
Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam


The confrontation between Qian Qichen and Saddam Hussein played the role of a bridge in the Gulf War. During his talks with Saddam, Qian Qichen expressed China's position and attitude, resolutely opposed armed aggression, and stressed the importance of settling disputes through dialogue and consultation. Despite the many difficulties and challenges he faced in his talks with Saddam, Qian Qichen always adhered to his principles and worked hard to persuade Saddam to stop the war.

However, due to Saddam's stubbornness and reluctance to accept the proposal, Qian Qichen's talks with Saddam Hussein ended in failure. Although the negotiations did not achieve the desired results, through this confrontation, China has demonstrated its firm position and international influence.

The Gulf War was caused mainly by the economic contradictions between Iraq and Kuwait. Saddam Hussein wanted to raise the price of oil by reducing oil production and solve the problem of the fiscal deficit caused by the war. However, Kuwait's increase in oil production led to a further deterioration of Iraq's economic situation, provoking Saddam's anger and determination to act.

In addition, there are historical contradictions and disputes between Iraq and Kuwait. Iraq considers Kuwait to be part of its territory and accuses Kuwait of being divided by the British. This provided a just-in-a-fact pretext for Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and described it as a just war.

However, the United States and its allies did not agree with Iraq's position and organized a coalition army to launch an offensive against Iraq in order to protect Kuwait's sovereignty and territorial integrity. During the Gulf War, the US military demonstrated its capability of modern warfare and demonstrated the importance of the information-based combat era.

Through the confrontation between Qian Qichen and Saddam Hussein and the outbreak of the Gulf War, China's participation in and stance on international affairs have gradually attracted the attention of the world. China understands the importance of information-based warfare, and also realizes that it must keep pace with the times, continue to develop and innovate, and only then can it gain greater influence on the international stage.

Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam
Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam
Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam
Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam
Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam
Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam
Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam
Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam
Before the outbreak of the Gulf War: In 1990, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen confronted Saddam