
Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!

author:Dr. Yang's path to health

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Do you know? When sleeping, your body posture may affect your health. Some people believe that sleeping on the left side can put pressure on the heart, causing a heavier burden on the heart and possibly even sudden death. Is this true? How should we choose the right sleeping position?

Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!

This article will unravel this mystery for you, let you understand the impact of different sleeping positions on your health, and how to find the best sleeping position for you according to your physical condition and needs. Read on!

1. Does sleeping on the left side really compress the heart?

First, let's see if sleeping on the left side can really compress the heart. In fact, there is no scientific basis for this claim. Because our heart is not completely located on the left side of the ribcage, but slightly to the left, in the third to sixth intercostal spaces.

Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!

Moreover, the heart, lungs, and various internal organs next to them are firmly surrounded, supported, and protected by the ribs. Lying on your left side does not put the weight of your right side directly on your heart. And when we lie on the left, the right lung, which is above the heart, is a large but small organ, and it is not enough to put any pressure on the heart.

So, why do some people feel that sleeping on the left side of the stomach compresses the heart? This may be due to the fact that when lying on the left side, the left ventricle is relatively low, and the amount of blood returning to the heart increases due to gravity.

Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!

This does not cause any problems for normal people, but for some special groups, such as patients with cardiac insufficiency and coronary heart disease, it may increase the burden on the heart and induce or aggravate symptoms. Therefore, it is best for such patients to avoid sleeping on their left side.

2. The pros and cons of sleeping on the left side

The benefits of sleeping on the left side are as follows:

1. It is conducive to the blood circulation of the heart

Because the heart is in a relatively low position when lying on the left side, the amount of blood returning to the heart will increase due to gravity. This does not cause any problems for normal people, but will increase the output of the heart and improve the efficiency and function of the heart.

Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!

2. It is conducive to the digestion and excretion of the gastrointestinal tract

Because the stomach is in a relatively high position when lying on the left side, the gastric emptying time is shortened due to gravity. This speeds up the digestion and absorption of food in the stomach, reducing the likelihood of stomach upset and flatulence.

At the same time, when lying on the left side, the large intestine is also relatively high, and due to gravity, the peristalsis and emptying of the large intestine will also be accelerated. This promotes the cleansing and detoxification of the intestines, preventing diseases such as constipation and hemorrhoids .

Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!

3. It is conducive to the function of the spleen

Because the spleen is in a relatively low position when lying on the left side, the blood supply and return to the spleen will increase due to gravity. This strengthens the immune function and hematopoietic function of the spleen.

The disadvantages of sleeping on the left side are as follows:

1. It is not conducive to the function of liver and gallbladder

Because the liver and gallbladder are in a relatively high position when lying on the left side, the blood supply and return of the liver and gallbladder will be reduced due to gravity. This affects the detoxification and secretion functions of the liver and gallbladder.

Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!

2. It is not conducive to the maintenance of facial skin

Because when lying on the left side, the facial skin will be rubbed and compressed by the pillow and bed sheets, which is easy to cause skin sagging, wrinkles, pigmentation and other problems.

3. The pros and cons of sleeping on your back

We already know that sleeping on your back is a sleeping position with your limbs naturally relaxed with your face facing the sky. This sleeping position may seem comfortable, but usually the level of the bed does not correspond to the physiological curvature of our spine. So, when choosing this sleeping position, pay attention to the following: choose a pillow of the right height.

Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!

Pillows that are too high or too low will make the neck feel uncomfortable, easy to fall or cause cervical spondylosis. The ideal pillow height should be to put your head on your back and press it to shoulder height. Place a pillow or cushion under your knees. This can keep the lumbar spine physiological lordosis and reduce pressure and pain in the lower back.

Do not put your hands on your chest or head. This can affect blood circulation in the heart and brain, making it easy to have nightmares or affect memory. In addition to this, sleeping on your back also has some disadvantages, such as: easy snoring and difficulty breathing.

Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!

When lying on your back, the tongue and soft palate fall backwards, blocking the airway, causing shortness of breath, snoring, or apnea. This is even more dangerous for people with sleep apnea. Not suitable for pregnant women in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Because when lying on the back, the uterus will compress the inferior vena cava, affecting the blood return, resulting in symptoms such as a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea.

Sleeping on your back is nothing big for a normal person, but you should also pay attention to details such as adjusting the height of the pillow, the position of the knee and arm. However, for some special groups, it is still necessary to avoid or use less of this sleeping position, so as not to aggravate the condition or affect health. Of course, sleeping on your back also has some benefits, such as good for spinal relaxation, muscle relaxation, and normal curvature of the cervical spine.

Don't sleep on your left side, it will compress the heart? Hear what the doctors have to say!


Sleep is something we do every day, and it has a significant impact on our physical and mental health. We should choose the most suitable sleeping position for ourselves according to our physical condition and needs, and avoid or reduce some undesirable consequences. Of course, sleeping position is not the only factor that affects sleep quality, there are many other factors, such as sleep time, environment, habits, etc. Wishing you a good dream every day!