
Huang Qishan, known as the "ugliest diva", has changed her face? The recent photo changed to Yang Ying, and netizens called it too outrageous

author:Let's go get it

Over time, we'll reveal an amazing story of transformation. An artist, after a bumpy career and a failed marriage, not only rejuvenated, but also returned to the music stage, she has changed so much that it is unbelievable. This is the story of Huang Qishan, a singer known as "Mama Huang", whose life was full of ups and downs, but in the end, she used tenacity and courage to realize her musical dreams.

Her musical journey began as a child, she was born in Chongqing in 1968 to a family full of musical atmosphere. Since she was a child, she has shown excellent musical talent, and at the age of 3, she was already able to imitate Peking Opera and cultivate an excellent voice. Her talent attracted praise from those around her, laying a solid foundation for her musical path.

Huang Qishan, known as the "ugliest diva", has changed her face? The recent photo changed to Yang Ying, and netizens called it too outrageous

This was a major turning point in her life, she left her hometown, and for love, she went to Taiwan, but life was not as she wished. She became a housewife and took on the burden of taking care of the family, while her husband Tu Huiyuan devoted himself to his career. Wong gradually lost herself and could only keep in touch with the music by listening to music videos. However, her dream never came true, and she fell into despair, even trying to end her own life.

Luckily, she was rescued in time, and the experience became a turning point in her life. She regained her strength, and after the divorce, she decided to return to the mainland, but there was no place in the Guangzhou music scene, she could only go north, sign a contract with Xiyangyang Records, and start a new music career with the stage name "Huang Qishan".

Huang Qishan, known as the "ugliest diva", has changed her face? The recent photo changed to Yang Ying, and netizens called it too outrageous

In order to prove herself, she indulges in difficult singing, but gradually she discovers that technique does not bring inner satisfaction. During an opportunity to study in Singapore, she decided to leave the hustle and bustle of the stage and re-examine her pursuit over the years. She found the true essence of music, and understood that singing should not only be for awards and fame, but also for communicating, soothing and touching people's hearts.

After returning to music, Huang Qishan finally ushered in her glorious moment. Her music career has once again emerged, and her song "Pride" has become the theme song of the Chinese delegation at the Olympic Games, showing her wide vocal range and outstanding singing skills. She no longer just seeks fame and fortune, she uses music to convey emotions and soothe people's hearts, which is what she has been looking for in real music.

Huang Qishan, known as the "ugliest diva", has changed her face? The recent photo changed to Yang Ying, and netizens called it too outrageous

Wong's life experience offers many useful lessons that we can learn from both our careers and our personal lives.

First of all, it is very important to keep pursuing your dreams. Wong has had a talent and love for music since she was a child, and she not only has an excellent voice, but also has a talent for dancing. Despite many difficulties on the road to pursuing her musical dreams, she never gave up and has always worked tirelessly. This tells us that as long as we are passionate about our dreams and work tirelessly, we will eventually have a chance to achieve them.

Secondly, Wong's life experience also emphasizes a positive mindset and resilience in the face of adversity. She has had a lot of setbacks in her life and career, especially after a failed marriage and almost gave up on life. However, she was fortunate to be saved, after which she chose to face life positively, overcome difficulties, and re-pursue her musical dreams. This tells us that no matter how big the setbacks, a positive mindset and tenacity can help us overcome difficulties and start over.

Huang Qishan, known as the "ugliest diva", has changed her face? The recent photo changed to Yang Ying, and netizens called it too outrageous


Wong Yee Shan's story is a life journey full of ups and downs and reversals. From a talented but unrecognized singer, to the low point of failed marriage and life crisis, to her return to the musical scene and success, her story is full of elements of perseverance, positivity, and inner growth.

Wong's experience tells us that no matter how big the setbacks are, perseverance and a positive mindset are the keys to overcoming difficulties. Her musical journey also highlights the importance of true self-awareness and adherence to inner values. In the end, she won the recognition of the audience with more mature and connotative musical works.

The story also encourages people not to limit their dreams based on age or physical appearance. No matter what age we are, as long as we have passion for our dreams and persevere in pursuing them, there will always be a chance to achieve them. Most importantly, don't forget your original intentions and always pursue inner growth and adherence to your values.

Huang Qishan, known as the "ugliest diva", has changed her face? The recent photo changed to Yang Ying, and netizens called it too outrageous

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