
Makinono: No reason is an excuse to betray the country

author:Versatile and dreamer

[Editor's Foreword]

Makinono: No reason is an excuse to betray the country

When talking about the international situation, the author of this article offers profound reflections on national loyalty and self-perception. In this era of rapid change, everyone is faced with a choice, and the choice between patriotism and personal happiness is often a choice that cannot be ignored.

Makinono: No reason is an excuse to betray the country

Recently, I came home late at night, exhausted, but the anxiety in my heart was difficult to calm down. Let's not talk about politics, let's talk about light topics. You may have heard about the recent espionage case of Liang Chengyun. This topic is far away from us, difficult for ordinary people to understand and even more difficult to believe. These men are of an unusual social status, and American intelligence agencies have spent decades trying to package him to look like philanthropists, patriotic expatriate leaders, and their investment is long-term and continuous. It is difficult for ordinary people to suspect that there are many of these so-called "successful people" in China, especially in the era of public knowledge, they play an important role. Nobel laureate and special professor at Kyoto University's Institute for Advanced Studies, Yu Honjo, said that Japan could defeat China if China and Japan went to war again. He believes that Japan has carried out comprehensive penetration in many fields, understands the internal situation in China, and has the strength to dismember China. Maybe it's just common sense, but whether it's true or not, we can't ignore it. I once wrote about Japanese spies, telling our country's security services about two big Vs I knew of who might have collaborated with Japan, as well as some evidence. Chinese people are generally kind. Over the past few years, we have focused on nation-building, not the decades-long espionage wars that the United States and Russia have waged. People gradually adapted to a peaceful life, as if everything was so good. However, peaceful evolution and color revolutions have not left China. The United States, Japan, Taiwan, and other places have been infiltrating. Our so-called "elites", the United States knows their situation well, just to see if you are qualified to be used by them. Recently, Mr. Zhang Jie shared his experience of being rebelled against when he was young, and told a lot of specific details. If you go to the U.S. to study science and engineering and provide them with intellectual support, no one will probably interfere at first. But once you're famous, you'll be invited for coffee. If you're particularly famous, there's a chance that one day you'll suddenly have an accident and disappear without a trace. If you go to study social sciences, you may be invited by NGOs, etc. If you go to immigration with money, they will welcome you. If you cross the border illegally to work, they probably won't interfere. When relations between China and the United States are good, they will not do anything to you. But once you reach a certain level of influence, it's a different story. They mentioned the example of an international student being detained in the United States for concealing his military background, which may be understandable. In the past, many people may have concealed their party membership or employment history in order to obtain a visa, but rest assured that these records are always there, and as long as you have the value to use, you will be found and then threatened or lured. According to my cognition and understanding, what Mr. Zhang Jie said is basically true. I recall the experience of interacting with some well-known professors in Beijing and some so-called "elites" in society. I am puzzled that they are obviously the beneficiaries of China's development, but they keep scolding the country and have ill intentions, but they can be reused and serve as presidents and directors. Should we look at ourselves realistically, and the country treats you poorly, right? And what did those "scumbags" do besides sowing discord? I believe that when the game between China and the United States is becoming increasingly hot, many people will face the fate of being "fried fish".

Makinono: No reason is an excuse to betray the country

When I write articles, I try to be objective, neither blindly touting nor avoiding social issues. It is necessary to remind the country of the problems, I will not hesitate to write about it. However, I am very disgusted by the attitude of blindly touting and spreading positive energy without brains every day. Now, the state needs professional advice on all fronts. For example, last month I have been calling for the fact that we are suffering from a Western bloc-style "short-selling economy" attack, which is a combination of public opinion warfare and financial warfare. That's the essence behind the Fed's rate hikes, not just some inflation numbers. However, many people are just analyzing the numbers, but they keep talking about the problems of China's economy. I admire Zheng Qiang very much, he pointed out a lot of problems in the current education system, and at the same time did a lot of practical things in Taiyuan, and his pure heart is touching. Listening to his words and watching his deeds is the best way to discern the truth of a person. At the critical moment, do you stand on the side of the party and the state? Can you tell the truth and not lie? I believe that the human heart can be seen, and everyone will be able to see it clearly in the future. In the stormy seas of the future, everyone's character will be tested. At the entrance of foreign embassies and consulates, there will be a long queue of people queuing for visas. I hope everyone will be able to remember that no matter what kind of grievances you have about this country, patriotism should not be conditional. You can pursue personal happiness, but when you are capable, you face great temptations. They may threaten you with all sorts of means, but remember that no reason can be an excuse for betraying the country.

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