burn in hidden places; On the other hand, the lack of punishment has also caused some farmers to pay insufficient attention to the ban on burning.

The first fire of straw burning in autumn! Why is straw burning repeatedly banned?

Fourth, there is a lack of effective alternatives

To solve the problem of straw burning, in addition to strengthening supervision and punishment, it is more important to provide effective alternatives. Only when farmers realize that burning straw is no longer the only option will they consciously comply with the burning ban.

However, the straw treatment solutions currently provided by the government do not fully meet the needs of farmers. This is mainly due to the many difficulties and limitations in the implementation of these programs, such as high technical thresholds and high economic costs. Therefore, the government needs to further explore and study new straw treatment options in order to better meet the needs of farmers.

5. Conclusion: Seek sustainable solutions

In summary, the problem of straw burning cannot be solved overnight. To truly achieve the goal of banning burning, we need to start from many aspects: first, strengthen publicity and education to improve farmers' awareness of environmental protection; the second is to strengthen supervision and punishment to curb the occurrence of incineration; the third is to provide effective alternatives to reduce the cost of treatment for farmers; Fourth, encourage and support enterprises and social organizations to participate in it and provide more solutions. Only in this way can we achieve the goal of tackling the root causes of stubble burning and bringing more positive impacts to our environment.