
Iran draws a line with the United States: Continued assistance to Israel will open a new front against the United States


With U.S. assistance, Israel launched a full-scale offensive to advance ground operations in the Gaza Strip, with Hamas militants claiming that the Gaza Strip had been attacked "by land, sea and air" and then fired rockets at the Israeli capital. Not to be outdone, the IDF quickly returned fire, uprooting 150 underground targets in the Gaza Strip, including tunnels and other underground infrastructure, overnight. The Israeli army moved quickly, much to the displeasure of Iran. To this end, Iran issued a warning to the United States.

Iran draws a line with the United States: Continued assistance to Israel will open a new front against the United States

According to US media reports, the Iranian foreign minister said that the United States is making every effort to assist Israel, and if it continues to see the United States assisting Israel, it will open a new anti-American front. Earlier, Iran's foreign minister said that if Israel continues to operate in Gaza, the United States will not escape the flames of war. That was Iran's ultimatum to the United States since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Iran's foreign minister's statement made it clear that Iran will not be a spectator and that Iran may intervene in the event of an escalation.

Once Iran intervenes, the situation will become more tense, and Iran believes that whether the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will escalate depends on the actions of the United States. In fact, two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups rushed to the Mediterranean, and thousands of U.S. Marines remained in combat condition, demonstrating their support for Israel. In addition, the US military attacked the Iranian army attachments on the territory of Syria. It can be said that the United States will send troops to intervene at any time as long as Israel asks for it.

Iran draws a line with the United States: Continued assistance to Israel will open a new front against the United States

Of course, the United States is persuading Israel to abandon large-scale ground operations, and the White House believes that an increased Israeli offensive will lead to the expansion of the war and the involvement of more countries. The United States does not want to be drawn into the quagmire of war because of this. It is worth noting that Belarusian President Lukashenko said that as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict escalates and the United States mobilizes more forces into the Middle East, Iran and other countries will respond, and a third world war may break out.

Iran draws a line with the United States: Continued assistance to Israel will open a new front against the United States

Iran is warning the United States that it does not want war, but if it is forced to do so, it will react. Iran is a major power in the Middle East and has the ability to deter the United States from entering the Persian Gulf and landing on its homeland, and using missiles to attack American bases in the Middle East, as well as Israel. Of course, Iran can also provide weapons support to those local armed forces to contain the actions of the US military from the side.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has a bearing on Iran's position in the Middle East and Iran's strategic deployment. Iran does not want to see Israel become bigger and stronger in the Middle East, let alone allow the United States to control the Middle East region. The United States, on the other hand, will not sit idly by and watch Iran rise, and has always maintained vigilance against Iran. The United States has a strong presence in the Middle East and is ready to cooperate with Israel in its operations and launch an offensive against Iran. For a long time, relations between the United States and Iran have been tense, the contradictions between the two countries have increased, and the probability of war between the two sides has increased, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict may become the fuse of the contest between the two countries.

The Middle East region is related to world stability, and once the Middle East is in turmoil, Russia and China will not sit idly by, and the United States' military deployment in the Middle East to reinforce Israel has aroused the vigilance of Iran and other Middle Eastern countries. China and Russia will take measures to curb the United States from making trouble, maintain regional peace and stability, and avoid chaos in the Middle East!

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