
The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has launched military exercises in the three sea areas, and the United States has accelerated its shift to the second island chain

author:Leisurely distant mountains VPe

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Recently, the United States has made frequent moves in the Asia-Pacific region, which has aroused the attention of the world. This not only exposes the geopolitical ambitions of the United States, but also highlights the unstable situation in the Asia-Pacific region. There is even reason to believe that certain countries have already begun to prepare for a full-scale war, and does this pose a threat to China?

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Department of National Defense, issued a statement on September 1 regarding the U.S. military expansion on Guam, strengthening the so-called "island chain defense ring" and trying to turn Guam into a "fortress that is not afraid of Dongfeng missiles." He noted that Guam's security will depend on the role the United States wants it to play. If the United States intends to use Guam as a forward base for waging war, no matter how armed they are, they will not be safe.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has launched military exercises in the three sea areas, and the United States has accelerated its shift to the second island chain

This statement is undoubtedly a clear warning to the United States. In recent years, the United States has stepped up its military deployment around China, and in coordination with Japan, it has established a large number of military bases on the Ryukyus and other islands close to the Taiwan Strait. In addition, they persuaded the Philippines to allow them to use four military bases, three of which are close to the Taiwan Strait and one near the South China Sea.

In addition, in late August, the United States and South Korea held the largest joint military exercise in history, Ulchi Freedom Shield. Unlike previous ones, the hypothetical scenario of this exercise is "all-out war," which undoubtedly highlights the fact that the United States and South Korea are preparing for all-out war. Although the main target of this war is North Korea, the Korean Peninsula is close to China, and it is difficult for a full-scale war not to affect China. Given America's consistent geopolitical ambitions, the United States may try to draw China into it, if not by affecting it.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has launched military exercises in the three sea areas, and the United States has accelerated its shift to the second island chain

At least judging by this exercise, we have enough reason to believe that the situation in the Asia-Pacific region is becoming more and more dangerous. There have always been certain factors of instability in the Asia-Pacific region, but without the involvement of the United States, the problem might not have been so serious. The issue of the Korean Peninsula, in particular, has always been the most tense situation in the region. However, everything the United States has been doing for decades has been escalating tensions in the region. It can be said that the United States is the main creator of the crisis in the Asia-Pacific region.

Of course, China will not sit idly by and watch the United States misbehave. U.S. geopolitical activities are not limited to the Korean Peninsula, and the stability of China's southeast coast is also affected by the United States. Whether it is to preserve China's sovereignty and national security, or to protect the stability of the entire Asia-Pacific region, it is necessary for China to act to curb U.S. geopolitical ambitions. As a result, China's Maritime Safety Administration recently issued a navigational warning for military exercises in the Yellow, South and Bohai Seas, making it clear that China will not tolerate disorderly U.S. behavior in the Asia-Pacific region. If necessary, the PLA will take action to repel U.S. forces that seek to destabilize the region.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has launched military exercises in the three sea areas, and the United States has accelerated its shift to the second island chain

Against this background, the United States has strengthened its military infrastructure on Guam, which has provoked a response from the mainland's Ministry of National Defense. What is the significance of this event? On the face of it, this indicates that the People's Liberation Army of China is conducting military exercises in three seas, which led to an emergency evacuation of thousands of kilometers by the United States. But at a deeper level, we can draw some conclusions about the current strategic situation between China and the United States.

As we all know, the United States has a strong military strength not only because of the size of its military, its technological leadership, and its huge military spending, but also because the United States has hundreds of military bases around the world, which allows them to exert military influence on a global scale. In China's periphery, U.S. allies such as Japan and South Korea host U.S. troops, and Guam is considered an "overseas territory" of the United States. In addition, the United States has been granted access to four military bases in the Philippines, three of which are near the Taiwan Strait and one near the South China Sea. Without these countries as U.S. military bases, it would be impossible for U.S. forces to cause trouble along China's southeast coast.

However, as China's military power has grown, the U.S. presence in China's periphery has become less solid. Unable to match the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the US military fears a head-on clash with China and can only choose to shrink strategically. In the past, the U.S. military set the core blockade line against China in the first island chain, which mainly covered the Japanese region. however

However, as China's military power has grown, the U.S. presence in China's periphery has become less solid. Unable to match the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the US military fears a head-on clash with China and can only choose to shrink strategically. In the past, the U.S. military set the core blockade line against China in the first island chain, which mainly covered the Japanese region. Today, however, the United States has strengthened its military infrastructure on Guam, suggesting that it has made Guam its new core in the Asia-Pacific region.

This emergency retreat actually revealed the dilemma of the American military. Under the threat of the PLA, the chances of victory for the US military are already very low. Since the United States began to withdraw, it has been shown that within the sphere of influence of the PLA, the US military does not dare to confront it head-on. In addition, the large-scale military infrastructure of Guam does not make much strategic sense. Theoretically, there is no base capable of completely intercepting China's Dongfeng series of missiles, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army is still growing. Therefore, we can foresee that the United States may continue to retreat in the future to move away from the sphere of influence of the Chinese PLA.

Against the backdrop of geopolitical games, China has not only conducted military exercises in the South China Sea, East China Sea, and Bohai Sea, but also conducted military training in its territory to respond to emergencies. This series of actions shows that China will not passively accept the geopolitical challenge of the United States, but will actively take action to defend its national interests and maintain regional stability.

To sum up, the current situation in the Asia-Pacific region is indeed worrying. The geopolitical ambitions and expansionist behavior of the United States, as well as the growing growth of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, further complicate the situation in the region. Although the rise of the PLA's military power in the Asia-Pacific region is unstoppable, the international community still expects the parties to resolve their differences through dialogue and diplomacy to avoid the outbreak of all-out war. Peace and stability in the region are the common aspirations of all countries, and escalating tensions will only bring more uncertainty to the future of the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, all parties should work together to maintain peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region on the basis of the principles of peace and cooperation.


The current dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region indicate a number of important factors and trends in international politics. Here are some possible takeaways and related truths:

Escalating geopolitical competition: U.S. military deployments and exercises in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as its cooperation with allies, show that geopolitical competition is escalating. This poses a threat to the stability and peace of the international community.

Complexity of international politics: The situation in the Asia-Pacific region is constantly changing, as different countries and interest groups differ in their interests and political goals in the region. This has made the Asia-Pacific region a focal point of international political contention.

Risk of War and Regional Stability: In the Asia-Pacific region, especially when it comes to nuclear-armed states, the risk of all-out war increases significantly. The maintenance of regional stability is essential to avoid possible conflicts and disasters.

The importance of international cooperation: Peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region require active cooperation and diplomatic efforts among countries. The role of multilateral diplomacy and international organizations will become even more important in resolving disputes and maintaining peace.

Military power and geopolitics: The status and importance of military power in international politics cannot be ignored. A country's military strength influences its geopolitical status and capabilities, but it is considered in conjunction with other factors such as diplomatic, economic, and cultural factors.

Uncertainty about geopolitical trends: Geopolitical trends are uncertain and need to be closely monitored and evaluated to develop coping strategies. The international community needs to be prepared to respond to multiple possibilities.


Recent U.S. military operations in the Asia-Pacific region have raised concerns about stability in the region. This indicates such important factors as the escalation of geopolitical competition, the complexity of international politics, and the increased risk of war. In order to maintain peace and stability in the region, the international community needs to emphasize international cooperation and diplomatic efforts. In addition, geopolitical uncertainty requires the international community to pay close attention to develop coping strategies to reduce potential conflicts and disasters. Ultimately, maintaining stability in the Asia-Pacific region requires a comprehensive consideration of military, diplomatic, economic, and cultural factors to ensure peace and prosperity in the international community.

Escalating International Political Competition: Developments in the Asia-Pacific region show a marked escalation of international political competition, particularly between the United States and China. This competition has had a profound impact not only on the Asia-Pacific region, but also on the global political landscape. As the world's two major superpowers, the geopolitical rivalry between the United States and China has attracted widespread attention from the international community. The rationale behind this competition is that the balance of international political power is changing, which has a direct impact on global peace and stability.

Complex international situation: The situation in the Asia-Pacific region is complex and diverse, full of clash of geopolitical interests. The Korean Peninsula issue, the South China Sea dispute, and the Taiwan issue are all long-standing potential conflict points in the region. U.S. involvement on these issues, as well as its military cooperation with Asian allies, has further escalated regional instability. This highlights the complex interactions and balance of power between different countries in international politics that need to be handled with care to avoid jeopardizing regional and global peace.

The need for international cooperation: The turbulent situation in the Asia-Pacific region has underscored the importance of international cooperation. Multilateral diplomacy and international organizations can provide a platform for resolving disputes and maintaining peace. The international community needs to intensify its diplomatic efforts to establish dialogue and cooperation to resolve outstanding issues. This shows that international cooperation is the key to solving the challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and that lasting peace can only be achieved through joint efforts.

Military power and geopolitics: The place of military power in geopolitics is still important. However, military force alone is not sufficient to settle international disputes and maintain peace. Combining with other factors, such as diplomatic, economic, and cultural factors, is key to achieving geopolitical goals. In the case of the Asia-Pacific region, the use of military force should be complemented by diplomatic efforts to ensure the peaceful resolution of disputes.

Geopolitical uncertainty: The direction of geopolitics is fraught with uncertainty and requires constant monitoring and evaluation. The international community must be fully aware of the geopolitical risks in different regions in order to formulate appropriate strategies and policies to deal with the various possibilities. This includes upholding international law and rules in the Asia-Pacific region to ensure a peaceful and stable regional order.

Conclusion: The geopolitical dynamics of the Asia-Pacific region show a variety of factors and trends in international politics. The competition between the United States and China, the complex international situation, the need for international cooperation, the interrelationship between military power and geopolitics, and geopolitical uncertainty all characterize the current Asia-Pacific region. Maintaining regional peace and stability requires the collaboration and joint efforts of the global community to resolve outstanding issues, reduce regional and global risks, and achieve shared prosperity and security. Ultimately, the future of the Asia-Pacific region depends on the coordination and cooperation of Governments, international organizations and civil society to ensure lasting peace in the region.

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