
China has made new moves in southern Tibet, but it can kill three birds with one stone, and the United States should not want to meddle in the Sino-Indian border issue

author:Straightforward and erudite grape o0

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On April 3, 2023, the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region issued an announcement announcing that Milin County and Cuona County would be upgraded to cities, forming Milin City and Cuona City. On April 2, the Ministry of Civil Affairs released the third batch of 11 place names in southern Tibet, including three types of place names in pinyin, Chinese characters and Chinese, mainly rivers, settlements, mountain passes, passes and other peaks.

India's foreign ministry reacted in the opposite direction, insisting that it did not accept China's designation and insisting that southern Tibet "will always be Indian territory." This position has provoked controversy between China and India.

There is a complex historical and political background behind this controversy. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning firmly said that southern Tibet has been China's territory since ancient times, and China does not recognize the so-called "Arunachal Pradesh". China standardizes the geographical names of southern Tibet, which is a matter within China's sovereignty.

China has made new moves in southern Tibet, but it can kill three birds with one stone, and the United States should not want to meddle in the Sino-Indian border issue

However, the Indian claim was based on a demarcation known as the "McMahon Line", which was proposed at the Simla Conference in 1914 and recognized by India, demarcating the boundary line in southern Tibet as the territory of British India. This division has never been approved by the Chinese government. In the 1962 Sino-Indian War, the Indian army suffered heavy losses, and China briefly controlled the southern Tibetan region south of the "McMahon Line" but withdrew due to logistical and other problems.

In 1987, India declared the creation of "Arunachel Pradesh" and mass migration to the region, effectively creating an occupation situation. China's Ministry of Civil Affairs has publicly released the names of places in southern Tibet three times, and the third batch of supplementary names this time is a continuation of the improvement of the first two batches.

China has made new moves in southern Tibet, but it can kill three birds with one stone, and the United States should not want to meddle in the Sino-Indian border issue

China's addition of place names in southern Tibet is of far-reaching strategic significance, and it can play multiple roles. First, it consolidated China's sovereignty over southern Tibet, and the elevation of Mirin and Cuona to municipal status, similar to China's establishment of the city of Sansha in the South China Sea, signaled China's greater administrative control over these territories. After Cuona County is upgraded to a county-level city, the city government will move to the Mamamenba Ethnic Township, which is at the forefront of the Line of Actual Control between China and India.

Second, this move is also a clear signal to India, warning the Indian side not to fantasize about further expanding the scope of its invasion of Chinese territory. India has repeatedly created incidents in the border areas and tried to permanently occupy southern Tibet, which China will never tolerate.

China has made new moves in southern Tibet, but it can kill three birds with one stone, and the United States should not want to meddle in the Sino-Indian border issue

Third, it is also a way for China to respond to the illegal resolution of the U.S. Senate. The U.S. Senate passed a resolution on March 14 to regard the "McMahon Line" as the international border between China and the pseudo "Arunachal Pradesh" and "Arunachal Pradesh" as "an inalienable part of India." However, this dispute is purely between China and India, in which the United States has no right to interfere. China's response is clear: no matter what the United States decides, southern Tibet is part of China, and China will not compromise.

Far from being a simple issue of geographical names, this controversy involves a complex interweaving of national territorial sovereignty, history and international politics. The dispute between China and India cannot be ignored, and the positions of the two sides seem irreconcilable. However, the solution to this dispute may need to be achieved through diplomatic channels and international mediation in order to maintain peace and stability in the region. It is hoped that China and India will sit down and engage in constructive dialogue on this issue in order to find a peaceful solution and ensure long-term stability in the region.

China has made new moves in southern Tibet, but it can kill three birds with one stone, and the United States should not want to meddle in the Sino-Indian border issue


The article touches on the territorial dispute between China and India in southern Tibet, as well as the Chinese government's recent actions and responses. From this incident, we can draw several important takeaways:

Territorial disputes still exist: Even in the 21st century, territorial disputes remain an important issue in international relations. The dispute between China and India in southern Tibet is a clear example of a dispute that has not been resolved despite decades.

The Importance of History and International Law: History and international law play a key role in this dispute. China insists on its long-standing sovereignty over southern Tibet, while India relies on the 1914 McMahon Line to claim its territorial rights. This highlights the crucial role of international law and history in territorial disputes.

China has made new moves in southern Tibet, but it can kill three birds with one stone, and the United States should not want to meddle in the Sino-Indian border issue

Political Significance of Geographical Names: The Chinese government has standardized geographical names in southern Tibet in order to strengthen China's claim to the region. Geographical names are politically important, as they can be used to reinforce a State's sovereignty claims, while also serving as a means of warning other States.

External Interference and International Relations: The U.S. Senate passed a resolution to get involved in the Sino-Indian territorial dispute. This suggests that various forces in international relations can play a role in territorial disputes, which can increase tensions. The involvement of external countries in territorial disputes needs to be carefully considered to avoid escalating tensions.

Complexity of China-India Relations: The relationship between China and India is complex in the political, economic, and military spheres. Territorial disputes are only one aspect of this, underscoring the importance of resolving differences through diplomatic means.


As can be seen from the above article, the territorial dispute between China and India in southern Tibet remains unresolved, which raises a series of important questions and implications. First, history and international law play an important role in territorial disputes, and countries need to resolve disputes in accordance with the law. Second, place names play a key role in politics, and they can be used to assert national sovereignty. In addition, interference by external countries can exacerbate tensions and therefore needs to be treated with caution. Finally, the relationship between China and India is complex and requires diplomatic resolution of differences to maintain regional peace and stability. The resolution of this dispute requires the efforts and compromise of all parties in order to achieve peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit.

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