
#In this not very humane world, there are people who are only good to you, which is indeed quite proud#This city#People of the same frequency are better than countless general friends

author:User 112354892630

#在这个不是很有人情味的世道里 Someone who is only nice to you is indeed quite proud of the #city#同频的人胜过无数泛泛之交

#In this not very humane world, there are people who are only good to you, which is indeed quite proud#This city#People of the same frequency are better than countless general friends
#In this not very humane world, there are people who are only good to you, which is indeed quite proud#This city#People of the same frequency are better than countless general friends
#In this not very humane world, there are people who are only good to you, which is indeed quite proud#This city#People of the same frequency are better than countless general friends
#In this not very humane world, there are people who are only good to you, which is indeed quite proud#This city#People of the same frequency are better than countless general friends
#In this not very humane world, there are people who are only good to you, which is indeed quite proud#This city#People of the same frequency are better than countless general friends