
If the spleen and stomach are not good, there will be three abnormalities in the stool, and I hope you don't have one

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Zhao Fangfang

The food we ingest needs to be digested by the spleen and stomach, and then excreted through the large intestine. What kind of stool will occur if the spleen and stomach are bad? I've summarized the three to see which one you are?

If the spleen and stomach are not good, there will be three abnormalities in the stool, and I hope you don't have one

First of all, wait for symptoms, this may be spleen deficiency and dampness, at this time you need to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, you can refer to Shenling Baizhu San.

If the spleen and stomach are not good, there will be three abnormalities in the stool, and I hope you don't have one

Secondly, it may only be that the spleen and stomach are hot, and the feces of the large intestine are fumigated by heat, and the water in the feces is evaporated, which will cause dry stool.

If the spleen and stomach are not good, there will be three abnormalities in the stool, and I hope you don't have one

Finally, this is a lot of it, which leads to a lack of motivation in the intestines. For this situation, you need to replenish qi, you can refer to ginseng spleen strengthening pills.

If the spleen and stomach are not good, there will be three abnormalities in the stool, and I hope you don't have one

However, it should be noted that TCM medication needs to be differentiated, and if necessary, please consult a professional doctor for treatment and conditioning in time.