
96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

author:Leonardo da Vinci's Donkey Treasure

Elizabeth II's life is legendary, and she was a woman who was both powerful and respected.

However, compared to her immense power, her personal life is also a topic of intense attention.

The love story between her and her husband, Prince Philip, is particularly moving and is a true legend.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

Their path of love is full of trials and difficulties, but they are always steadfast.

From acquaintances when they were young to gray hairs and spend their old years together, their stories make people believe that love can overcome all obstacles, even life and death.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

The story begins with the words mentioned by Elizabeth II: "Don't look at how sick I am today, wait for me to die, how magnificent!" ”

This quote outlines the expectations of ordinary people for funeral rites after death, but for Elizabeth II, her funeral was prepared decades ago

Queen Elizabeth II's funeral was meticulously prepared, with every detail full of solemnity and dignity. In her funeral plan, the most striking thing is the lead coffin weighing more than 500 pounds.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

This lead coffin is huge and heavy, as if carrying the heaviness of the entire kingdom.

Its leaden exterior shimmered and reflected a solemn and dignified aura in the sunlight.

Each lead plate has been carefully crafted without a single blemish.

The delicate and ornate pattern on the lid of the coffin seems to tell the glorious history of the British royal family.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

The interior of the coffin bed is covered with soft satin, reminiscent of the Queen's prestige during her lifetime.

The lid of the coffin is also inlaid with sterling silver lace, and each flower is exquisitely carved to bloom with immortal brilliance.

The entire interior of the coffin was designed to be spacious and comfortable, allowing the Queen's body to rest peacefully.

The heaviness of the lead gives a sense of extreme security, as if it can resist the erosion of time, leaving the queen's body intact forever.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

The flannel cloth and comfortable cushions of the coffin bed provided the queen with a sense of tranquility and comfort, as if she could enjoy the best treatment in the world after death.

At the bottom of the lead coffin, there are lines of engraved handwriting, recording the glory and contribution of the queen's life.

The handwriting is not sharp, but soft and elegant, as if telling a touching legend.

The whole lead coffin exudes a solemn and solemn atmosphere, as if to remind everyone that the legendary life of Queen Elizabeth II will be rested forever in this lead coffin.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

In the United Kingdom, churches often carry the ultimate glory of the lives of royal family members, becoming their holy resting place.

However, despite its sacred symbolism, churches can also be a headache due to limited space.

Walking into such a church, you will feel an atmosphere of ancient and solemnity, with frescoes depicting the glorious history of the royal family on the walls, and towering vaults that seem to support the weight of the entire history.

In this sacred church, there are rows of neatly arranged tombstones and mausoleums.

These tombstones are carved with delicate and ancient patterns, some of which have been blurred, as if telling the passage of time.

Flowers and candles are decorated in front of the tombstones, which are a memory and remembrance of the deceased.

The atmosphere of the whole church is filled with a sad and solemn emotion, which makes people involuntarily lament the transience and fragility of life.

Over time, the church's cemetery also became increasingly crowded.

Some cemeteries no longer have room for more of the dead, so some members of the royal family began to look for other burial places.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

A number of palatial cemeteries have sprung up, often in the suburbs or in some scenic locations.

These cemeteries are more spacious and tranquil, allowing the deceased to be laid to rest in a more peaceful environment.

The design of the cemetery is also more ornate and elaborate, with portraits and biographies of the deceased carved on the tombstones, allowing people to gain a deeper understanding of the lives and deeds of these royal family members.

Although they have left the church, these cemeteries still carry a special meaning, they carry a remembrance and remembrance of the deceased, and also bear witness to the dignity and glory of the royal family.

No matter where they are, the lives of the royal family members will be immortalized in people's memories.

Elizabeth II chose to sleep with Prince Philip.

This decision also makes people full of respect and envy for their love.

More than just funeral preparations, Prince Philip's passing was a huge blow, a major loss of life and a huge trauma to the soul for Queen Elizabeth II.

When the news came, her eyes dimmed a lot, and the whole person seemed to have lost the support of life.

Her steps grew heavy and slow, and some of her once-energetic movements became lazy and sluggish.

She often sat alone by the window of Balmoral Castle, looking out at the mountains in the distance, and her thoughts were full of thoughts.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

Balmoral Castle is an ancient and magnificent building nestled in a lush mountain forest, surrounded by verdant gardens and a clear blue lake.

The Queen chose to recuperate here perhaps because she could find inner peace and tranquility in this tranquil environment.

The decoration in the castle is very elegant and gorgeous, and every piece of furnishings exudes a strong classical atmosphere, which makes people feel a sense of dignity and solemnity.

However, even in such a beautiful and peaceful place, the Queen's mood could not be completely calmed.

She is often immersed in deep longing for Philip, reminiscing about the good times they spent together and the ups and downs they went through together.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

When night fell, she would stand alone on the balcony of the castle, gazing at the stars in the sky, as if searching for Philip's soul.

However, the queen knew that she could not be alone forever.

At the end of her life, she would be laid to rest with Prince Philip.

Their love story will no longer be limited by any time and space, and their souls will always be together for eternity.

At Balmoral Castle, the Queen will be bathed in warm memories and her love for Philip will remain indelible in people's hearts.

More than 70 years of companionship have witnessed the growth and tenacity of their love.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

Their stories show us that love can be life's most beautiful gift, and that it can shine brightly even in the face of time.

In today's fast-paced society, perhaps we should cherish the love around us, whether it is family affection or love, because they are the most sincere existence in our lives.

In the long river of years, everyone will face the alternation of life and death, and there is no escaping this inevitable fate.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

But it is precisely because of the companionship of love that we can find the most sincere warmth and comfort in the journey of life.

Just like Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, their love has gone through the baptism of time, but it still shines brilliantly, transcending the limitations of time and space, and making people believe that the power of love is unshakable.

Perhaps in our busy life, we are often troubled by trivial matters and forget the people and things that are really important around us.

When we calm down and look back on our lives, we may find that those who accompany us through the wind and rain and those sincere emotions are the most precious treasures in our lives.

Whether it is family affection or love, they are the sustenance of our soul and the most real existence in our lives.

96-year-old Queen of England: No cremation or burial, choose a lead coffin of more than 500 catties, and have to be buried with the prince

Let us learn to cherish everyone around us, pass on love and warmth, and make love the most beautiful scenery in our lives.

Let us follow the example of the love story of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, believing that love can transcend all obstacles and make our lives more radiant and abundant because of love.

At every stage of life, let us have the belief in love, whether life or death, we can spend time with our loved ones and bloom with our own brilliant light.

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