
When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

author:Taiyin said

1: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Norway are collectively known as the Nordic five. Northern Europe is often thought of as a cold, socially monotonous region, but many people see it as a "paradise". 由于地处欧洲最北端,日照不足冬季漫长,所以‬5—9月是最佳旅游季节,11月之后开始进入冬季。

2: It is said on the Internet that Nordic people are very socially phobic, and they have the custom of preferring to get wet in the rain rather than waiting for the train at the same waiting station. Actually, it's not uncommon for young people to drink outside on Fridays after work and school. 也许是对陌生人不熟有些腼害羞‬,在非公共场合,他们也会大声说笑,一点都看不出来社恐的样子。

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

3: Finns do prefer solitude to socialising. 他们喜欢一个人的时光,比如在‬森林散步大多数是一个人,也有两个人,三五成群的不多。

4: Scandinavian outfit – leather jacket, jeans, white shirt, and canvas bag. For the design, it is even more simple to be simple, solid color wooden house, not too eye-catching color.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

5: English is very popular, almost everyone can speak English, like Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Icelandic, these are too niche. In terms of difficulty, Norwegian is relatively easy, followed by Danish, Swedish and Icelandic are somewhere in between, and Finnish is more difficult.

6: The first change after coming to Northern Europe is that it quickly becomes "earthy", and you don't need to think about whether the clothes look good or not, just consider that the clothes are not practical. It rained continuously for a few days when I first arrived in Norway, and many Norwegians on the street did not wear umbrellas, so a jacket could solve the problem. 吃上面也一样,不考虑好不好吃,只考虑哪些食物可以摄取到‬需要的元素。

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

7: Nordic people love to eat fast food such as potatoes, pizza, hamburgers, and some Western food and Chinese restaurants, but the taste has been improved according to the taste of the locals, and the improved Chinese food is not delicious.

8: Northern Europe is a good mountain, a good water, and a lot of boredom. Popular cities are estimated to be okay, there is a lot of entertainment, and it is convenient to travel in the city. But small cities are really boring, most of the shops close at four or five o'clock, and they don't open on Sundays. In winter, it's dark and cold, and it's even more boring.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

9: The labor cost in Northern Europe is very high, and many raw materials are not expensive, but as long as the labor is added, it is expensive, so many people in the local area have strong hands-on ability. Like the average adult haircut, just wash and cut, generally starts at 35 euros.

10:北欧的无障碍设施挺‬完善的。 Norwegian metro stations will have barrier-free access, elevators, and many buildings will also be equipped with barrier-free toilets; The lakes in Sweden also have wheelchair accessible access for people with disabilities.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

11: The cost of living in Denmark is high, and an after-tax income of 20,000 yuan is basically impossible to save. After all, a cucumber costs 10 yuan, the taxi starts at 40-50 yuan, and a 10-kilometer taxi can't get off 200-300 yuan.

12: Norway prohibits hitting children, if you are found to be taking the child away from you, if you do not fulfill your responsibility in taking care of your child, the same goes for it.


When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

14: You don't need to give up your seat or offer to help older people in Denmark, they will not only not thank you, but will think you are rude.

15: The Danes have no concept of sharing, everyone takes care of themselves and pays for themselves. For dinner, you should bring your own wine and AA meals, and the host will only provide the venue and snacks. Snacks are also limited in supermarkets, with things like chocolate, chips, candies, nuts, biscuits, and ice cream being the most common.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

16:挪威的商店或公共服务人员‬态度非常好,从公交车司机到商店收银员‬,每次见面都会笑着打招呼,好像大家是熟识的邻居一样。 And it's not a cultural discipline like Japanese politeness, but a genuine pleasure from the heart, probably because of the high wages and short working hours (many shops close at 5 a.m. and are closed on Sundays).

17: Nordic cars do a good job of giving way to pedestrians, many times the car is far away and stops and waits for pedestrians to pass, if you hesitate at the intersection, it will make the driver very difficult.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

18: Swedes love to drink coffee. The habit of drinking coffee is cultivated through a tradition called "fika", which most Swedes enjoy once a day, which means getting together with family and colleagues to drink coffee.

19: Sweden has good nature. The forest coverage rate is about 70%, and there are many wild animals, and the lake in the center of the city is full of baer's ducks and swans. A variety of berries and mushrooms are abundant.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

20:瑞典的‬二手商品买卖非常受欢迎。 Second-hand markets can be seen everywhere, and people are keen to buy and sell second-hand items on social media.

21: Finns work very easily, working about 30 hours a week and no overtime after work. On the one hand, Finns like to enjoy life, and on the other hand, the boss does not want employees to work overtime, and overtime pay here is very expensive.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

22:本来以为德国破旧‬的手动挡车‬已经够多了,去到芬兰才知道没有最破,只有更破。 而且芬兰人‬对车的保养和清洗也没有特别在意。 Occasionally, I saw a few luxury cars in the city, but it was the grandfather who drove them.

23:芬兰也是‬收入高物价高。 Most Finns like to go shopping when they have a discount in the supermarket, a kilogram of potatoes is 2 euros and turnips are 3 euros; A pound of beef costs 24 euros and chicken costs 12 euros. Finnish clothing is cheaper, with some popular brands generally costing between 30 and 50 euros.

24: Finns are generally tall, which may have something to do with their eating habits. Traditional cuisine from the local lake or forest includes salmon soup, reindeer meat, pea bisque. Breakfast and dinner are eaten simply, and dinner is the main meal of the day, and a hearty meal such as beef and mutton, fish and mutton or snacks will be prepared.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

25: Finland's public transport network is still quite developed, there are direct buses to the city at the airport or railway station, the fare is generally 4 or 6 euros, and it takes about 40 minutes. Moreover, no one sells tickets, and everyone who gets on the bus will consciously pay the ticket. There are fewer taxis, you need to make a reservation in advance, and the starting price is still expensive.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

26: When you go to Northern Europe in winter, you will have three main experiences - watching the Northern Lights, spending Christmas, and playing rich snow projects.

  • Finland

[Breeze] Rovaniemi Santa's hometown – Santa Claus Village;

[Breeze] Saariselka – Northern Lights Chasing, Glass House, Skiing, Husky/Reindeer Sledding, Various Snow Activities;

Kemi – Ice Castle, Samp Ice Breaker;

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined
When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined
  • Norway

[Breeze] Kirkenes – king crab fishing;

[Breeze] Tromsø - chasing the aurora, going out to sea to watch whales;

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined
When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined
  • Sweden

[Breeze] Abisko Camp - chasing the aurora, ice fishing, skiing, sledding and various camp activities;

Finland, Norway and Sweden can be visited together, and it is recommended that 5-9 days will have a more comfortable experience.

The whole of Iceland is within the aurora belt, and you need to fly back and forth between the three countries above, so it is recommended to visit alone for 5-6 days.

When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined
When I came back from a trip to 5 Nordic countries, I told the truth a few words, which was not quite what I imagined

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