
Russian media predict that once China and the United States go to war, it may be difficult for China to achieve victory if it does not mobilize civilian forces

author:The glory of the king is Jiuli

Topic: The Road to the Liberation of Taiwan, the Confrontation between China and the United States and the Persistence of the Chinese Nation

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has been actively promoting Taiwan's reunification. However, due to various external interference and obstruction, the process of liberating Taiwan did not go smoothly. Despite this, the Chinese nation's determination to liberate Taiwan has not wavered, but has become even firmer. This article will discuss the future prospects for the liberation of Taiwan from the perspectives of the confrontation between China and the United States, China's military strength, and the support of civilian forces.

First, we need to face up to the confrontation between China and the United States on the Taiwan Strait issue. As the world's only superpower, the United States naturally has strong military strength. In the Asia-Pacific region, the United States has a large navy, land, and air force, and has strengthened its support for Taiwan through military garrisons and military bases in Japan, South Korea, and other places. This makes it inevitable that in the event of a war between China and the United States, the Taiwan Strait issue will inevitably become one of the triggers.

However, despite the power of the United States, China cannot be ignored. China's military and economic power has developed rapidly in recent years, and it has a fairly strong long-range strike capability. The mainland's aircraft carriers, stealth fighters, and other strategic weapons make the United States feel jealous, and China is comparable to Japan and South Korea in terms of military strength and economic strength, and has the ability to independently deal with complex war situations. Just as in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, although the difference in national strength between China and the United States at that time was more than 10 times, China relied on its firm will and the spirit of fearless sacrifice of millions of soldiers to achieve the final victory.

In addition, the support of Chinese civil forces for the liberation of Taiwan is also very terrifying. Whether it's a natural disaster or a national security incident, the Chinese people have always been able to mobilize a strong force to support the country. Once war breaks out, China's civil society will certainly go all out to support the country. This spirit of national unity and sacrifice is enough to make any enemy feel fearful. In contrast, the United States, due to its lack of popular centripetal force, will face various domestic crises once it encounters the unfavorable situation of war.

However, neither China nor the United States will speak lightly of war. The liberation of Taiwan is not in the interests of China and the United States, let alone for Taiwan. Although the Taiwan Strait issue is currently in a state of standoff, China and the United States are still trying their best to avoid war. After all, the contradictions between China and the United States are not sharp to the point of war, and for the United States, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea several decades ago made them see the horror of China and dare not take any more risks and provocations.

To sum up, the liberation of Taiwan is a sacred mission of the Chinese nation, and China's determination to do so has always been unwavering. Despite the confrontation between China and the United States and the strong military power of the United States, China has sufficient military and economic strength and civilian support. Although war inevitably brings various risks and challenges, we believe that through China's wisdom and courage, the liberation of Taiwan will eventually become a reality and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be realized.

Russian media predict that once China and the United States go to war, it may be difficult for China to achieve victory if it does not mobilize civilian forces
Russian media predict that once China and the United States go to war, it may be difficult for China to achieve victory if it does not mobilize civilian forces
Russian media predict that once China and the United States go to war, it may be difficult for China to achieve victory if it does not mobilize civilian forces
Russian media predict that once China and the United States go to war, it may be difficult for China to achieve victory if it does not mobilize civilian forces
Russian media predict that once China and the United States go to war, it may be difficult for China to achieve victory if it does not mobilize civilian forces
Russian media predict that once China and the United States go to war, it may be difficult for China to achieve victory if it does not mobilize civilian forces
Russian media predict that once China and the United States go to war, it may be difficult for China to achieve victory if it does not mobilize civilian forces