
The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

author:Zi Myogen

Words don't count, that is a soldier who does not get tired of deceit

Some time ago, I worked for more than a month. During the interview, whether it was one or two sides, I made it clear that I would work overtime until 8 o'clock at the latest. And after my entry, the basic salary is not less than 8000+.

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

The position is a sales supervisor, and the salary is discussed with personnel, and the overtime problem is discussed with the director, and they all agree.

After I joined the company, I worked with my partners to discuss sales methods and consolidate my memorization expertise with them. Because it is an education industry, we are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

I wasn't ready to take a break yet, so I told us on Sunday evening to have a meeting on Monday morning, so I could take half a day off and do a monthly summary report. I'm already disgusted with this kind of thing, but I'm already employed, let's go, anyway, it's once a month.

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

But the discomfort has not faded, and I will be given eye medicine again. A salesperson auditioned until 8.30pm. I analyzed the customer's situation with this salesperson in advance, and said that if there is a problem, send me WeChat.

At 7 o'clock, I was just about to get off work, and the principal (superintendent) came over and told me to keep an eye on the point, and he had left beforehand.

Every day, the main school and the deputy school are the last to go in shifts, and the vice school is the director of academic affairs. Before I could speak, the principal left with his bag, which made me very unhappy.

You can just change things with the vice principal, it's a bit of a bully. I don't know if I'm a bully or what, but in less than a month, I was given several eye drops.

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

I've worked as a principal, as well as a region, and I've started a business myself, so I'm relatively strong, and I won't get used to their stinky problems.

At the end of the month, I had a deep conversation with the principal and the vice president, after all, I didn't plan to tear my face and mention resignation, and I vaguely stated the problem, and they understood.

In the years that followed, these two people were less enthusiastic about me and more businesslike. I don't care, since I came, the loss rate of sales has decreased significantly, and the performance is increasing.

Besides, I didn't plan to get a promotion or raise here, I just wanted to readjust to the workplace and make a one-year transition.

Unexpectedly, they made a fuss about my salary, and on the 10th of the second month, the salary only paid me more than 8,600 yuan. The basic salary is 6400 yuan, and the personal commission is 2232 yuan.

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

Not only is the basic salary 2,000 yuan less, but it is paid to me according to 80%, and even the sales team commission is not paid to me. After communicating with personnel, I also found that I was not given five insurances and one housing fund.

I left the campus with a smile, and I, a local, who had been working in the market for many years, turned around and made a few phone calls and went home.

I don't like to take advantage, but it's mine, and I can't do it without me. As I wished, the second month was given to me. Of course, if it were somewhere else, I would have accepted it.

Because of the problem of interests, the strong have adopted rules to exploit the weak in various ways. But after the exploitation is over, it is necessary to use various psychological means to exploit again through language, morality, spirituality, etc.

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

Until people are turned into sentient robots, they can only work and consume.

Not to mention China's heavy taxes, your high salary and high income come from the hard work and hard work of the whole people, not what you should be.

As I mentioned in my previous article, you manage 100 people, create 3000W of revenue, and make a profit of 300W. Your monthly income is 100W, it doesn't mean that you should get 100W.

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

Rather, it is forcibly distributed to you through an unfair distribution model that should be distributed to other people's income. It's not your income from the 300W profit, the value of your labor.

It is not the income of labor value, but the exploitation through rules. Is it wrong to take it from the people and return it to the people through taxation?

Not to mention that the general situation is not good, what have been the changes and growth of most enterprises in China over the years? It is not by reducing the quality of the product, and the price of marketing packaging is increased, so as to make a profit; It is the packaging product model, brainwashing and profit with the spirit of curiosity.

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

Except for individual companies, how many people have conducted in-depth research and development on products, so as to bring a better experience to customers.

To say that today's economy is not good, it is completely the work of Chinese enterprises themselves, and it is just a bad retribution after losing the essence of products. In ancient times, there were predecessors who planted trees and later generations enjoyed the shade, and now there are predecessors who violated the rules, and later generations are starving.

Thirty-six is spread in every corner, so that our gentleness, step by step to the money. It is really a gentleman who can be bullied, as long as the only remaining gentleness remains, there will be no French incident.

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

I often think about what kind of society we are.

Speaking of the law, the labor law stipulates that eight hours of work do not take effect

Speaking of morality, whenever an old man falls, everyone is afraid that they will not be able to eat tomorrow

Be reasonable, the courts are all towards the bank, you are unfinished, you deserve it

Speaking of money, among the common people, I haven't seen anyone rich

After my mother recovered from her illness the year before, I chatted with the village secretary and asked him, "The bridge on the west side of the village doesn't seem to meet the construction standards," and then I handed him a stack of documents.

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

I also told him about some things in the village, such as post-disaster grants, public facility construction, tree planting subsidies over the years, and so on.

He interrupted me a few times in the middle of the process, and I didn't bother to pay attention to him, and said to myself. Just looking at his cold sweat, I finally said lightly: "My father, my sister and I are not often at home, and I hope the village secretary will take care of it."

Since then, some good things in the village have been brought to our family. When I talked to my mother on the phone, I told her, "If it's ours, we want it, if it's not ours, we don't want it." ”

The interests of the nation are no longer the interests of individuals, and the use of money as the guide drives human nature, which deviates from the nation and the rules

Later, when my father asked me, I told him about the conversation with the village secretary, and it dawned on him.

A few years ago, I started a business in other places, and I didn't come back once in half a year. It wasn't until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized that I was forced to come back, which led to the company's failure.

During the year I came back to serve my mother, I heard a lot about being bullied at home. My mother works as a forest ranger in the village, and she was even maliciously transferred by the team leader.

After reading this story, what do you think today's society is about?