
Recognized as a massacre by Turkey and accused of war crimes by the United Nations, Israel has become a street rat


According to media reports, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a phone call with Pope Francis a few days ago that the Israeli army's attacks on the Gaza Strip have reached the level of a "massacre," and it is shameful for the international community to turn a blind eye to this. Erdogan also called on the international community to support any effort to call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Israel to ensure the smooth delivery of humanitarian supplies to Gaza.

Recognized as a massacre by Turkey and accused of war crimes by the United Nations, Israel has become a street rat

Turkey is one of the most fierce anti-Israel countries in the Middle East and the world, and one of the few countries in the world that dares to openly support Hamas. Erdogan publicly stated a few days ago that Hamas is the "liberator" of Palestine in retaking the territory of Gaza. In addition, Turkey was one of the first countries in the world to send relief supplies to Gaza. It can be seen from this that Turkey's support for Palestine is not just rhetoric, but has taken substantive actions to help Palestine resist Israel's bullying.

Coincidentally, nine Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, also issued a joint statement strongly condemning Israel's bombing and blockade in Gaza, and demanding that the country achieve a humanitarian ceasefire and provide security guarantees for the international community to deliver relief supplies to the Gaza Strip. Obviously, Israel's military action against the Gaza Strip has received strong support from the United States, but the wanton massacre of civilians by its military forces has aroused public outrage in the international community, resulting in its gradual isolation in the Middle East and even in the international community.

Recognized as a massacre by Turkey and accused of war crimes by the United Nations, Israel has become a street rat

In fact, it is not only the countries of the Middle East that are dissatisfied with Israel's war against the people of Gaza, but even the United Nations cannot stand it. A few days ago, the head of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Sham, pointed out that Israel's siege and blockade of the people of Gaza have constituted war crimes. Another head of the office has threatened to put Israel on trial for war crimes along with Hamas. In a vote held a few days ago, the United Nations adopted a draft resolution calling on Israel to implement a humanitarian ceasefire. Only a handful of countries, such as the United States and Israel, voted against it.

Clearly, Israel's collective punishment of the people of Gaza has led to its international isolation. Even in the United States, which fully supports Israel, the California local legislature passed a draft resolution condemning Israel after a fierce quarrel in a recent vote. In addition, at the recent meeting of foreign ministers, the EU also passed a bill calling on Israel to stop the siege and blockade of the people in Gaza and hold peace talks with the Palestinians as soon as possible.

Recognized as a massacre by Turkey and accused of war crimes by the United Nations, Israel has become a street rat

Of course, judging from the attitude of the United States and Israel, it is clear that the international community's condemnation of Israel is not enough to make the country stop the collective punishment of the people of Gaza. Therefore, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will continue, but the situation may not be favorable for Israel. After all, Israel has now almost become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats, which is not only reflected in the diplomatic level, but also reflects the military counterattack of the Arab world against Israel, the German news channel website recently reported that Israel is facing the dilemma of a four-front war, and the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to Israel.

It is true that Israel's current opponent is not only Hamas, Lebanon's Allah guerrillas have entered the war, Yemen's Houthi forces have also fired a number of missiles and drones into Israel in recent days, although they were intercepted by US warships, but in fact it means that Yemen is participating in the attack on Israel's camp, in addition, the scale and frequency of rockets and drones fired from Syria towards Israel have also increased day by day. Israel's two recent airstrikes on military targets in Syria, which have resulted in the deaths of many Syrian government troops, have undoubtedly created another enemy for its defense line in the Golan Heights.

Recognized as a massacre by Turkey and accused of war crimes by the United Nations, Israel has become a street rat

Obviously, Israel is already mired in a four-front battle and is in a difficult situation. The country's ambassador to Germany told the media that Israel would definitely launch a ground offensive on the Gaza Strip and that the United States would provide support, but they are now concerned that Israel "will not be able to achieve its military objectives in Gaza." Therefore, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's delay in issuing the order for a ground offensive against Gaza is obviously the result of many of the above considerations.

After all, Israel has now been reduced to a street rat that everyone shouts at. Under such circumstances, if the Israeli army insists on launching a ground offensive against Gaza, the condemnation from the international community will inevitably lead to further isolation in the international community. More importantly, Israel's attack on Gaza is bound to be met with fiercer counterattacks from enemies from all sides, and not only the Israeli army may suffer heavy losses, but also its own territory will be put in a more dangerous situation.

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