
Shaokang Institute is still the old capital, and it is actually the sixth research of Sanxingdui, the capital where Sanxingdui is located today

author:Tell a story from left to left

Shaokang is still the old capital, and it is actually the capital of Sanxingdui

——Why do I insist that the Sanxingdui site is the sixth of the capital of Dayu

Shaokang, the fourth generation grandson of Dayu. Before talking about Shaokang returning to the old capital, the author will continue the previous issue, and then further talk about the matter of Dayu Lidu in Sanxingdui.

In fact, in the third issue of "Sanxingdui near the city, its history is worth studying", the author has begun to imply that the Sanxingdui site is the capital of Dayu. For example, when it comes to "the river out of the map, the book out of the book", it is said: before Yu ruled the water, the river god of the Yellow River gave Dayu the "River Map" and taught the secret of water control; After Dayu became the emperor, there was a turtle in the water to present the book of "Hong Fan", and passed on the secret of Dayu's governance.

If you want to say it more clearly, it is: before Dayu ruled the water, he served as the position of Sikong, and at this time he was in Yaodu near the Yellow River; After being called the emperor, people have been near Luo (雒) water, that is, the capital of Dayu is near Luo (雒) water. And the Luo (雒) here is not the Luo (雒) in Henan Province today, but the "雒" of the city of Guanghan City, Sichuan Province. That is to say, the political secrets obtained by Dayu are not offered by the Henan Luoshui Turtle, but by the Sichuan Luoshui (now Shiting River) Turtle. Speaking of which, do we think of the piece of jade wrapped in the turtle-back grid-like bronze unearthed in Sanxingdui? Maybe that piece of jade hides the "Luo Shu".

Shaokang Institute is still the old capital, and it is actually the sixth research of Sanxingdui, the capital where Sanxingdui is located today

Sanxingdui turtle back grid bronze (data picture)

Also in the third issue of "Sanxingdui near the city, its history is worth studying", the author also talked about the record of "Ancient Shu Ji" quoted in "Shu Zhong Guangji": "Li Binggong matched the summer queen, ascended to immortal in the back city, and hid his clothes in the Zhangshan mound. This also implies that the capital of Dayu is near Luoshui, Sichuan. The front "after the summer" is Dayu, and the back of the "back city" refers to the city after the summer, that is, the city of Dayu.

In the fourth issue of "Dayu was born in Shu, history has long been decided", the author also hinted that Dayu's capital is in Shu. For example, the author cites the Eastern Han Dynasty history book "Wu Yue Chunqiu, Yue Wang Wuyu Biography": "Kun (Dayu's father) married the daughter of Youxin, whose name is Nu Xi, and she is young and young. Frolic in the mountain to get coix and swallow it, if it is felt by people, so pregnant, caesarean section and give birth to Gaomi (Yu's alias), home in Xiqiang, the land is called Shiniu. Shi Niu is also in Shuxi Chuan. If this is combined with Sima Qian's "Historical Records" contained in "Yu Xing Xiqiang, Tang Qi Bo", it can also be explained that the capital of Yu should be in Shu.

The author said in the fifth issue of "Dayu Marquis in Xia, Sanxingdui is the capital of Dayu" that because Shu is far away from the Central Plains, after Yu's son Qi inherited the throne, he soon moved back to the capital of Ji (the capital of Emperor Yao) in the Central Plains.

According to the ancient book "Bamboo Book Chronicle" stolen from the tomb of King Xiang of the Warring States Period, the year when Emperor Qi inherited the throne in Xiayi (Dayu Capital), he returned to Jidu; Qi's son Taikang was the emperor and lived in search of it that year; Taikang is a good shepherd, and was abolished by Houyi, and set up Taikang's brother Zhongkang as the emperor, and he is still looking for it; The son of Zhongkang came out to search, lived in business and called the emperor, lived in the irrigation for nine years, and was killed by the son of the cold in the twenty-eighth year; The queen of the phase, the pregnant man fled to Youstill, gave birth to the posthumous son Shaokang, Shaokang grew up to recruit the old brigade of the Xia Dynasty, successively recovered the search, poured irrigation, destroyed the cold father and son, returned to Xia Yi (the capital of Dayu), and was established as the son of heaven by the princes...

Shaokang Institute is still the old capital, and it is actually the sixth research of Sanxingdui, the capital where Sanxingdui is located today

"The Bamboo Book Chronicle" (file photo)

After Shaokang called the emperor in Xiayi (the capital of Dayu), he built a special ancestral temple to worship the ancestors. In this regard, the Spring and Autumn Book "Zuo Biography" specially contains: "(Shaokang) the achievements of recovering Yu, worshipping summer with the sky, and not losing the old things." The Southern Song Dynasty's "Tongzhi" also contains: "Shaokang returns to the old capital, restores the achievements of Yu, worships the summer with the sky, and does not lose the old things." The princes are in office, and Fang Yi is a guest. ”

What the author needs to explain here is that neither Xiayi County in present-day Shangqiu City, Henan Province, nor Xia County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, is the "Xiayi" contained in the ancient book "Bamboo Book Chronicle". The "Xia Yi" contained in the "Bamboo Book Chronicle" only refers to the capital of the Xia Dynasty when Dayu's son Qi inherited the throne. Because Emperor Qi moved to the capital of Hebei that year, therefore, this "Xiayi" is undoubtedly the capital of Yu when he was called the emperor, that is, the site of Sanxingdui. For example, Xiayi County in Henan Province and Xia County in Shanxi Province were named after the residence of other emperors of the Xia Dynasty, or because of misjudgment of history, such as: Xiayi County in Henan Province was named after the capital of the emperors of the Xia Dynasty, and Xia County in Shanxi Province may be named after the ancient name of Anyi County as the capital of Yu by some ancient documents.

The Southern Song Dynasty "Tongzhi" contains "Shaokang returns to the old capital", and it is clear at a glance by comparing the "Bamboo Book Chronicle": the "old capital" here is the Xiayi when he became the emperor, and the ancient city where the Sanxingdui ruins are located today.

Here, the author must emphasize that "the achievements of the restoration of Yu, the summer with the sky, do not lose the old things". Roughly speaking, Shaokang was still in Xiayi, and Xiayi may have been destroyed by Hanxun. Xiayi is not only the capital of Dayu, but also the fiefdom of the ancestors of the emperors of the Xia Dynasty, naturally there is a large-scale sacrificial place, but after Han Xun killed the Xia Emperor, it is also possible to come to Xiayi, and the sacrificial place has been seriously damaged, after all, "the destruction of the country must be destroyed" has existed since ancient times. After at least Kang restored the Xia Dynasty, the first thought of the ancestor of the Xia Dynasty, Dayu, the ancestor of the founding of the Xia Dynasty, re-restored the relevant relics of Dayu in the capital of Dayu, Xiayi, and rebuilt the sacrificial ancestral temple, and put many bronzes cast by Dayu and the jade, ivory and other old things offered by Kyushu back into the ancestral temple. Therefore, when we excavated Sanxingdui today, we found that there was a phenomenon of overlapping sacrificial pits, that is, the sacrificial pits were not all products of the same period.

Shaokang also returned to the old capital of Xiayi (now the ancient city where Sanxingdui is located), in addition to all the records of the "Bamboo Book Chronicle", later generations may also have discovered, such as Wang Mang, who usurped the throne in the late Western Han Dynasty.

"Huayang National Chronicles" recorded: "Guanghan County... After governing the city, Wang Mang changed the capital. "To the effect that the city next to Sanxingdui, in the Wang Yu period, was renamed the capital by Wang Mang, or like the Southern Song Dynasty "Tongzhi", I don't know which ancient document to see a little clue, thinking that the old capital of Shaokang is roughly here - "just the capital" and "the old capital" homonym, maybe Wang Mang is not sure, so he used the method of homophony to avoid this problem temporarily.

Shaokang Institute is still the old capital, and it is actually the sixth research of Sanxingdui, the capital where Sanxingdui is located today

"Huayang National Chronicles" (file picture)

Whether "just" means "old" may also be seen from the relevant records of the Northern Song Dynasty Geographical Chronicle "Taiping Huanyu Ji". "Taiping Huanyu Ji" contains: "Xindu County... The old county of Benhan belongs to Guanghan County, and then it is the new capital county. If we compare this with the record of "Huayang National Chronicles", we will find that this "new capital" may be aimed at Wang Mangzhi's "just capital". That is, the meaning of "just" or "old" in "just".

【Next Preview】Sanxingdui Research No. 7: Dayu casts Jiuding, why can't Sanxingdui dig it?

(The author is the first secretary of Fenghuang Village, Luodu Town, Yuechi County, Sichuan Province)